Welcome everyone to the 2017 Tour Review Thread! The upcoming year is going to be exciting with concerts scheduled already for 2017!! MB has some USA shows starting off the year in January and more shows through early April so far and I’m sure many more to come around the globe as the year unfolds! Also exciting for 2017 is the February 10th release of Songs of Cinema and I am betting a few more songs from the CD will make it in the tour setlist! Woo Hoo! This is the best time to be a fan with MB’s concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2017 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!!
I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past.
Let the year long concert party begin and I wish concerts for all of you in 2017!! I know many fans are on other social media sites but I do hope we can continue with the exciting tour reviews here in 2017! You all make the thread fun.
Happy Concert Time again in 2017!!
Beautiful pics of Michael , i love it , thank you Sylvia for all your posts :))
Michael has sent below tweet with further pic of himself in Barcelona sightseeing and where he is is outside the Sagrada Familia which is a Roman Catholic church in Barcelona.
Grabbed a few hours to see the sights #ontour #Barcelona #sagradafamilia #gaudi https://www.instagram.com/p/BVU0VaPleha/
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Here goes for review of Michael's show at Upton House Musical Festival in Poole, Dorset on 10th June.
Where to begin ??? They do say at the beginning is the best place so I will start when I started out for Poole which was on Thursday. Set off about 7.15 am and arrived at hotel in Poole about 7.45 pm. It is supposed to be an 8 hour journey but as you can see took me a tad longer. I am not going to go on and on about weather but will say I was convinced there was a wee guy up there in them there heavens standing with a hose going full blast for over 100 miles. It was horrendous not just because of amount of rain but because of distance it stayed the same.....continual cloud bursts, yeah, one after the other with visibility at times down to zero. Have to admit, did think to myself, more than once, "what are you doing girl??" and then remembered I was going to a Michael Bolton concert and nothing, absolutely nothing, was going to keep me away from that so, I went the distance and got there !!! lol When arrived at hotel fired up this little old machine and found that Ann Yale, girl I new was travelling down on Thursday as well, had arrived safely in Poole. We made contact with each other and decided we would meet up on Friday and get along to Upton House and suss the place out.
Friday arrived and we duly set off. Now, like the weather, I ain't going to go on about the roads in Poole but has anyone ever come across a double roundabout going no where....go down to Poole and you'll find one. There are no roads in Poole, all it is is roundabouts or, at least, Ann and I sure became convinced of that fact as our heads ended up spinning going round all these roundabouts trying to find way from Poole to Upton House. Of course, being the intrepid Bolton Adventurers we are, WE found the way !!! lol On arrival more than pleased with how everything looked and went and found out where the stage was and setting for concert and it looked beautiful.....yes, we were delighted and couldn't wait for Saturday. Decided to look round the grounds and find little tearoom they had and then suddenly, as we were walking along this path, this music started and both of us looked at each other and said; "that's Billy Ocean !!!" Didn't take long for our little feet to follow that sound and of course, guess what, it led straight to stage where Billy Ocean was doing his sound check. After he had finished, the other acts, Toyah Wilcox and Kim Wilde came on to do their sound checks. We both, simultaneously, said; "wish we were coming to show tonight!!". We looked at each other and thought, who says we are not coming to show tonight !!! LOL Away we went and found booking office (a red tent by the entrance to field/lawn in front of House where concert was going to be held) and got all the details for tickets and have a guess who had a blast at Friday night's show ??? lol OMG it was super and without doubt, set us up for Saturday.
Saturday arrived and because of hearing sound check on Friday, we decided to go along much earlier than originally planned as thought, well there is another band who might just do a sound check on Saturday afternoon and were we right.....oh, it was magical when they started and terrific hearing it all, just terrific !!! :) Whilst we were at sound check another girl we knew was coming, Sandra, arrived with her husband and although I had met Sandra at a concert last year, Ann and her had never met so introductions were made and can assure you, in no time at all, the three of us were having a party, dancing, singing and waving at band. Thought band might wonder what is going on on that hill up there but we spotted Jason waving back and didn't feel too bad then for at least he wasn't ignoring us nor, running the other way, to get as far away as possible !!! lol
Going to digress a little here, something very unusual for me to do, eh ???? LOL When I booked ticket I bought the VIP Experience Package as wanted to get a good seat. When all my stuff arrived from Upton House they had sent me two tickets. Got in touch and was asked to bring extra ticket with me and hand in at box office on Saturday. You know how my brain is liable to go into overdrive, at times, and those wee wheels keep spinning well those wee wheels kept throwing out the same thought .... what if it wasn't a mistake, per se, sending me two tickets but that someone thought I had bought two. Decided I wanted to speak with Stephen, boss of event, or his second-in-command, Charlotte, before I handed over ticket. Couldn't get hold of on Friday but was assured message I was wanting to speak with them would be passed on. On Saturday, whilst sound check was going on and Ann and Sandra were otherwise engaged, I made my way to box office and Charlotte came to speak with me and explained situation and what I was thinking about. She agreed a strong possibility and went to find Stephen. After discussing things with him he agreed as well. Ann being Ann started to wonder where I was and came round to box office just as Stephen and I were talking about ticket and he was trying to work out what had happened. Eventually it was agreed Ann could have seat on the proviso that if someone turned up to claim she would revert back to her original seat... no one ever did. Should add, we were prepared to pay the difference for the seat but Stephen would hear none of it so Ann got a wonderful upgrade from row 12 to row 2, centre stage, and believe you can well imagine we had a blast.
Now we come to actual show I am not going to add anything to Margaret's wonderful review except to say when that band started and Michael walked on that stage ..... MAGIC !!!! :) What I will say about actual concert is that security was tight, beautifully tight, for they protected all of us, plus Michael and band and in today's climate, sure do thank them for a job that carries so much, much more responsibility, than a few months ago, and they were all, superb !!!
Going to digress again and let you know that I bought the Pledge Music VIP Experience Package and it was used against this show. I had already bought my ticket when I decided to go for it so it was a little different than just ordering directly through Pledge Music for Michael's Management had to be directly involved and all I will say is, EVERYONE involved, couldn't have been nicer, sweeter and more caring, in making sure I got my VIP M&G and thanks is all I've got, but it sure is not enough !!! :)
Back to concert and before it actually started Margaret had spotted me and come over to say, Hi, and Catherine Bradley also saw Ann and I and came down to speak with us and it was super to feel that "community spirit" of being Bolton Fans Together and especially when they were all meeting each other for first time. Another girl came down to speak and introduce herself and if she is a lurker on here please, please say something for it was super to meet you instead of just always "liking" your tweets. Also saw Joan and it was lovely to speak with her again and just hope we get a little longer at 2018 UK Tour.
We then move onto end of show and my M&G. I was not too sure exactly what was happening in as much as did not know where they were taking place but knew I had to be in the vicinity of front of stage. As I was looking round trying to find a familiar face I spotted Adam, Michael's nephew and Drew was making his way down from stage to climb over barricades to talk to him so I went to Adam and said, hello, and then spoke with Drew which was lovely, for, funnily enough, he remembered me.... he is such a sweet, genuine, guy and such a pleasure to talk with him. To explain and set scene a little better, Ann, Sandra and her husband and Catherine and myself were all standing in this one area talking and prior to Sandra and Catherine joining us Ann and I had seen Ruki on the stage and called up to her and said hello. I do apologise if it does all seem a little disjointed but so much going on and trying to run it through in a sequence is kind of difficult and didn't think I would find it so but I am so hope you can all follow, a little, what is going on, hope so ??? After a little while and have to say, I was getting worried my M&G was gone as time seemed to be running out, for Stephen had told me Michael was going to do M&G's between 10.30 - 10.45 and it was getting near 10.40 when suddenly I heard Ruki's voice calling to me from stage that Steve Milo was looking for me. Ruki came round to where we were and spoke with us all and told me to stay where I was and she would go and find Milo and tell him she had found me. Milo then came to collect me and took me round to a marquee which had been erected beside stage and just beside Michael's trailer. The marquee was set out with meeting tables plus it was divided into sections for the bands personal stuff as well as changing rooms for them. Milo took me to Joe who gave me merchandise goodies for my package and just to let you all know Joe has added a tea towel. The design on it is of a ticket for a MB show and it is well done but don't believe will ever use as a tea towel... might, surprise, surprise, find somewhere to hang it in my kitchen for decoration. I stayed with Joe and Milo went and got all the "dignitaries" that were going to meet Michael in a line-up and then he went to get Michael. In between all this Jason appeared and had lovely talk with him and Ryan was also there and talked to him too. Brian came in to get his gear and believe it, or not, I talked to the "quiet man" lol Ashley also came into marquee and saw me and came over and talked. Then something else happened and something pretty wonderful. For Ruki knew Ann and I were together and Ann, of course, was having to wait for me so what Ruki did was brought Ann round to the marquee.....oh what a thoughtful and lovely thing for her to have done, such a sweet, sweet girl. Needless to say Ann was delighted as was I, especially when Michael came in and although he was over other side of marquee meeting the "dignitaries" he was still a darn sight closer than having been on stage. Jason appeared again beside Ann and I and so had another lovely little chat with him. When line-up got to last but one Milo signalled to me to join queue so I was last and eventually my turn arrived. Hope you all appreciate and understand I will not be sharing my conversation with Michael for it was definitely between "two people" and private and all I will say is, it was a dream come true and a memory I will treasure for the rest of my life. As Michael said goodbye to those he had to and was making his way out of marquee Ann found herself shaking Michael's hand and he spoke to her for couple of seconds which was so, so lovely and I was so, so pleased for Ann, so pleased..... haven't a clue how it happened but, it did !!!! LOL Michael is not just a special guy he is, for sure, an EXTRA special guy !!! :)
BTW did get pic taken with Michael as there was a photographer there. It was supposed to just be a selfie but got an added little bonus and will add it at end here so you can all get a laugh !!! LOL As I say Michael is beautiful and just look at that smile but, as for me .... cutting hair, losing weight and going for face transplant.... face lift, no use, it wouldn't work !!! LOL
So another Bolton Adventure has come to an end .... roll on BREMEN !!!!! LOL
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
I am so happy for you Sylvia and also for Ann! Ruki is a doll, she really looks out for the fans. I know how you feel about your meeting with MB and being private. I felt that way too and totally understand!! Yes all the stuff happening down front after a show is hard to describe but I could picture it all in my mind. I feel your excitement. I am so glad you had a blast and Ann did too.
Lovely photo of you with MB too!
Thanks for your fun review!!
Robin in MD :)
Excellent review Sylvia, and told exactly like it was.I've had a right good laugh reliving our adventure in Poole, it's a place I'll never forget and an adventure I'll never forget!!!
Just popped on to read your review, and will jump back on to write one tomorrow but after readiing yours and Margaret's I'm lost for words. Old brain needs rest tonight, but will add mine soon.
Ann from Newcastle
Nice to see you here Ann. It would be great to have a review from you too girl. I am happy for you both. What an adventure you had!!
MB is the best!!
Robin in MD :)
Hi Ann....OMG I can only imagine your adventure with Sylvia!! I am laughing over here!! So happy for you both!!!!
Kathy LAFD
Sylvia, thanks for your review. I understand about M&G'S being private. One may be curious as heck but wouldn't pry. Thanks for all your adventures before, during, & after the concert. All I can say is wow!
Hi Ann, I'd like to ask: was this the first time you met Michael? Just curious. I'm looking forward to your review too, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
Hi Sylvia, what else can we say? Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful time. Take care and God bless. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
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