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We've gotta find a way to trust

The very best in all of us

Let there be love, let there be love


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Thanks Pilar :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I thought I had posted this so if i shows up twice...sorry!


New Date:

October 12

Thunder Bay Community Auditorium

Thunder Bay, ON Canada

tickets on sale tomorrow

Ooh, it's not Rama Ontario! Maybe  Michael's tour manager recieved my map and he's studying it? I wonder how far is Thunder Bay eh... :D Thank you for posting this Gail, there might be hope yet. I remember last year, Thunder Bay was on the scheduled but then was removed... Thanks again girl and no, you hadn't posted it, take care sweetie and God bless you for the work you do! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Quebec Canada

I hope you can go Sylvie!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Hi Robin, thanks sweetie. I frankly doubt it, but at least it gives me a glimmer of hope Michael will  tour part of Canada in the fall, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Trust me, the forum will know if I can go! lol Take care Robin and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Well dang it all Sylvie....I think I might have to come to Canada myself and perform a miracle!!!!!!! PLEASE Michael go see SYLVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Sylvie....did you send Michael good "specs" so he could read all the fine detail on the map?...including the personalized route that YOU drew in from the airport to the venue and then how he could drive you back HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then you all could chat about his next tour!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL  Oh how I wish for you girl.....Team Dare....needs to refocus on this mission NOW....LOL LOL LOL

Love ya Solver......:)


Hey Kathy, well I was hoping you could lend him your own specs when you see him! Lol lol lol Hmm,Michael driving me home while we talk about his next tour? Who’s home? :D I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a Canadian leg of the tour girl, love you too Katie Magoo: don’t forget your specs! Lol

Aww, thank you very much Robin, you ain’t kidding girl, and thank you  too Sylvia, I’d cross my eyes, wires and signals, if I thought it could help… Thank you sweet friends, Take care girls. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Ohhhhh slow down there Sylvie...I was thinking you were still driving in Canada?????? Did you give Michael the wrong directions????? He turned too soon?????? LOL LOL LOL  I thought I was the only one who got lost!!! I shall offer up my specs for his autograph....lol....sounds like a deal :) Katie Magoo signing off......ooooops....bump crash crunch....forgot my specs :/

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Kathy, I can drive in Canada but my 20 foot cane I was sticking out the window got caught in a manhole and my new one hasn’t arrived yet! Lol Right now I can only drive nails, screws and my family crazy! Lol As far as directions go, my map was crystal clear to get to the venue, but he might have confused them with the return trip home which is the scenic route… :D Thanks for your specs girl, maybe you should sit still for a while… ;D Take care Kathy. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Qc Canada

I am sitting now Sylvie and wondering why you don't have a Gumby cane....one that merely stretches and bends at every obstacle????!!!!! LOL  You had better ENJOY that scenery girl :) When your family asks where you went....say....I drove myself crazy and don't know where I went!!!!! lol  Safe trip to you.......

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Oh I hope so Sylvie, you are way overdue!!!! Crossing fingers for you!!


Robin in MD

And I have got my toes crossed too Sylvie !!!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


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