Pam Watson
  • Female
  • Queensland
  • Australia
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  • sylvie boisvert
  • Dianna Shipman

Pam Watson's Page

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At 6:42am on May 26, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Have a great show Pam and break a leg on getting something signed! Can't wait to hear about it... Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 9:55pm on May 25, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hi Pam, I was listening to a live CD this morning and it suddenly reminded me of my favorite version of our favorite song and I wanted to share it with you. Well, it's actually my second favorite... My favorite version of WIBOMFA, no contest, is the one on the "This is Michael Bolton" VHS. Do you have that tape? I hope so. So anyway, go to this page and look around, there's tons of great stuff there. All you have to do is click on the song name to hear it in Windows Media Player. And then, if you want to download it, click on "save target as" in your menu and voilà! I hope you enjoy the song and the page. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 4:49pm on May 23, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hi again Pam, oh girl, don’t worry about delays, people have lives, it’s all good. Sorry to hear your sale didn’t go that well. You mentioned not being much of a techy, maybe someone could sell your collectibles on EBay for you? OMG Pam, which version of the CD did you get? In any case, I’m glad you found it! Let me know which song is your favorite. I truly love them all but I think “Need you to fall” and “Murder my heart” are my favorites. Sorry to hear about your dog, poor thing… My eye disease is the exact opposite of Maccular degeneration, it’s retinitis pigmentosa. Your 9 year old grandson sounds like a trouper; you must be so proud that you’ve helped him blossom this way… My youngest son is finishing the 6th grade this year and he loves Michael’s music, God bless him! Posting messages on my page is fine. But remember that comments can be seen by anyone checking your page. If you want to send a personal message, you click on “senda message” and it’ll say that you need to add this person as a friend. Then you “invite as friend” and once your friend has accepted your invitation, you can send personal messages. I hope you have a great weekend sweetie and do listen to the CD before Wednesday! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 6:15am on May 21, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hi again Pam, I’m with you about the technology girl and I have to figure it out with a screen-reader program. I’ll tell ya, the internet isn’t always blind-friendly!  I can’t complain though because they’ve finally come up with a web site where I can interact and participate, which is more than I’ve had ever! I’ve had the good sense to learn typing in high-school, while I could see enough. My eye disease is hereditary and degenerating and I’m now legally blind. You see, I told you that getting something signed was only impossible if you thought so?  If you don’t find Michael’s cd in stores, you might want to look up the song titles on Youtube until you can get it. There’s a few of them there. I understand you enjoying the long hair, many people did. It didn’t change his voice to cut it so God blesshim! Well, good luck again with the CD hunt Pam, keep me posted. Take care. Hugs, sincerely,Sylvie from Canada
At 5:54am on May 21, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Good luck on finding the CD girl! OMG, seriously, the CD not being in stores when he's coming over there and you're having promotional interviews? Give them a piece of your mind! lol I'm personally very fortunate in my area and it's available everywhere. I haven't bought the Canadian release because it's the same as the U.K. version but I have both the U.K. and U.S. versions that were ordered on-line. Again, good luck! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 5:48am on May 21, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hiya Pam, did you get my "Sylvie Boisvert invites you to be a friend" message? In the E mail, it should say: "click here to accept" and it takes you to your page, you click on "accept" and then it says:"Sylvie Boisvert is now your friend". Basically, it looks impressive that you have a bunch of friends, lol, but then, you can send people personal messages that are only accessible to you and your friend, if you need to. Good luck with figuring all of this out! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada P.S.: I always sign "from Canada", because there's a Silvy from Switzerland.
At 8:23pm on May 20, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hey Pam, I suggest you check out the "PERTH CONCERT 19/5/2010" thread. Gail posted very interesting info. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 1:37pm on May 19, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hi Pam, I read your comment on the "Brisbain" thread and wanted to check where you were from exactly. I guess you haven't been here on the forum for long? I just wanted to bid you welcome and wish you a fantastic time at your show next week! Will this be your first MB concert too? We're all so excited for Dianna but we can't forget other Aussies who are going! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

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