I was lucky enough to get orianthi to play on a mix of "Steel Bars" for Gems. This clip shows you a bit of what a privilege it is to work with this incredibly talented guitarist. A true rockstar.


Working with Orianthi on "Steel Bars" for Gems. She rocks.



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Comment by Sandra Jeffery on March 30, 2011 at 11:14am

Love this Michael, it,s amazing!! I love guitar music.

Thanks again Michael for taking the time to connect with us and keeping us posted, it means so much to us all that you

make time for us, we know how busy your schedule is, great to see you so happy at the moment, you seem to be having

a lot of fun in making this new album.

Soooooo looking forward to it!!

Lots of love

Sandra xxxxxxxxx

Comment by Silvy on March 30, 2011 at 11:06am

I don't know Orianthi, but I trust your tastes.


Comment by Dianna Shipman on March 30, 2011 at 9:42am

Michael Michael Michael Have I told you lately that I thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting us enjoy so many moments in your life :)

And a Aussie girl she is fantastic and brilliant on the guitar

You Know would love to see you back here one day soon remember you promised me :)

Looking forward to the new CD

Thanks for taking the time and thinking of us

Love Dianna xxx (Your pen friend from Australia)

Comment by Debra Tennet on March 30, 2011 at 9:37am
Love Steel Bars and this sounds amazing. I Love it. Thanks so much for the clip :) xxx
Comment by Mariu Lolllett on March 30, 2011 at 6:28am

Hi, Michael

Gems, genious !!! I'm jelousy I wish, I want to play guitar like her

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