Well as you have seen posted in other threads, Michael is recording and working on his next CD.  I found this yesterday and thought you would enjoy.  Any findings or info you find on the new CD...please post it here..thanks!


http://www.countryweekly.com/rascal_flatts_and_michael_bolton/news/... - The story below...click on the link for a picture:


New Country Mashup: Rascal Flatts?

published: March 1, 2011   |   author: Brad Schmitt


You know the Rascal Flatts boys have been collaborating with Justin Beiber.

Now it seems the mega-country group is going with, uh, the opposite demographic.

Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts put up a picture of his group with Michael Bolton.

Jay tweets that they’re all writing a new song for Michael’s new album.

Won’t Justin be jealous?

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Glad you enjoyed it Sylvie and I hope Kathy does like the version too and here is one more little one of Eva's that I love, "Songbird" and I will stop there with Eva and I just hope everyone that loves her hears her singing with Michael - it is the song I am going to plug on the radio off of "Gems" for Eva, I believe, is still about #10 in the charts with one of her CD's here in the UK or, at least, she was last week so I'll get in there with "Over The Rainbow" !! :)



OMG that link came out in the right place as well - WOW - I didn't have to do any fiddling about with my script !!! :)

Just a little add on Sylvie I don't know if you realize or not that it is Eva who is playing the guitar - just in case you thought somebody else - forgot to mention that !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Yep, I'll definitely have to look up her albums, thanks again Sylvia. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

OMG......The Syls Duo is going to bring me to my knees!!!!!!!!!!! First Kathy's song and then Over the Rainbow and then Songbird and I STILL have Fields of Gold STAYING in my mind and soul!!!!! What a beautiful song Sylvie...Kathy's song. I gasped when Eva sings...."and but for the grace of you go I". How many times did I say that after Bob's accident and then our friend's funeral???!!! And Sylvia...Over the Rainbow with Eva and just her guitar!!! This is incredible food for my soul. Eva is clearly an angel and of course Michael couldn't pass up a duet with her soul and spirit. Pure magic!!!! Clearly Heaven on earth :))))))))))))

Thank you my friends......very sweet posts filled with such joyful sounds.........ahhhhhhh....  :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob


Hey Kathy, I'm so glad you enjoyed the songs sweetie and you're very welcome. Didn't I say you had good stuff coming your way? :D This is just an appetizer, the full meal is coming next Tuesday! Take good care of yourself Kathy, God bless. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

I know I said I would stop with Eva - but hey Sylvie. Columbo rides again - one, very, very last one and one I absolutely adore for I adore Katie Melua too and it is she who is singing with Eva and, if my memory serves me right, Katie went to #1 with this a few years ago and how about too - Katie and Michael - just a suggestion Michael if you happen to read this.....another duets album on the way - no problem - we will soon find them for him, won't we girls !! :)    Should put out a little alert - advert appears at beginning of this video hope it doesn't affect your access Sylvie !! :)




Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.





Well wee one, if you want to move this over to another thread:


we’ll discuss this! Thank you for sharing this sweetie: when their voices blend, it’s pure magic! I also happened to catch  this duo’s version of OTR and sent it to Kathy… My goodness, be still my beating heart for the duet with Michael! BTW, thanks for the warning about the ad, YouTube is good for that but no problem, I love YouTube! Take care sweetie and thanks again for sharing. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


Hope I do this right!   I wanted to thank you all for the links on here.    I've spent an entire afternoon listening to Michael and 'others' :) :)   Sorry, can't remember all their names but I loved listening to them all.   Thank you so much!


At the risk of rambling (I do it well!) - thank you so much Sylvia for the link to Eva Cassidy and  'Songbird' :)   Just ... amazing!


hugs, di xxx

No problem Diane - am glad you enjoyed it and you certainly don't have to apologise for "rambling" this is the place to do it and there is really only one stipulation, as long as it is all about Michael, ramble all you like !! :)  Hope you come into all the other threads and join in too - more than welcome !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Wow......Master Rambler....your above message is quite short! Are you typing with invisible ink???????? LOL

And welcome aboard Diane......do get a round trip ticket and snugly fasten your seatbelt for the crazy ride ahead!!!! MB fun at all times!!!!

Katy and LAFD Bob

HA HA HA !!!!! LOL

Hope you can read between the lines !! LOL


Hi Diane and welcome to the forum! Glad you've enjoyed the links. Thank goodness, we've only got 8 days to go for the album! Did you pre-order yours or will you be buying it in the store? Oh dear, don't worry about rambling sweetie, as the master rambler said, as long as it's about Michael, go right ahead! ;D Hope you enjoy the forum as much as we do, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

LOL.   Is that another nom de plume I have got Sylvie - OMG I did LOL when I read that for I must be honest and say when I was answering Diane I did think this is a bit like "the pot calling the kettle black" - yeah, from one rambler to another !!! LOL.   So now I am the frustrated author, Columbo, the Confusion Illusionist and I can't remember all the rest but now I am the RAMBLER and, wait a minute, I am a master at it too !!! LOL.  You have given me a good laugh Sylvie - thanks my friend !!! :)  I was over on Facebook putting out Pilar's link for everybody to listen to "Love is Everything" and I have played it that much I have just about learnt the words and I have even got a little dance routine going to it - I think it is BRILLIANT - I love it !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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