Here is a German report and a video clip:!etc!medialib!rbb!rbb!zibb!zibb_20111220_bolton.html


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Thanks Eva!!!!! Love it!!!!! I put again the whole link:!etc!medialib!rbb!...



PS. Could someone translate a bit?? ;-)

Me not. LOL !!!

Thank you very much, Eva and Pilar !!!

Take care


Below is translation of link ......once again inaccuracies occur !!!!



Michael Bolton in Berlin

At 25.12., a great show is broadcast in the world with Helene Fischer and Michael Bolton. The world star from Connecticut currently resides in the capital. zibb who met him in a contemplative moment.

Michael Bolton received twice the Grammy Award (1990 and 1992) and six times the American Music Award. In the course of his career, he has sold over 52 million albums and singles. The man from Elm City stood on the stage with many Weltsdtar. Once again he is guest in the German capital: with new album and new tour. zibb who met him in Berlin.

Post by Katrin hampel"


Wanted to say Eva M. have you been into the thread in the section Tours, Gigs and Accouncements which is headed as "New TV appearances by Michael Bolton" and gives further information and links about Michael's performance on the telethon charity show in Berlin ??? :)

Thanks for this link Eva M - wonderful to see - thanks !!! :)


My apologies for the "huge" print at the top obviously picked up from translation .....still need to learn how to change that ....oh no, more homework already for 2012 !!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


For Robin and Sylvie the video is kind of difficult to describe because at first you see Michael inside a church when he is singing the word Hallelujah and then it is basically shots of him walking about inside the church and then coming out of with little snippets of interviews along with snippets of performances given by him and Helene - lovely to see but pretty disjointed !!    In one shot of him with Helene, obviously before they went on stage and then of Michael on stage the t-shirt he has got on is rather spectacular and completely and utterly different to what we normally see our Michael in on stage for it is crazily patterned in what looks like grey and white but the neckline is almost bowshaped - polo shirt in sight !!!!! LOL. 

Hey Sylvia, thanks for the description of the video and the translation. The site is accessible, but again, I don't know where to click to have access to the video. Well in any case, thanks Eva for sharing with us! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sylvie, the video is directly on top. Try in the center of the picture!


PS. Did you have finally access to the previous one?

Thanks Sylvia !!!

Take care


Hi there,

the interview was very moving. If no one has the oppurtunity to give a summary earlier, I will try my best between Christmas and New Year . MB's message really hit me.

Greetings from Germany


Hi Astrid, my son should have more time over the hollidays to help me with what I can't hear, don't worry about it. I did hear the performance of "Hallelujah" thanks to Sylvia but that's it. I'll keep you posted and thanks for your concern. Now I'll have to corner him: I can't wait to hear what Michael said! Take care sweetie and talk to you soon. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sylvie you actually only hear Michael speaking a few words because it is then dubbed over with the commentator, I presume, relaying in German what Michael has is not a video interview of Michael speaking all the time, as in others, it is more shots of Michael in different situations with words overlapping the shots and that was why too I meant it was difficult to describe because most is in German and my little translator only translates words not basically Sylvie, this time, we don't know what is going on in the video the same as you and Robin CA - we are in the "dark" too !!!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend. 


I`ll try to translate the video a little bit. Hope Astrid will do better.

"He is tall, blond, handsome and he is single. Michael likes the Nikoleikirche in Berlin.

It`s for him a place of rest.

(Some info that we all know about his co-operation with Helene Fischer )

Now he has all his gifts together and on Christmas he will spend two days with his doughters

and granddoughters. Afterwards te children goes to his ex-wife and he will perform again.

It was a good year for him.

Becouse he is the whole year on tour, it`s difficult for him to find the wright women, but he

is be next year!!!

I wish all of you a very, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Greetings from Switzerland


Thanks so much Eva M. - thank you for that translation .....absolutely wonderful !!!! :)     Great to hear he is going to spend time with the girls and his granddaughters....maybe we will get a picture ....and I have news for you all for it is me he is waiting for in 2012 - he just doesn't know it yet or.....maybe I have been at that ouzo already !!!!!! ROFL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend. 

Thank you Eva,Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too!Take care :)   Silvia PS