Robin rehder's Comments

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At 6:39pm on January 12, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi again,


Have just fed two cats and put a pizza in oven for myself - they'll end up getting a bit of that too - so thought I would finish my wee note .... it is a pity I keep putting these on the comment wall I should go in to your PM....when I talk so least there I believe you get 5000 characters - I'd probably, at times, exceed that too.,....believe Sylvie has !!!!!!!!  lol.


As I was saying about weight - at the moment I am 154 pounds - lost 16 pounds from July to December but put on 6 over the festive period....I must be honest and say - it is not big-headed - but I am big boned and, therefore, don't look as heavy as I am - lot of people never believe my weight and also I am lucky, in that, it is evenly distributed......but I sure do have to lose weight....have started again slightly ....yeh, that is why I am eating a pizza - sure to lose weight that way - lol. - I certainly want, over the next year, to try and lose about 21 pounds - I'll keep you posted how it is going - that will give me insentive ....when I've got report in !!!!!!!   lol.  If I put on I'll get into trouble- smacked from all the way across the pond.   I am a terrible comfort eater and when my mum died I put on a tremendous amount of weight - some of which I am still carrying - but over a period of two years I managed to lose 56 pounds so the 21 I'm definitely going for.  As for colouring I have green/hazel dad had blue eyes and my mum was brown, so I'm the mixture.  Hair is grey at front although still dark at back but at moment I have dyed it back to dark brown - I have hair like my maternal grandmother had - which was at 97 - grey at front and on top but with a huge dark brown bun at back - she had long hair - my mother had the most beautiful white I wish I had gone like her - my dad was blond so he just stayed fairish....hey, my pizza is nearly ready.  Just exceeded 2000 again. Sylvia. Wee Scottish friend.

At 6:03pm on January 12, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Robin,


Your first message did get through okay - but no problem it being repeated - just as well to check if you are not sure!.......the way you have been mucked about, anything could happen!


The opera singer I have on my page is Maria Callas - I love her!


Where the "wee one" came from Robin is the term "wee", obviously means small, in Scotland as anywhere but it is also used here as an endearment - you would maybe say the "wee bonny babe" it is an added emphasis on the bonny - doesn't necessarily mean small, i.e. my nephew we always called "wee John" - he still got that when he was 6 feet tall - when I joined the web site here I started putting in "wee", because I speak like that and I do attempt in my writing to write as though I am speaking to someone - but I always took it out and changed, where appropriate to little - until - Kathy Rosario, whose grandmother was Scottish said about her always, in her speach, using the term "wee" and Kathy always found it so cute and she asked me if I used that term - from then on I don't change it whenI put it in my messages.......when I started signing myself off here I used to put just "Scottish friend" and I did that because I realized there were quite a few of us - although different spellings - although in saying that there is Sylvia in Texas ... it was just to make a distinction....but then I started putting in the "wee" because of Kathy and now, most of the time, she calls me "the wee one" ....she likes it because it reminds her of her mother and grandmother and, therefore, under no circumstances do I object to it!   In saying all that it possibly does fit me because I ain't very big - I'm about 5 feet 3inches - just under - but I can tell you I don't weight 115 pounds.


Have gone over 2000 - close for now - back soon.


Sylvia.   Wee Scottish friend.



At 3:14pm on January 11, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi again Robin,    My brain - oh boy - first time I had tickets for Michael was the "Time Love and Tenderness Tour" - 1992 - was I in my twenties - I DON'T think so - I was 41 - don't even know what brought back fact that I had put that down in message to you and that it was a load of rubbish - must really be getting worried about reaching 60 - it is only 40 I'm really going on for - I WISH !!!!!!!!!!!  I remember, at that time, because I was so old and it was a bad attack docotor wanted to get into hospital but temp. was far too high for them to do anything about - and when it broke so did tonsilitis - it just slowly disappeared ........wait till I touch wood (three times)!


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend. 

At 12:21pm on January 11, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Robin,


Thanks for your messages - once again last night I forgot to check - so I do hope you have only put in .......I promised myself I was going to come into this page, at least, once a day - even forget to do that.  Interesting that you say all I need is a microphone - I'll ask my nephew which would suit my laptop best and I'll get one - have looked at littleports on side and there is one with a microphone symbol - we will be off and running or should that be off and talking in no time !!!!!! - look forward to it!


On times I had tickets.........first cancellation was - I took ill - tonsilitis in my twenties - one and only time...........thank God - that I don't want to go through again!  Second time was when my mum was first diagnosed with cancer - only death would have separated me from her then!!


Robin, I knew there was something special about you - a fellow Aries - my birthday is 11th April and I'll be the BIG 60 then!!!!!!!!!!    Looking forward to in some ways but frightened in others - especially when you think how quickly those first 60 years have flown bye - hey, do you think I'll get another 60 - 120 - och, just might !!!!!   LOL LOL LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

At 11:18am on January 8, 2011, Kathy Rosario said…

Hi Robin...better safe than soryy so it would be wise to bring both printouts!


At 2:44pm on January 7, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Robin,


You trying to tell me that is a "mock-up" photo - if it is - it's the best one I've seen !!!!!!!   :D.


No Robin, I'm not on "Skype" - think that is how you spell it - hope you get what I mean - think you have to be on satelite connection for that - too costly for me - only managing to afford broadband now to take me into internet - maybe when I go onto State Pension things will be easier - but just now I'm only on employer's pensions - and although not bad I do have to budget - it was quite a little slog to save up pennies to buy my laptop - darn glad I got there !!!!!   Am now saving hard so that I can celebrate my 60th by, whenever Michael comes back to UK, going to go and see him - even if it is in London at Royal Albert Hall - maybe I'll be 61 or 62 by then - I don't care - I'll still celebrate my 60th with him !!!!!!    lol.  To your question if I got to Edinburgh to see him, unfortunately, no because not having access to information didn't know he was touring - that is other reason I wanted laptop because I knew about web pages also having moved here 10 years ago now, from the city, although I love it and would not go back, realize it is a bit rural and puts you out of contact with a lot of what is going on!  And, no Robin, I have never seen Michael - twice I have had tickets to go to concerts and, twice, because of domestic circumstances I haven't been able to go.  BOO HOO HOO ! I'll get there one day, though!  Nice to hear about Orrin being so kind - think both of them could be - don't you ???   Maybe that is the appeal too, apart from everything else, they are GENTLEMEN !!!!!


Speak to you soon,Robin -take care.   Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

At 3:16am on January 7, 2011, Tracey Moore said…

Hi Robin,Im going with my sister,I cant wait,he is so hansome and sings wonderfully.I could just listen to him sing all the time,such a great voice.Tracey,SC

At 9:03pm on January 6, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi again Robin,


Surprise, surprise I went over the 2000 characters that you are allowed on the comment section - should have put this in messages - och well - just about finished - a wee bit more to add.


You said about my age - I am 60 this April - and I would have said a few years ago I felt about, maybe, 25 or so now - I don't know what has happened but I would say I feel more like 16 again - it is great - long may it continue!

Can I just say to you, no way do you look 61 - no way girl - more like 41 - if even that!  Your profile picture is lovely and I presume it was just taken last year or 2009 - by the t-shirt you are wearing ?  No way, Robin, you do not look 61 !!!!!!!!!   Can I just ask you in that picture where is your left hand and, more importantly, where is his right arm  ?????????  Comprising situation, or what !!!!!!!!   hehehehehahahahaha!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

At 8:55pm on January 6, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Robin,


Do hope everything is going okay on the internet - read your message on Facebook this morning that you thought things were playing up again - hope not, Robin!

Thanks for your message - and hey, you stay in that page as long as you like and listen to the music - that is the message I have at top of page - in bold capitals - "welcome to your wee Scottish friend's page" and then underneath I say "and stay as long as you like and enjoy the music - even Maria Callas - she is my "wee cup of tea" - as is Michael and Orrin".  So you stay and enjoy!


I know Sylvie has RP - that was how my "disclosure" came about for when Sylvie told me she was blind - I told her about my having RP and peripheral loss of eyesight - then she told me her loss of sight was due to RP. I have decided now that when I feel like saying something in reference to it on any of these pages - and I have made fun little quips in some already and then deleted them - I am going to and not delete - it's me; it's a part of me and if I don't acknowledge that it exists how can I hope to deal and cope with it if it does become any worse.  I do appreciate completley, Robin, that it may, in fact, not get any worse or, gradually keep on deteriorating - there is no rhyme or reason to it and each individual is different - only blessing I feel with it is that it is so gradual - you have time to adapt and adjust - not like some poor souls who, for whatever reason, go blind overnight - there is always someone worse off than yourself !!!!!!!!


Thanks to for affording me the opportunity if I want to talk you about it that I can - that means a lot Robin - thanks!


At 3:02am on January 6, 2011, Tracey Moore said…
Hi Robin,I have 2nd row tickets,I CANT WAIT.Tracey,SC
At 5:09pm on January 5, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Robin,  Thanks a million, and I mean it, for pointing that out to me - I thought I was hitting the apostrophee key and it has always looked like one to me.  I don`t see everything all that clearly now - sometimes they can be fuzzy and if too small I really need a magnifying glass to see clearly - central vision is still okay it's (hey, do you spot that - I have found it) peripheral that has gone - and keyboards have changed so much - I started on old Remingtons (manual of course) then came the electric; then those that could be adapted as word processors and now the computer - when I was in my last job it was with a computer keyboard but it was for set programs, therefore, all of keyboard did not come into play.  But as I say Robin, thanks for pointing that out to me and if you spot anything else I should be more than grateful if you could tell me, or at least, if that little machine of yours keeps working and tells you :  obviously, I don't know if Sylvie has told you or not but I have RP - retinitis pigmentosa - as I said it is peripheral vision that has mainly gone - if I concentrate centrally I can't half see a doughnut but sometimes now even central vision can be fuzzy - especially now for what I consider as small print on here.   Thanks again, Robin - and I really do mean it!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend. 

At 4:19pm on January 5, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…
Hey girl, I don't know about the numbers you're reading girl, but just wanted to say that Michael's next concert date is on January 13 so we have a bit more than a week to wait, although Robin from MD might start it a day before so fans who attend will know where to post their reviews. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 8:56am on January 5, 2011, Kathy Rosario said…

Yes Robin you made it to my comment wall. Also yes bring the print out with you. First I printed a receipt and then there was an actual ticket that has a bar code on it. To be safe I am bringing both!

Take care,


At 6:41am on January 5, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…
Yeah baby girl, got your message, you did it! Woohoo! lol Glad you're getting more comfortable girlfriend! This will be a very happy New Year indeed! Take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 2:25am on January 5, 2011, Tracey Moore said…
Hi Robin,hope you had a Merry Christmas,and a happy new year.I will be going to see Michael on jan,31 at newberry sc,IM SO EXCITED!!!!!Any tips on how to meet him?Hope you are well,talk to you soon.Tracey SC
At 1:44pm on January 3, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Robin,


Yes I did get your message - and thanks for it - and the same back to you - have a wonderful 2011.  With that concert to look forward to - hey what could be a better start.  Hey Robin, you won`t be alone, the majority of people there will be fans and we are one big family - you know Kathy is going - just stand up and shout on her - if you haven`t found each other before you get to your seats that is - hope you two do meet up and I hope too we get plenty of reports from the pair of you.  Just thinking, Robin, when Michael gets on that stage - it will just be you and him - WOW - who needs a hubby - he could get in the road at a time like that!!!   lol.


Speak to you soon Robin and I hope all continues to go well with your access to web site - but as you say stuff like that we just can`t control - have to keep hoping somebody somewhere decides to leave well alone - if it is working, don`t change it!!!!!!  :D.


Have a great day, Robin.


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.

At 1:36am on January 3, 2011, Kathy Rosario said…

I will have Bob with me AND Michael!!! The only person I will share with...hahahaha


At 2:44am on January 1, 2011, Kathy Rosario said…

Happy New Year Robin!!! Can't wait for all our shenannigans in 2011!! Of course our Feb. concert will be great!!! Take care....


At 11:29pm on December 31, 2010, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Robin,


Glad you have got back onto this site - only spotted your messages coming through again - I just want to wish you a very, very happy new year - have a wonderful time - mind you - the beginning is going to be okay - tickets to see the "boy" -wow - great - glad you got them - certainly something to look forward to !!!!!!!  


I am going to close this little machine down for the night - it is nearly 10.30 p.m. - time I started celebrating !  lol.


Speak to you in the new year Robin - take care !


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.

At 9:14pm on December 19, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Robin, just testing to  show you how to post with the new layout. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

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