Hey Michael. Love the way you sing and because you inspired me will sing your songs very shortly just when I practise my mother keeps on having heart attacks.. hehe... don't know what to do, will give myself a chance to feel pleasure even though somene will have suffer :) ... All I can say you are a great guy and cool artist. I know you heard all this before, but trust me its never too much.
Michael Bolton's music is one of the great man I love and respect so music in the world of music. Michael's voice is distinctive and this has given rise to great music which is a must-listen.
Music has power, think of when you are down - Micheal's voice and his music can be an upliftment and source of joy.
Michael, you are a great man and you will always be to me.
For me, Michaels singing voice, does wonderful things to me that I could never repeat openly, but his speaking voice is mesmerising, smooth, sweet, I and you just want to hear more, more more!!
Not only could Michael sing the local telephone directory and still keep us enthralled and excited, but he could read out the manual for the procedure for recycling waste products and it would sound dead sexy and whats more, I'd hear and understand every word!!!
God love you Michael, we can never get enough of you!!
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