I am missing a few people here





Helen are you here?






There probably alot more


I can't seem to be able to invite them over can someone help us out here!

All the best

Dianna xxx


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Hi Dianna,

I have just entered the new site and created my profile and everything just today...

The new site is fabulous, don't you agree?.

Best regards,

Hi Rocio great to see you here!
Love Dianna xxx

The same to you, Dianna!
Theres still a few missing haven't seen Ivana on here yet!
Love Dianna xxx

Hi Dianna and everyone, I am right here, gradually learning the new site

Sandra xx
Good to have you here Sandra
Fregate2015 there still seems to be a few missing that posted on the last forum :(
Love Dianna xx
You know who else I seem to be missing Silvana
Are you here?
Love Dianna xxx
Hello Dianna,

I am back here. I am missing Silvana (from Malta) too. As I have her private e-mail, I will send her a message. As I know she was on vacation in US.

Best regards,


Hi Dianna, I also miss Spooky and more from Romania, And mountainlady Sharon...Haven't heard from here a long time. Have send here an invite ????
Els fom Holland I also invite..
Lets hope they all will come in time.
going to send them once again a new email.

lots of love Jacqueline
Hi Jacqueline you can only try
I wonder how MountainLadys grand-son is doing he was quite sick afew years ago!
Love Dianna xxx
Yes he had canser...but the last time I had heard from Sharon he was doing much beter and went to school again...So that was more than ok.
I will do that this weekend.
And lets hope she and he are doing ok..
She also moved away from her montain ....and after that time she wasn't that much on the internet as before.
lets hope she is to see my mail next week lol...
I have send her a invite for this but I don't think she knows about it..

lots of love Dianna and have a great weekend xxx
I'm here. This is going to take some getting used to for me because my creative nature wants to do something to my private page here, but I'm not sure if I can. Anyway, hope all is well with everyone.

Audrey (aka Doxia)
The Quiet One


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