Welcome everyone to the 2017 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with concerts scheduled already for 2017!!  MB has some USA shows starting off the year in January and more shows through early April so far and I’m sure many more to come around the globe as the year unfolds!  Also exciting for 2017 is the February 10th release of Songs of Cinema and I am betting a few more songs from the CD will make it in the tour setlist!  Woo Hoo!  This is the best time to be a fan with MB’s concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2017 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past.  

Let the year long concert party begin and I wish concerts for all of you in 2017!! I know many fans are on other social media sites but I do hope we can continue with the exciting tour reviews here in 2017!  You all make the thread fun.  

Happy Concert Time again in 2017!!

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Es ist in den letzten Tagen so viel passiert, dass ich gar nicht weiß, womit ich meinen Bericht anfangen soll. Ich kann meine vielen Gedanken noch nicht richtig sortieren.


Das Konzert in Dänemark war ein Open-Air-Konzert im Rahmen eines Festivals. Und das Konzert in Bremen fand in einem Musical-Theater statt. Es war ein kleines, sehr schönes Theater.


In Dänemark trat Michael kurz nach 10:30 pm auf. Das Konzert ging bis nach Mitternacht. Die Stimmung war großartig. Die Dänen haben Michael frenetisch gefeiert. Er hat vom neuen Album "Stand by me", "I've got a women" und "Old Time Rock & Roll" gesungen.


Die Stimmung in Bremen war noch besser. Schon als er die Bühne betrat, bekam er tosenden Applaus. Und etwas später gab es nach fast jedem Lied stehende Ovationen. Michael selbst war überwältigt von diesem Empfang.


An die einzelnen Titel kann ich mich leider nicht mehr erinnern. Aber das wird uns ja Sylvia mitteilen.


Es waren jedenfalls 2 wunderbare Konzerte und 3 aufregende Tage. Ich war so aufgeregt endlich Sylvia und Petra persönlich kennenzulernen.

Die Fahrt nach Dänemark mit Sylvia war so lustig, obwohl wir uns sprachlich kaum verstanden haben.

Und in Bremen habe ich noch Silvy aus der Schweiz getroffen. Sie war auch sehr nett und hat uns dann bei der Verständigung mit Sylvia sehr geholfen. Ganz lieben Dank dafür.


Aber der krönende Abschluss war die Überraschung von Sylvia, dass wir Michael nach dem Konzert persönlich treffen können. Ich war einer Ohnmacht nahe.

Sylvia - dafür kann ich gar nicht genug DANKE sage. Ich werde das niemals vergessen.

Der Moment als Michael zur Tür hereinkam war überwältigend. Mein Herz blieb fast stehen.

Und dann durften wir sogar noch Fotos mit ihm machen. Ich kann es noch immer kaum glauben.


Nun freue ich mich schon riesig, auf eine Deutschland-Tour in 2018. Ich hoffe dann alle Fans wiederzutreffen und noch mehr Spaß zu haben.



Translate with google:


There has been so much happening in the past few days that I do not know what to start my report. I can not sort my thoughts.


The concert in Denmark was an open air concert at a festival. And the concert in Bremen took place in a musical theater. It was a small, very beautiful theater.


In Denmark, Michael appeared shortly after 10:30 pm. The concert went on until midnight. The mood was great. The Danes have celebrated Michael frenetically. He sang of the new album "Stand by me", "I've got a women" and "Old Time Rock & Roll".


The mood in Bremen was even better. As soon as he entered the stage, he was applauded. And a little later, there were ovations after almost every song. Michael himself was overwhelmed by this reception.


Unfortunately I can not remember the individual titles. But Sylvia will tell us.


There were 2 wonderful concerts and 3 exciting days. I was so excited to finally meet Sylvia and Petra personally.

The trip to Denmark with Sylvia was so funny, although we have hardly understood each other linguistically.

And in Bremen I met Silvy from Switzerland. She was also very nice and helped us with the communication with Sylvia very much. Thanks a lot for that.


But the crowning conclusion was the surprise of Sylvia that we could meet Michael after the concert in person. I was about to faint.

Sylvia - I can not say enough THANK YOU. I will never forget that.

The moment Michael came to the door was overwhelming. My heart almost stopped.

And then we could even take photos with him. I still can not believe it.


Now I'm already looking forward to a Germany Tour in 2018. I hope to meet all fans again and have more fun

Best regards from Berlin


Oh Katrin what a wonderful, wonderful review and thanks so, so much for coming in with it, thank you !!! :)


I was coming in to start a review on the Denmark show which was hilarious.  Will start at beginning when Katrin came to Bremen to pick me up and we drove up to Svendborg in Denmark.  The hotel we were booked into was an annex of the Hotel Svendborg which is a Best Western Hotel and we had to go there first to register, book in and collect keys.  Whilst we were at reception desk and Katrin was booking in  I started having a little look round about the place and suddenly who is walking towards me but Joe, Michael's merchandise guy.  He stopped dead when he saw me and did a double take and then it was laughter and big hugs with him saying knew you were coming to Bremen but not Denmark too.  We had seen a bus outside and it turned out that was the tour bus and they were starting to get their stuff together and loaded as they were travelling to event early evening.  At that point we also met Ruki and a few members of the crew.  Katrin and I made our way to our Hotel and met Anette there who had come down from Sweden for the show.  Anette still had part of her registration at hotel to complete so we made our way back to Hotel Svendborg and then decided to stay there and have late lunch/early dinner on a beautiful terrace which overlooked a lovely part of the main area of the town.  Whilst having lunch we met Drew then Ashley and then Jason.... it was unbelievable and so, so lovely the way it all happened.

We then started off for Langelands Festival which was about a half hour car journey and took as over two islands and down to third where it was being held.  BTW they are not really islands now as they are joined together by a long straight road but previously you used to have to get ferries from one to the other.  It wasn't too bad finding our way for when we got to island there were plenty of signs directing you to the festival but only thing was there was no signs directing you to car parks.  Here the FUN began !!! LOL   We found what appeared to be a car park, not very big, but still a car park and there were a couple of attendants at it but we were told we couldn't park there and still have never found why not.  They directed us to another car park which, when we got there, had been closed because it was a car park which was servicing a couple of the camp sites that were surrounding the festival site and there had been too much activity and because of rain the entrance was just MUD and they were too scared of cars becoming stuck in it.  The attendant at this car park was absolutely super and she got onto a fellow via her radio and he came out and spoke to us and what he was was a local farmer and he had opened up part of his farm for car parking.  He did charge a little extra than what the site was charging but for the convenience of where we could park and then walk to festival site made the extra well, well worth it.  We then started on our "journey" to the site which was along paths, over a field, another path beside one of the camp sites and eventually we got to one of the entrances.  Have to go back and let you know that part of the way was over mud and at one point so much mud that they had laid boards on top of it to form a pathway and poor Anette she had chosen to wear white shoes.  Think you can well imagine our journey was more than hysterical and at many a point we had to stop for we were laughing so much.  Into the area we went which was surrounded by all stalls selling various things as well as all eating areas and bars along with play areas for the children .... it was huge but we continued to walk toward where the main stage was and there was a band on performing and it was in actual fact Earth, Wind and Fire, as they are now, with original member, Al McKay.  They were fantastic and we slowly made our way through the crowd until we weren't far from the barricades at front.  When they finished most of the audience left to get refreshments etc but we decided to stay where we were and were able to get right up to the front and lean on the barricades.  

Eventually, on came Michael to a wonderful reception and a wonderful loud excited crowd who were definitely ready to have FUN.  The set list was:

Stand By Me

To Love Somebody

Dock of the Bay


You Don't Know Me

I've Got A Woman

That's Life

Sweet Home Chicago

Old Time Rock 'n Roll

To Make You Feel My Love


Ain't No Mountain High Enough

The Prayer



Steel Bars


Michael was fantastic and joked and laughed with audience who, as I say, were terrific and for sure, my second outdoor festival concert and first MB concert abroad was something I'll never forget.

I also will never forget it because of the journey back to the car.  As we all know but sometimes just don't think about everything looks different in the dark !!!!!!!!!! LOL  We quickly found out that there were in fact three entrances to the actual site itself and we ended up in and out of them all trying to find the right one.  We made a couple of mistakes and ended up walking down paths and one in particular that ended up materialising as a stream and we thought, no, this isn't the right way and had to make the trek all the way back. To cut a long story short, which our journey back to the car was not, it took us over 1 1/2 hours to find the car.  We were shattered, hysterical and had footwear covered in mud and at one point I nearly lost a shoe as it just sank into the mud and I nearly walked out of it, just managed to get my foot back in and am absolutely certain if I hadn't had hold of Katrin's arm I would have ended up face down in the mud and of course that realisation made the three of us worse and we had to stand still because we were laughing that much.  Poor Anette though she did get scared at times and both Katrin and I had to keep reassuring her that it didn't matter when we found the car, even if we had to wait for dawn when we could see where we were going, we were going to get back to hotel.  We knew the show wouldn't finish until about midnight but judged that then possibly an hour to get back to hotel so we should have been there about 1 am which was something, to say the least, we definitely misjudged for it was nearer 3.30 am before we got there.and I think that concert will go down in history as one of the craziest, zaniest, brilliant Bolton Adventures any of us have ever been on !!!! lol  Must admit on the trek back to car Mr. Bolton's name was very severely taken in vain, quite a few times so, Michael, if your ears were burning after show, that is the reason why !!! lol   Would I do it all again ..... YES !!! lol

Later on that morning, when we had slept a few hours, we did some sightseeing in Svendborg and then it was time to say a fond farewell to Anette as she headed back to Sweden and we headed back down to Bremen.  As soon as we got back to hotel we met Petra and her husband and then met Silvy and spent a beautiful Friday night relating our tale of Denmark and once again, it didn't take us long, to all be laughing about nothing, which was terrific.  We had dinner and then went for a walk and and surprise, surprise went along by the Bremen Musical Theatre where Michael would be on the Saturday night.  We spent the whole of Saturday sightseeing together until we felt wanted to make our way back to hotel and get ready for show.  We made our way to the theatre where I, once again, could breathe, as discovered had that all important extra backstage pass.....the Bolton Adventure had really begun in Bremen.  Because we had VIP seats there was a welcome reception held in one of the bar areas of the theatre for all those who had bought those tickets.  As you entered the area they gave you a wrist band and a lovely little booklet about the theatre and which also contains some pictures of Michael and little write up about him.  There was also a small double-sided signed photo of him and each side is signed.  Why they made him do that I do not know.  It is beautiful to have but goodness gracious one side signed would have been enough.....it's a wonder Michael doesn't get writer's cramp !!!! LOL   Whilst in the VIP area Astrid came over and introduced herself to me and then Christine, Martina and Ivana came in and it was so, so lovely to eventually meet up with everyone and we had a good little natter although maybe not quite as long as would have liked but am sure, if I ever get back to Germany, we will meet up again and hopefully have  a little longer to spend together.  Then the bell was rung and I do mean, literally, a bell was rung to tell us it was time to make our way to our seats.

As Katrin has said the show was FANTASTIC.  Long before the usual Queen music even started to play the crowd were chanting for Michael and I personally have never heard anything like it.  Only time hearing chanting like that has been just before artist was coming on stage and I am talking about all the groups in the 60's Mersey era including The Beatles and coming nearer today, even Springsteen himself.  The chant of just Michael, Michael, Michael was deafening and definitely raised the roof on that theatre. When the actual introduction music kicked off you could hardly hear it and when Michael walked on the stage, OMG.  As Katrin said there were many almost standing ovations and when he got, in the programme, to I've Got A Woman everyone was standing dancing.  We all sat back down once finished and then we were all back up again for Sweet Home Chicago and didn't bother sitting down till Old Time Rock n Roll was finished and Michael walked off stage to get changed.  Electrifying wasn't in it.  The next mind blowing part was after he finished the duet with Sam of HAISTLWY which took a full standing ovation.  The applause went on and on and on.  Michael went back on stage to where his water was, by base of drums, FOUR times and each time he came forward he was touching his heart and mouthing "thank you, thank you, thank you" and the looks him and Sam were exchanging spoke volumes to what both were feeling.  The next song was The Prayer and he tried and tried to start introducing it but just couldn't and when eventually he managed to say something it was: "I think we'll take this audience on tour with us!" ..... another eruption and couple of seconds before he could continue. Sam was standing ready to start singing The Prayer and suddenly the emotion took over and by God did that girl have to pull herself together. You could see it in her face and her posture that suddenly everything hit her and what a darn professional she is for she never missed a beat and The Prayer started.  Believe you can well imagine it was another standing ovation and didn't quite go on the whole hour as the other had but not far off !!! lol   Again after Steel Bars it was another standing ovation which remained until they all came back on stage for Georgia.

Then our Bolton Adventure really took off with us getting ready to meet Michael.  We had to wait a little while because immediately after show Michael did the interview for Radio Bremen and was also meeting with other TV and radio people.  One of the staff from the theatre came and started to lead us in direction we had to go and then Steve Milo came and took us the rest of the way into a little room which had lockers and sinks, a couple of tables and some chairs .... talk about an unusual setting to meet anyone but believe it sure helped to create a relaxed atmosphere rather than the stuffy over decorated atmosphere which can be in theatres.  Ruki came into see us and asked if we wanted anything to drink and she brought us bottles of Michael's Fiji water and weren't we delighted and once they were empty each one of us put it straight into our bags..... they for sure weren't going in any bin.   Then Michael appeared and oh boy what a wonderful guy he is.  The girls were sitting but I was standing and I went forward to him first and spoke with him and then started to introduce him to the girls and he spent quite a few moments talking to each and for me it was just super to witness because each of them were blown away.  I only told them I had backstage passes minutes before we left the hotel to make our way to the theatre because, as I explained in other post, I only had three backstage passes and didn't know if was going to be granted a fourth so at that point I had it my mind that one girl was going to be disappointed and oh boy, I hated doing it and explaining to them but their reaction when they realised that in fact I had been a bag of nerves all day waiting to get word was unbelievable.  There was NOT one ounce of selfishness; NOT one ounce of not understanding position I was in and NOT one ounce of all of them, even if one didn't get to meet Michael, of not being so grateful at what I was doing for at least two of them.  What a group of girls and a group of girls I'm proud to call my friends !!! :)  There wasn't much seriousness at M&G apart from Michael saying he was definitely touring Germany next year for all it was was joking, fun and laughter and best M&G I've ever been at and because difficulty with language Michael was trying to introduce a "fun" element to it and used me a couple of times as the "punchbag" for his jokes ... it was fun and I was so pleased he felt relaxed enough with me to be able to use me in such a way, super !!! :)  All too soon as with everything it was over and Michael's body guard took us down through the theatre (we would never have found our way on our own) and out through the stage door which was exactly where we wanted to be.  Had a little wait for Michael because after seeing us he was talking to TV and radio people.  There were quite a few people milling around and we got to talk again to Astrid, Christine and Martina while we waited and then Michael came out and it was lovely and by sheer luck I was actually standing right at his car and wasn't even too sure it was his and he spoke to me and I was able to rub his back and talk to him as he settled in .... lovely moment and lovely memory to treasure !!! :)  Then he was gone !!!!!!!!

We went straight back to hotel and had drink and something to eat as it was a hotel which had 24 hour service which was terrific and then because everyone but me was leaving quite early on the Sunday morning we said our farewells to each other with promises, I know will be kept, that we will all meet again at a Michael concert.

I spent Sunday sightseeing and reminiscing then Monday arrived and it was my turn to leave Bremen but definitely, for that town to never go from my heart because of the wonderful people I met there who have created beautiful memories which will never fade, or die, as long as my soul lives on this earth...... thanks girls and Harry, (lol) for giving me something so, so special in my life, THANK YOU !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend



Thank you Sylvia! I could not have written it better! ;)
Wee One, see you!
Next year!
That will be fun again!!! <3

Tolles Foto Petra, es ist Dir von Herzen gegönnt :-), liebe Grüße, Astrid

well written Sylvia and Katrin!

I still have a big smile stamp on my face and I'm still thinking of our unique weekend in Bremen.

My pleasure to help you girls and Harry to comunicate in English & German.

Need a translator for next MB's tour next year in Germany! here I am! ;-) 

 Silvy from CH x

So nice to read posts from all of you!! I am happy for you. MB is the best...I keep saying it!! LOL.

Robin in MD :)

Du bist hiermit fest gebucht, liebe Sylvi. Du warst wunderbar. Nochmals vielen lieben Dank!

Stimmte Katrin !!! :)   Thanks again for everything Silvy, thank you !!! :)


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Liebe Silvy, vielen Dank für das tolle Video. Ich werde es in Ehren halten :-). Liebe Grüße von Astrid

- - -

 I thanked Silvy for the great video on youtube when MB took our gifts.

Oh boy Sylvia, I can picture you gals and that mud, OMG!!! LOL  Not finding the car, that sounded like some adventure you had the first night, and yes like you said what we all do for MB!

So happy all worked out for you all both nights and the second one was extra special for you all and MB too for the love he felt onstage from the audience too..MB and his staff are wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing, great review!!!! Stay on the Bolton Cloud!!

Robin in MD :)

Hey Sylvia, thanks a lot for the epic double review! You seem to have a knack for attracting special Bolton adventures and it’s great to hear you guys had so much fun. :D  Thanks a lot for the details and especially the setlist. I’m glad for you all that everything worked out with the extra backstage pass, making it an extra special evening. All I can say is thanks for taking us with you  through your unforgettable trip: I got teary-eyed reading it. :D Take good care Sylvia, God bless. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Well now, that was an Awesome adventure:)! I know you All will never ever 4-get this night out w/Michael, ever:)! BIG SHOUT-OUT to MB:)! 

Mary (meg's mom)!


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