and everyone who has been so supportive of me and my partner Chelsie throughout this season of DWTS: Although I don't ever lose sight of how important your support and encouragement is, there is no greater example of this than the outpouring I have just felt and fully experienced at the end of the day on Tuesday when the votes were in. Elation was what I felt and I owe it all to all of you. Thank you from the depths of my heart and please stay tuned!!!!!



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Comment by susan j. chance on September 23, 2010 at 3:29pm
Love you, Michael, never voted before for DWTS, now you are on speed dial :)
Comment by Ann Dodd on September 23, 2010 at 3:05pm
BTW, I agree with the others. Chelsie should be wearing a red dress while you sing, Dance with me, dance with me, oh baby, dance with me. I bet you could get in the swing of it then. That would be awesome, but whatever you do will be are awesome!!
Comment by sylvie boisvert on September 23, 2010 at 3:04pm
Dear Michael, we know you don’t take your fans for granted, but it truly warms my heart to hear that you fully realize the extent of our unconditional love and support for you! Please know that this was just a small sample of what your fans are capable of! Feel it, bask in it and let it lift you up for your next challenge. You make us even more proud to be your fans, when we didn’t know it was possible to be. I can’t imagine how your own mom is feeling! Oh, trust us, on Monday, we’re not going anywhere further than our cells, phones and computers, ready for action! This is a very exciting time to be a Michael Bolton fan! Lots of love right back at you Michael, take good care of that golden throat of yours, get some rest and treat yourself right, we want you around for a very long time. Oh and you’re very welcome, God bless you sweetie. You’re the best and you deserve the best! Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Comment by Deborah Y on September 23, 2010 at 2:55pm
I was struck by a comment you made to an interviewer after the show. He noted that you were "in it to win" and you replied that you didn't know how realistic that was but then "none of my dreams of have been realistic". From playing softball and golf with the pros to singing opera and raising millions for charity, you always go after things in a big way with a big heart and your enthusiasm is contagious. So best of luck with this new dream, have fun with it and we'll be watching and VOTING.
Comment by Tina Fair on September 23, 2010 at 2:46pm
You have seen anything yet. Just look at the fans below when you get a moment. We are blessed to have a talented man in our lives keep pressing forward. You have our full support. We all love you.
Comment by Ann Dodd on September 23, 2010 at 2:42pm
Sweetie, we'll find every way possible to get you as many votes as possible. I voted 48 times for you (here in Alaska) before I ever saw the show. I've figured out how to add more votes this week by opening up a few more email accounts, and I've talked some friends into voting for you. As many of your friends have said, "We have your back"!! Now all you have to do is relax and have fun and we'll do the rest. We love you!!!
Comment by Brigitte G. on September 23, 2010 at 2:10pm
...little supplement........, you was wearing a wonderful suit, inspire of Cary Crant???

bg from Germany
Comment by Brigitte G. on September 23, 2010 at 1:51pm
Hello mb,
........our support was a little bit for that, what you give to all of us, ........every day!!!!!!
It's great to watch the show from Germany - and vote, .....that's really a gift.
I (we all) will continue to give you 100% of our support. You and Chelsie are doing a great job.
I wish for you, you get enough time for rest and rehersal until the next monday, .....are only a few days.....

I will be with you and vote next monday night, .........hope it's possible again!!!!!!!!

Till then, .....all the best for you and Chelsie!

bg from Germany
Comment by Jane Miller on September 23, 2010 at 12:59pm
I wish they played you singing while you and Chelsie are dancing!! That would be the greatest!!
Comment by Debra Tennet on September 23, 2010 at 12:53pm
Love you Michael. Will be supporting and voting for you next week and every week, whatever it takes!!
Looking forward to seeing you dance next week, keep smiling ;)
Lots of Love Deb xxx

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