For the families of Newton CT who are forced to bear the unbearable. I woke up to this devastating news. Watched, tried to comprehend and cried. Have been trying to find the words to express my sorrow knowing any words will fail.

All of our thoughts and prayers, hearts and very souls are with the families of the children and the families of every one of the people who were victims of
this unthinkable unbearable tragedy. MB

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Comment by Mar Elisei on December 21, 2012 at 5:46pm

si...tremendo que esto siga ocurriendo...mucha uno a la oración para que Dios les envíe consuelo y la fortaleza que necesitan...

Comment by Mrs Donna Johnson on December 19, 2012 at 7:15pm

Every day I cry broken hearted at this terrible and unneccesary loss of life watching the news.  I cannot believe how someone so young can be so cruel regardless of the fact he took his own life. To kill your mother the very person who bought you into this world, the killer was meshuggah!! although painful his mother should have sought the help of mental health professionals for her son. I appreciate that many people may not like the comments as above but, anyone with feelings would understand that if it would have been followed those poor babies and their teachers may still be here.














Comment by Erika C. L. on December 18, 2012 at 9:34am

It will not be easy to erase those images from my mind. Desperate mothers, screaming and crying and the atmosphere of terror. How much pain and at this time of the year!
My heart is broken and crushed. Poor children and poor families.

All my heart and my prayers are with them.


Comment by suzanne caroline waterson on December 18, 2012 at 3:31am
I struggled listening to the news & feel sick that all those beautiful children & the women with them died in such a horrible way .As a parent myself ' I take my children to school & like every other parent & child live in innocence expecting that your child will be safe & well in school ! And take it for granted that they should be protected ! nobody would have expected such a cruel thing to happen , i don't think these parents & families will ever ever get over this , how can they ! The shock alone ! My little Girl is 7 , & when I looked at those sweet little kids , well the law has to change now ! This can not be allowed to happen again . No one should have to suffer like this ,it's unforgivable , and to all those angels who lost there lives , I hope you light up the sky as the brightest stars , bless them all xxx
Comment by Kellie Brown on December 17, 2012 at 2:18pm

My sincere condolences go out to all those who are deeply affected by this horrible masacre, I will never understand why people do this to others or to themselves. May God lift up their spirits and guide them.


Comment by Julia K. on December 16, 2012 at 9:53pm

Yeah, exactly there is no words to describe this tragedy.

Comment by wendy lynne cummings on December 16, 2012 at 12:18pm

it si impossible to put into words what we are feeling....our thoughts and prayers are with the entire newtown, CT community.....

Comment by Margaret Kathleen Hill on December 16, 2012 at 10:22am

My heart goes out across the ocean, to the families, friends and neighbours of those little ones who died, and all those who witnessed the event. 

Michael, write a song for them, please.

Margaret in Kent

Comment by Olga on December 16, 2012 at 5:59am

This is terrible news. Please accept the condolences of the Russian people..

Comment by meggy on December 16, 2012 at 5:18am

My Meghan spent her life in a bubble, so to speak, because I have a hard time trusting people, because of News like this! My heart goes out to All those families and All prayers are with you All in Conn.

Mary (meg's mom)!

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