I was wondering why you never hear Michaels music on the radio.I listen to the radio at my desk 9 hours a day,never hear not one song.The best singer ever,and not one song,I wish there was something we could do.It dont matter how many times you call them,they dont answer,they dont want to hear, what I have to say!!We need Michael on the radio!!!!!Tracey,South Carolina

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Hey Ms. Tracey, you need to write me karenday@carolina.rr.com, take care, Karen, NC

ps, please?

I'm laughing at your post because this is the answer I received from my local radio station managers " The reason we dont play Michael bolton is because he is not current enough!"


My reply to them was that one day the previous week they played 'Build me up buttercup' 1967, T-Rex 'Get it on' 1971 The Rubettes 'Sugar baby love' 1974, Anita Ward 'Ring my bell' 1979. So......how is Michael 'not current enough'?  Apparently, people like to hear these old songs??


Im dogging my local radio station and generally making a nuisance of myself now to get Michael on Heart FM. It's a disgrace, it realy is!!



Hi Tracey

the same problem here in Switzerland! the only song that I hear sometime is How am I suppose......



Silvy from Switzerland


In Spain happens the same but really I prefer so. I think Michael Bolton is a great artist ( the best for me) so he does not need some promotion like temporal groups or singer.  He is not a temporal fashion, he is timeless. When I said who is my favourite singer not every one know who is Michael Bolton  ( although he has wone Grammys ans sell millions of CD) and that make me fell special, diferent, out of the temporal fasion, out of the ordinary.

So if I not hear MB music on the radio I take my CD as my tresor and turn on it and then I feel again special. Perhaps this is a nonsense but I feel so and I like it.





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