I want to extend my deepest apologies to those who had tickets to my cancelled Stuttgart show. I woke up late this afternoon with a high fever and sore throat. A physician was able to see me at the hotel and I was diagnosed with bronchitis. As I have said before, but cannot stress enough, the decision to cancel a show and disappoint fans (many who have waiting a very long time to see a show) is agonizing, but unfortunately the extensive travel and duration of this very, very long world tour has occasionally resulted in illness that makes it impossible for me to perform.

Although I have been under the weather for quite some time, I've been on a mission to perform as much as possible in Germany for my incredible fans over here and our first shows were fantastic. I can only hope to rest intensively and heal quickly as there are more shows ahead as well as a televised performance with Helene Fischer and Jose Carreras. My sincere apologies to all the people who were looking forward to the show and for any inconvenience the cancellation has caused anyone. Mb

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Comment by Dianna Shipman on December 12, 2010 at 12:23pm

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery Michael

Sending Hugs

Love always

Dianna xxx

Comment by Aya on December 12, 2010 at 11:58am


we respect you because you have done conserts once a two days for a long time around the world!

It's amazing! we know that it's because you want to satisfy fans as much as possible!:-)

please take enough sleep;-)we are looking forward of seeing you soon! 


tomorrow I will run to the CD shop store to get your new album "HOME FOR CHRISTMAS" !!

please take care of yourself:-D


From AYA





Comment by sylvia doughty on December 12, 2010 at 11:31am

Hi Michael,


How the hell did you get bronchitis - that`s you sitting out in that field again with the damn gate open - told you to close it!


But seriously, Michael, you damn well watch it son - bronchitis ain`t no joke (as you know) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks too, for letting us know, for when word came through last night, all our thoughts were with you, and will continue to be so until we know you are, definitely, on the road to recovery!


Take care, Michael.    Sylvia.   A wee Scottish friend.

Comment by Donsimoni Bernadette on December 12, 2010 at 10:23am

Hello Michael, I'm sorry for you because your health is not strong in this time of winter !!! Becarefull to the open windows and doors ! It's difficult, i know, but, in this way, you must be stay indoors !  I know also that you are the Best so, we miss you a lot ! Thank you for sharing your feeling to us  !! We love you ! Don't worry about us... Have a good day and good week !! I kiss you tenderly... Bye BD

Comment by Pilar on December 12, 2010 at 9:55am

Michael, first, thanks for these kind of message again. You know how important they are for us!!!

And second, could you please take care of yourself more seriously??? We all would love to have your around the world as much as possible, giving concerts in all the cities you could be... but there is nothing more important than your health, because if not, that wouldn't be possible... so, please, rest, rest and rest, and follow doctor orders and if you need to cancel more shows, I am sure that we are going to understand it perfectly... you are the most important thing. Take care!!!!!


Comment by Mariu Lolllett on December 12, 2010 at 7:15am

Hi, Michael

Sorry to hear this news, I wish you have a speedy recovery!!!
Feel better as soon as posible and please, take care of yourself,ok !!!


Comment by Shannon Chambers on December 12, 2010 at 6:38am

Michael, I forgot to tell you as well, echinacea tea with honey will help give your immune system a boost. Eucalyptus tea will help with sinus congestion and breathing. Take 1500 CC'sof vitamin C a day until you are 100% better. Also vicks shower soother, and soaking in a hot tub with epsom salt will help relax and sooth. Tylonel or Advile for headach and body aches. Eucalyptus candle will also help with breathing. I am in Law School now but was a CNA, ok I just need to get on a plain fly out to Germany and take care of you. ;)

Get well soon sweetie, we love you. Love Shannon xoxo

Comment by Shannon Chambers on December 12, 2010 at 6:08am

Get well soon Michael, we love you. Love, Shannon xoxo


Comment by Shannon Chambers on December 12, 2010 at 5:49am

Michael, it is ok we understand. The important thing is that you take care of yourself and get better!!!! We love you very much and are very concerned for your well being. Drink a shot of warm whiskey with a table spoon of lemon juice and honey. Get a humidifier in your room if you can. Put vapor rub on your chest and put a heating pad wraped in a towel on your chest. I know this next part may sound strange but it works, put vapor rub on your feet, then put sox on your feet. It helps bring down fevers as well as helps with breathing. Drink lots of water and honey lemon tea. All of these are my great grandmothers remedies and they do work. I also was a CNA for over a year before entering Law School. You are in my thoughts and prayers, I hope you feel better soon. We love you Michael. Love, Shannon xoxo

Comment by Patricia Rieder on December 12, 2010 at 4:51am

Dearest Michael,

                         The main concern for me (and I am sure your real fans) is your well-being.I noticed the first time I saw you before DWTS started that you appeared to be unwell.I am very concerned,and if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.And no I want nothing in return except for you to be healthy and strong again,like you used to be.I will never forget what a kind,caring,gentleman you were to me years ago.You talked me through alot of emotional pain back then,and I can never thank you enough.Even though I am unwell myself,if you need ANYTHING at all..do not hesitate to let me know.Your Admin.has all my information.God Bless you,Michael,and may the Angels make you completely well as soon as possible.With love and friendship as always,.........Patty

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