and everyone who has been so supportive of me and my partner Chelsie throughout this season of DWTS: Although I don't ever lose sight of how important your support and encouragement is, there is no greater example of this than the outpouring I have just felt and fully experienced at the end of the day on Tuesday when the votes were in. Elation was what I felt and I owe it all to all of you. Thank you from the depths of my heart and please stay tuned!!!!!



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Comment by Eileen Parr on September 24, 2010 at 4:26am
Michael you are so welcome! You know we will always have your back! I was so excited just for you to have a chance at doing something you really wanted to try! Hope you have a great with with great rehearsels! And we will all be back here rooting for you and voting!!! Can't wait til Monday!!!!Hugs
Love Eileen xoxo
Comment by Monica Laura Chavez on September 24, 2010 at 4:10am
necesito ver el show! estoy en Argentina y no se ve si no es atraves de algunos canales de tv por cable! alguien que suba la performance del lunes por favor! Michael desde la distancia siempre con vos
Comment by Patricia Holmes on September 24, 2010 at 3:46am

Comment by MaryAnn Hance on September 24, 2010 at 3:02am
I can completely understand your disappointment and frustration but if Michael can't talk he can't sing very well. I'm sure he has been using his voice more than normal for him which obviously had a negative affect. As a fan, you must realize that Michael would never turn away fans. Please continue to support him. He can't strain his voice and perform less than 100%.
Comment by Richard Azevedo on September 24, 2010 at 12:58am
Ok, I understand why you deleted my blog, but I don’t understand why there is not an apology from Michael. It appears as if he took the DWTS after party more serious then the concert in Modesto. We have a heart just like everyone else. I have always read in the bible that you should never turn your back on anybody that is loyal to you. There have been no comments from him what so ever about missing the concert. Yes, I see the Gallo Center for the Arts apology, but that is them doing their job. It is not my job to judge, there is only one being that can do that, but I think I can ask the question. I know this will be deleted as well, but I hope Michael is able to read and might understand where I am coming from.
Comment by Gwen Bolton on September 23, 2010 at 11:57pm
You are so welcome! You know we love you and feel like family. We rejoice when you rejoice and grieve when you grieve! We are so glad to have you there and so happy to know you made it through the first round of the competition. We will be praying that you have some great days of rehearsing your dance steps and do a great job next week. I think some of the fast dances will be even more fun with your background and look forward to the possibility working some of your own music into the program if possible. DWTS nights are so much fun it makes other shows seem boring! Can't wait for next week to come!(-:
Comment by Sharron Holinsworth on September 23, 2010 at 11:52pm
Hey Michael I was so excited to even see that you were going to be on DWTS. I've watch most season, but have never voted for anyone. I did vote on Monday and you got all 12 votes. You did great. LIke you said, your a singer (The best) this is new and you make it through the first night. The best is yet to come..... Keep smiling ,your adding alot of class to the show. You seem so humble and real. I will be voting and voting and voting. Can hardly wait until next Monday..... See you Friday night 9/24 in concert. I've had tickets for months.....
Comment by Danielle Gagnon on September 23, 2010 at 11:37pm
Dear Michael!
It takes great courage to try his luck in an unknown sphere, and with as much pressure on yourself! Bravo a thousand times! Your humility is probably one of the reasons why you are so appreciated! Take care of you and just enjoy!
Comment by Anna Mason on September 23, 2010 at 7:52pm
Wishing you all the best this coming week and looking forward to seeing you & Chelsie dance the Jive!

Anna (in MO)
Comment by MaryAnn Hance on September 23, 2010 at 7:09pm
Michael, we are all so excited for you and Chelsie. I maxed out all my calls and can't wait to see you next Monday...SMILE...IT's really a magical SMILE that you have...USE IT! TRY TO RELAX AND ENJOY THE RIDE.

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