Hi everybody!! So the word is out I'm going to be on this next seasons dancing with the stars starting sept. 20th. Can't say who my partner is yet until wednesday but ill tell u she is ....... Awesome!!!! Gonna need your votes, calls, texts, and everyone you can to keep me on to the finals and then ......... Gulp ...... Win????!!!!

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Comment by Angela on September 1, 2010 at 10:02am
Michael wishing you all the best of luck with the show , I will be cheering for you from Australia, will be tuning in on-line to watch you move that body.
Comment by Ivana on September 1, 2010 at 10:02am
Michael, I wish you good luck !!!!
I am the next one who can't watch you, but I'm sure you will enjoy.
Best regards from Germany
Comment by Mariu Lolllett on September 1, 2010 at 7:46am
Michael, good luck !!!!
I can't watch you, but I'm sure you are a winner..
Take care
Comment by alise m tayoun on September 1, 2010 at 7:25am
I am a big fan of yours. I hope you enjoy every minute of it :) I hope to meet you one day.
Comment by Jean LA on September 1, 2010 at 6:25am
Can't wait to watch you swaying to the music. Have fun :)
Comment by Donna Butler on September 1, 2010 at 6:19am
I have never watched the show before but now I can't wait for the new season. Good luck and you have my vote. Four of my friends and I will be at your concert on the 4th in Biloxi. Can't wait! It was time for another concert.
Comment by Sue Wallace on September 1, 2010 at 5:29am
Can't wait to see you win...thanks for sharing your gift with us:)
Comment by Kimberly Occhipinti on September 1, 2010 at 5:15am
I cant wait to see you move that hot body!!!! Fantasy come true! You wont be the only one all hot and sweaty! xo
Comment by Genine Scully on September 1, 2010 at 4:59am
We will definitely be watching "Dancing with the Stars" at our house. You've got our votes. I see you will be in concert in Chandler, AZ on Sept. 10. You should come by and see us in Prescott Valley, AZ and perform at Tims Toyota Center. It's not the same without you. Enjoy your time on the show and we will be praying for you. May the BEST star win, you.
Comment by missy-jane a. wroczynski on September 1, 2010 at 4:58am
WOW Michael, now a Dancer! Is there anything you won't try. Best of luck to you on this new quest. Just where will you put that very prestigious trophy, perhaps among the Grammys? What a time for a first trip to Califonia, I was excited to see your star on the Walk of Fame, but, seeing you "shake what your Momma Gave You" will be tons better. Hope Your Mom is doing good also! Hope to see the family at the Gala again this year. And I know Dancers can get very sore muscle, so be careful, Do as your partners instructs, and you will be successful and make it to the end victorious!!!! So I must rest my fingers now, you know, for calls, texts, and just in case you need some TLC for those muscles. See you in CA! Go out there, have fun, work hard, and Show them all, you have "That Special Something", Baby!
Mom also sends her best wishes too, making me promise to use her phone for a vote also! She will be seeing you in Iowa, and Indiana. She can't wait! Break A Leg, HAVE FUN!!!! All my "CRAZY LOVE" to you!!! MissyjaneXO

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