Sylvia C Braga's Blog (4)

Looking for a Hollywood Film Agent " Title "The Other Side of Me"

I am looking for an agent for Hollywood Film to help me with the book I am writing. The title is "The Other Side of Me". A fordbidden love yet lies with innocense, but nothing or no one can stop the true love, this so much passion and with a most heart wrenching love from a man who must remain truthful to his celivacy vows. Yet, his love for this beautiful young married woman with a happy family cannot be denied. A love he had never expressed or felt towards anyone else before. He would find…


Added by Sylvia C Braga on May 30, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Looking for a celebrity to attend our Fashion Show/birthday party

looking for a celebrity who will be in San Diego on the last weekend of August 2010 for appearance at Fashion Show will be greatly appreciated...Please attend. We will have live music performance, fashion show, food and other entrepreneurs exhibiting their talents. Coronado, San Diego. Please let me know if you can attend on August 20, 2010 or the last week of August. It would be great to hear from you if ASAP so we can set up the definite date.

Loving you…


Added by Sylvia C Braga on May 30, 2010 at 7:37pm — 1 Comment

You have the greatest attitude and smile

It is me again. Please let me know when I can set up a special event for you. I love your gentleness and angelic smile. May I invite you to check out my website Also please purchase my book on "Billy's Worm Spaghetti. It has a great message about love, respect and patience. Good health and Peace to you always.. God Bless

Added by Sylvia C Braga on May 27, 2010 at 2:06pm — No Comments

You Murder My Heart The First Time I Saw YOU

Hello Michael, I have been following you and your latest CD's. We met in Pechanga when you did your concert and you mailed me a picture of yours along with a card. I hope you remember Sylvia's Divine Tea. but remember me more...I wish and really hope we will meet again soon. My birthday celebration is on August turning 50 I hope you can attend. Or whenever you are available to visit I could put up a very special event when you come. Please say you will...

I have always enjoyed your…


Added by Sylvia C Braga on May 27, 2010 at 2:01pm — No Comments

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