Hello.  I've posted some new to me videos on youtube that you might want to watch :)   Here are a few links:


Michael on The Nanny:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwx9KM-Ej1s


Michael on  Politically Incorrect part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hdkLTq2s0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlinxd1zirE


and Michael on Charlie Rose part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KX6THlE6f0 and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gsUb5eOjc


Enjoy them for the first time or once again :)  Payten

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Sylvie, listen to her voice, to each note and imagine the fountains responding to it.   Imagine the pitch, the power and control in her voice .... and as you do, imagine these fountains responding, growing stronger and then silently falling away, awaiting her voice to bring them back to life ...

It's a poor description, the best I can give.

Sylvia, thank you for this.    I know many people say "why now?", "what did they do for her when she was alive?", and so on ... I know because I've read them.  It's everyone's right to speak their mind and if this is how they feel, so be it. 

But to me, this is about showing the respect deserving of an amazing voice, an incredible talent that has touched most of us at some time in our life.

Sorry to ramble Sylvia.  Thank you again.


di xxx

Hey Diane, I'm sure the words don't do it justice, but that was one very good attempt, thank you sweetie! :D Take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thank you for sharing Sylvia,

my favorite version from the World Music Award 1994 (awesome night back then: Patrick Swayze was the host and he and his wife danced to a W.H. song, also: an incredible Kenny G. and many more!!)

W.H's mother was in the audience and so she changed the lyrics a bit to dedicate this song to her mother, I hope you like it too:

I will always love you:


Greetings from Germany


A really funny video of Michael



Thanks for finding and posting that one Eva M......that is absolutely brilliant and whoever compiled that has got a fine sense of humour !!!  :)   Really loved it and thanks again for sharing !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



thanks for that one!  like sylvia said, who ever made it, picked some good clips. 

Loved it!



Not sure if we've seen this clip before?

It's Michael performing with Sammy Hagar from January 2007 Cabowaboncantine Las Vegas  New years eve and looks as if he was performing just as the clock struck because they are singing 'Midnight hour.


Looks like it was an impromptu performance, but Michael seems to be enjoying himself. 


Hi Jennifer, there are 2 Sammy Hagar videos floating around so I'm not sure if this one has been posted either. I remember the clips when Jan had posted them on her sound and video page eons ago. But thanks for bringing it up to the surface. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi there,

I don't remember if we already had this one:

The Nanny - Blooper


Sylvie and Robin: it is the scene when Fran/The Nanny dances with Mr. Sheffield and due to her allergical reaction she tries to scratch herself with everything that comes her way - in this moment it is MB' s back - who is supposed  to promote "The Arias" in this small venue. MB slowly turns around and is recognized now. But then Fran messes up her lines - laughter - and MB offers her his microphone. I guess you will find your interpretation of the upcoming conversation.... MB's laughter in the end is adorable. Also this grey suit and black shirt really suits him - gorgeous LOL.

Greetings from Germany


Hey Astrid, thanks for posting this girl! No, it hadn't been posted, hehe... Thanks for the description, that I  read after I've heard it. :D I did read the comments on YouTube though. In any case, thanks for sharing it sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Didn`t know if any of you had heard the song "Break free"

with Michael and Irena Jarocka


I`ve never heard of this...


What an amazing song sang by two amazing voices!!   Thank you so much Eva.




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