We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now. The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight. You can find a station here:
Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member.
I second that Mary!!!! I want mine too!!!!!! LOL LOL
Kathy and LAFD
I wish I could hurry your mail men up ladies. I do...I understand Mary, MB's music gets me thru rough times too!!
Robin in MD :)
Well if you would just release the mailman Robin Md. instead of holding him hostage and ruffling through his mailbag and ...uhmmmmm....lifting all the other cd packages out!!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL
Kathy and LAFD Bob
LOL Kathy R. I don't have your mail man, I PROMISE!!! Mine is a nice lady..Sylvie you are too funny too!!
Robin in MD :)
Hey, I've got news for you all - I've got the mailman......he is the only man that is real in my life so I am holding onto him !! LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Don't let him go!!! Nothing like a good man.... mailman!
Well that would explain the delayed cd Sylvia!!!!!! I might as well put in another order!!!!! LOL
Kathy and LAFD Bob
OMG, I hope this lands in the right spot... Joy, now you have to tell me about this "mail-man musings"! :D))) Funny enough, I was discussing an elaborate picture Sylvia painted for me of a mailman's hjourney walking across the ocean to get to her and I told her it evoqued one of your icons! :D With all these wonderful reviews from fans who have recieved their CD's, I'm sure a lot of us have "mailman musings", thinking it would have been faster if Michael delivered the CD's himself! :D Thanks for the smile Joy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
P.S.: You should have recieved yours by now, shouldn't you?
Well I don't think anyone can have too many Michael cds!!!!!!!!! LOL I am still not so sure Robin Md. Since you received yours first.....just maybe you lost your mind and......!!!! LOL LOL Sylvie I won't even push Michael's music...I will keep it ALL for myself!!!! Your loss if you don't want to join me!!!! I don't mean you personally...but other music starved people....lol
We should be getting some reviews soon!!!! Come on fans....get typing!!!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob