Hi everybody!! So the word is out I'm going to be on this next seasons dancing with the stars starting sept. 20th. Can't say who my partner is yet until wednesday but ill tell u she is ....... Awesome!!!! Gonna need your votes, calls, texts, and everyone you can to keep me on to the finals and then ......... Gulp ...... Win????!!!!

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Comment by Tonya Millis on September 1, 2010 at 3:53am
the last time I saw Michael preform was at SPAC in Albany NY. I've seen him number of times and I love him more each time. Keep up the great work and keep singing
Comment by Vickie Henry on September 1, 2010 at 2:52am
Dancing with the stars is a great show, but it needed someone who has music in his blood. I think Michael Bolton is the most handsome man I have ever seen since Elvis. He is the number one singer of all times. His music touches so many people. He has the voice and eyes that make you feel what he feels. I will be voting Michael for number one. Michael keep up the great work you are doing. You are truely appreciated by your fans. I just have one wish. I wish you would come to Texarkana, Texas so I could see you in concert. You are the best!!
Comment by LINDA GOFF on September 1, 2010 at 2:29am
You have my vote there is no doubt about that!!!! I enjoyed your Concert on Sat. Aug.28, at The L'auberge Casino I took my sister with me, and she had a great time as well. Whenever you come to Texas, Louisiana, or Mississippi I am there with whoever wants to go with me. I love all your music and Video.
Comment by Paul Fife on September 1, 2010 at 2:29am
You'd make a cute couple with, one of my favorites, Julianne Hough, but they're all fabulous. We'll be watching!
Comment by June T on September 1, 2010 at 2:20am
I have never watched the show either, but I definitely will now. Good luck Michael!
Comment by Nicole-Elizabeth on September 1, 2010 at 2:03am
I never watched the show and usually never would.
BUT that has changed and I have the Tivo set! ;-)

Your music has been with me most of my 26 years and your new album has really cheered me up in the past few months since I lost my Aunt. Music really is magic and yours is certainly some of the BEST ever to be made!

You will always have my vote and the vote of my husband!

Good luck on the dance floor!!
Comment by Eileen Parr on September 1, 2010 at 2:00am
Hi Michael! Wow you never fail to amaze us!! This so exciting seeing you on DWTS ! You can be sure I will be watching every show and voting my heart off! I figure we have 5 cell phones and 1 home phone so thats at least 6 votes or more! (depending on how often we can vote in one night!) But I know you will give 150% of yourself to this! And you know with all your fans that love you the phones will be burning up the wires! I have been a huge fan for well over 25 years and seen you so many times but you always amaze me! But please take care of yourself your really got a great deal going on with the full concert schedule! I can't wait to see you in Nov in Newark NJ! You are the best!!! And your a winner in our eyes no matter what!! Good luck! Your our man!
Love Eileen xoxo
Comment by cristina67 on September 1, 2010 at 2:00am
sono sicura che sarà un successo come con la tua fantastica musica.
dall'italia tutto il mio sostegno .
ciao cristina
Comment by Brigitte G. on September 1, 2010 at 1:48am
Hello MB,

Great news, but......how do you do it all, .......so much work!!!!!

In my mind I'm with you, ....I can't watch ABC in Germany, try it via Internet, will see. It's a pity, but I can't vote for you from here. But, ....every monday for the next 11 weeks, I will send a lot of positive energy over the atlantic to you, perhaps it helps. And in my thoughts, ....... you are already the winner.

All the best for you, and a lot of fun and new inspirations for your music and lyrics!!!!!

Bye and good night, .......take care of yourself.....

BG from Germany

P.S. ......by the way, ........I love Rumba.........
Comment by Linda on September 1, 2010 at 1:19am
Superman-burning the candle at both ends. Take care.

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