Hey all you Fanilows!!


I made this annoucement on facebook, but then thought some of you are not members over there and thought you would like to know some latest news on Barry.........


First, Barry is also releasing a "Duets" CD in the middle of May.  If you go on Amazon.com, you can see the artists and list of songs.  I noticed that some of these songs he recorded in the past, but a few may be new....not really sure but will find out!!!


Barry's CD named "15 Minutes" will be released in the near future.  This CD has all new songs, so this will be a must have for me and any Fanilow!!!!


If you go on Barry's web site Manilow.com, there is a contest to see Barry Live in New York City, Valentine's Day of next year!!!!!  Just go and sign up to be on his mailing list and you have a chance to win a trip and see the Great one live!!!  I did!!!!   :)


If you go on Elton John's facebook page, there is a trivia contest and you can win a pair of Tickets to see Billy Elliot on Broadway.  I only got three out of six answers right, so no luck for me....rats!!!  I hope to buy tickets and see the show sometime this year...would love to see it!!!


By the way, if anyone here is on facebook and would like to be friends with me over there (some of you already are, thank you!!), I'm using the name Bella Starr, instead of my real name.  So send me an invite and we can keep in touch on facebook too!!!   :)




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Thanks for the link, Jennifer.....unfortunately it won't work in the US. I'm really sorry to hear this about Barry because I've been a big fan of his for years and years! I've seen him at least 4 times in concert and he always put on a fantastic show!


Anna (in MO)

Oh crikey, sorry the link wont work for you Anna.


I can imagine that his shows are incredible! He loves a good 'showgirl' type of show doesnt he?


I always imagine that he has the girls in their feather headresses and lots of dancing girls too. Cant think of the word I wany but to put on a large spectacle, extravaganza type of show. I know thats the wrong words but I just cant think of what I want to say? 


I bet he's great live. It might have been the studio conditions tha tmade him look this way. The lights etc might have required extra makeup for example.


My friend is going to see him at the London UK O2 arena tomorrow night I think it is. I've asked for a report and photos too so if she has any I'll share them here.


Love Jennifer XX

Just a reminder to all the Fanilows here.......Barry is on QVC this Thursday at 8:00pm Eastern Time!!!!!!!!!!  He will be promoting his new CD "15 Minutes", that will come with a bonus CD only if you buy it from QVC, so don't forget.....this Thursday May 26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     :)



Well Barry looked Great, sounded Great and I love the new songs from "15 Minutes" !!!!!  Can't wait to get my copy!!!!    :)



Everytime I see your avatar, is makes me smile. Ghostbusters, you gotta love em!!


So glad Barry was looking good. Hope your new CD arrives quickly for you. 


Love Jennifer XX

Hi Jennifer!!!


So who are ya gonna call??????    :)


Thanks, hope you are having a nice weekend!!  :)



For anyone who will be home, Barry will be on the TV show "The Talk" on Wednesday June 8 which is on CBS.  I won't be able to watch it, but will read the reviews on Barryr's site (or maybe someone will post the interview later on!!!).


He is also planning some suprises in the New York area on June 13, 14 and 15.  Not sure yet what they are, but will be on the lookout....that is for sure!!!!   :)



Barry will have many TV and radio appearances the next few weeks to promote his new CD "15 Minutes".  On June 15 he will be on Good Morning America on ABC.


All of the dates are listed on his web site and facebook page.  Barry is having a CD signing here in New York on June 13.  Not sure if I will make it or not, but wanted to share the news with everyone!!  They will also sell tickets for 3 shows in February for Valentine's Day.  So happy for Barry for all this success....and can't wait to get his new CD this month!!!!!    :)





As usual I'm not sure if this is the place to post this, but did anyone in the UK see Barry tonight on the Paul O'Grady Show?!   He was absolutely fantastic!!!!   Brilliant and amazing!   I didn't catch the name of his new CD but I'll look it up.  


I've been feeling really fed up the past few days.  I've no idea where my Gems order is and no-one to contact.  But I just turned the TV on and heard Paul O'Grady telling us Barry would be on :) :)   His voice is superb, as good as ever, his humour's still there and whether or not he's had surgery - I don't care. He felt good about himself and that's what matters.   Can't remember the name of the song he sang at the end but I loved it!   Now I need to visit Amazon ;)


I'm sorry if I shouldn't be writing on here or like this and I will always love and admire Michael's music too.  Always!  In about 5 years, if things run true to form,  I should actually get Gems! :)


hugs to all, di (Scotland)

Hya Diane,


Of course its fine to write your post here. You are very welcome to post anywhere you like and as this is a thread about Barry, I cant think of any better place. :)


Barrys new album is called '15 minutes' and the song he sang at the end is called 'Bring on tomorrow.' Lovely wasnt it? I saw Barry on Paul O'grady too.



Thanks Jennifer, I hadn't a clue what the song was, or the album - but I did enjoy it and hearing him again brought back so many memories! :) 


di xxx


Hi Diane.....Glad to see another fan of Barry's here on this forum!!   :)




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