Donna Snyder's Comments

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At 12:08am on August 30, 2010, robin rehder said…
thanks Donna. I'm glad you're all healed. I may have to have more surgery but I'll cross that bridge when I see my doctor in November. if I have to, I'll wait until 2011.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
At 3:06am on August 26, 2010, robin rehder said…
Ouch Donna to all those injuries.

At 12:52am on August 25, 2010, robin rehder said…
Donna, Ooh! Ouch! That you had surgery on your shoulder. I know that had to hurt.

I went back to my doctor today&she said I may need more surgery. I'm going back in 3 months. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it&if I have to, after the new year.

I saw Michael in Ivins Utah, will see him in Cerritos, CA&Henderson NV. I've missed several due to either transportation or money.

At 6:30pm on August 24, 2010, Susan (Bush) Tousha English said…
I have not seen Michael in two years. I missed out on the Lake Charles concert. Anyway, I am sorry about the diabetes. That is a hard thing to change in your life. As a pharmacy technician, please make sure you continue to follow all doctor orders pertaining to medication. I have't had a chance to order the new CD. I have had so many changes in my life that I had to put this on hold a while. Divorce, angry children, and remarry. I am so happy with my new husband. Our anniversary is next month. In fact, my new husband attended the last MB concert with me two years ago. He is such a sweetheart! Good to hear from you.
At 5:39am on August 24, 2010, robin rehder said…
I'm doing good, Donna. My asthma has greatly improved since I've been here but I did have surgery on my left hand almost 4 months ago&I'm still recovering. I've finished therapy but I'm going to my doctor tomorrow&she may approve more OT.

Take care.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
At 5:31am on August 24, 2010, robin rehder said…
Hey Donna,

I think I've got it worked out that I accepted your friendship when you added me on.

Wow! Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees had emergency gastrointestinal surgery. It flashes back of when his brother Maurice had it. They're saying he's recovering ok though. I'm glad because Maurice wasn't so lucky.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
At 5:49am on August 19, 2010, Susan (Bush) Tousha English said…
Good to hear from you. I have a regular facebook under Susan Tousha English. I am the only one.LOL. I tried to search for you but so many Donna Snyders listed.I sadly will not get to attend a concert. Lake Charles was sold out by the time I heard about it. Many things have changed in my life in the last few years and the last 2 months.I am really happy now. Hope you are doing well. Talk with you later.

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