Well as you have seen posted in other threads, Michael is recording and working on his next CD.  I found this yesterday and thought you would enjoy.  Any findings or info you find on the new CD...please post it here..thanks!


http://www.countryweekly.com/rascal_flatts_and_michael_bolton/news/... - The story below...click on the link for a picture:


New Country Mashup: Rascal Flatts?

published: March 1, 2011   |   author: Brad Schmitt


You know the Rascal Flatts boys have been collaborating with Justin Beiber.

Now it seems the mega-country group is going with, uh, the opposite demographic.

Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts put up a picture of his group with Michael Bolton.

Jay tweets that they’re all writing a new song for Michael’s new album.

Won’t Justin be jealous?

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Hi Robin MD,


Thanks for putting in information and it is a lovely video clip - he really looks well but I disagreed with him about needing a hair cut !! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

I love his shorter hair and do agree its time for a cut. He looks younger when its cut. You can see in my Clev pics its time.

So, is it a duet CD or is Michael doing it alone&various artists such as Rascal Flatts collaborating with him?


I'll bet on this CD/DVD that David Foster's playing the piano. Who's singing Forever in my heart?" I love it by kenny Loggins.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hi Robin,


I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Michael's video blog on Facebook! It's something we've been hoping he'd do for a LONG time! I laughed and agreed that it was time for a haircut! LOL!!


Anna (in MO)

I love it too Anna that he's doing this now. .It's so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Hi Anna and Robin MD,


Will we go for a compromise - a trim instead of a cut ??  LOL.   I am having a laugh at this as it is us back talking about THAT hair again and this time HE has started it himself - do you think that was, maybe just a little bit, deliberate on his part .....a subtle joke !!! :)   I must admit I do rather like his hair short too - think if he attempted to really grow it he would end up looking "like mutton dressed as lamb" !! lol.


Possible now too that he hasn't any concerts for a couple of weeks he may just stay in the one place long enough to get the opportunity to answer some questions on Facebook - as he said himself "watch this space !" - certainly sounds interesting and promising ! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



It's exciting he's doing this for us Sylvia, I am curious to see what contests and things they will be doing... He's very generous with his time doing this!! Fun times ahead!!!

Robin in Maryland :)

Do you go to the link where it says FB or what?


Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hi Robin CA,


Yeah it is in Facebook and it is appearing in your "home" page in Facebook as Michael has sent it out to all his friends - I don't know how easy it is for you to access videos from that but it does also appear on Michael's page too !!  Hope you find it !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Thanks Sylvia. I'll try to check it out.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA

I hope you can hear it Robin..It's cute...Exciting he's started to do this for us!

Robin in Maryland :)

I can't seem to access it, as usual. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr but that's ok. It's not the first or last thing I'm unable to access. Stuff happens. I refuse to get upset. Maybe someone will take pity on me :)&send it to me in an email. :)))))


Boltonnut from L. A. CA


As Kathy would say, "The Shylvie solver" :) may.


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