Hello my sweet friends,
I wanted to ask you one question, what is the favorite movie of Michael Bolton. Does anyone know?
I read a lot about him, but have never managed to find out.
I wish I knew.
I send an affectionate kiss.
See you soon and thanks.

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Erika, do you actually mean a movie or a music video?


Hello Erika,

 I don't know if MB has been on the movie ? I agree with Gail you mean a music video?? I has many  CDs and DVDs  of him ,all of my favorite:))!!


 Thida, from Thailand ,xx

No my dear, I expressed badly, I mean if you tell me what's the favorite movie by Michael Bolton, since we know what is your favorite dish or his favorite perfume or his favorite dessert, I thought I could find out which films they like more.
Thanks for your help you are very sweet.

Michael has been described as a "movie buff" and his likes of films is wide and varied but e.g when "Dances With Wolves" came out it was said that Michael loved that film.....I remember reading that because I too loved that film when it came out and still do and that is also quoted in the Lee Randall book.....and I believe it has also been said that he loves "A Wonderful Life" (if I have got that title right) and has watched that many times but as for today and his immediate "like" only the man himself can tell you that one!! lol   

Have I got another excuse for the "dripping tap" to start again......MICHAEL, where are you ??????? LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thank you my dear!

You know my lovely friends?
I hope that "It's a Wonderful Life" a film by Frank Capra in 1946 with James Stewart. A very beautiful film. I was very touched.
If you've never seen do it.
Michael has really good taste for movies.
I embrace you all with affection.

Hi Erika, I just found this thread sweetie. Michael's favorite movie is indeed "It's a wonderful life" and yes I have read this somewhere. First of all, it's a really sweet movie, but if you stop and intake the message of the movie: that everyone's life is worth something and you can never imagine how much impact your life has on others, it's frankly tailor-made for Michael. Can you imagine what the world and our individual lives would have been like without Michael? I know I can't... I don't even want to think of how different my life would be without the existence of Michael... So there you go sweetie: you had it right! :D Take care Erika. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

My dear Sylvie, you are quite right, I think it just like you.
Unfortunately in my work I have seen so many teenage girls let their lives slip away. They had no reference point. I can honestly say that Michael is one of the landmarks in my life.
I chose to provide psychological assistance to women and girls who have suffered abuse and violence, or suffer from eating disorders just because I admire all that Michael is doing and has done with Bolton Charities.
Our Michael is an artist who lives for music and has much to teach us with his conduct.
Unfortunately there are few people rich materially and at the same time full of heart. Our beloved Michael has shared his good fortune with those who did not deserve anything and that kind of luck can only dream about.
Michael Bolton is a great example of generosity, compassion and love of neighbor.
We should all learn from such people.
And I think sensible people like you, Sylvie, and like all our friends can understand the true essence of Michael which is made of music and love.
Take care of yourself, sweetie.

Hi again Erika, well first, good for you being inspired by Michael’s character enough to want to help others too! :D As I’ve heard him say many times: reach out if you have something to give. You know, this reminds me of an old thread we have on here, check it out:


It’s all about how Michael has impacted our lives and frankly, that thread is just scratching the surface, if you know what I mean. There are many untold stories of at least a couple of my friends who have overcome massive obstacles thanks to Michael’s music. I’m one of the lucky ones who hasn’t had a life-shattering experience but I know that my life would have been a lot different and especially in the past 12 years, since I first came in contact with the fan club at the time and my very first Bolton buddy. I know for a fact that I wouldn't have as many friends, I don’t think I would have traveled as much, ever gone to the opera or opened my mind to just such a phenomenal world of music I would have never explored but is such a vital part of my life now. Check out the thread Erika, I’m sure you’ll find it inspiring as well. Take care sweetie and enjoy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

My dearest Sylvie, thanks!
I have also told me my experience. I had not talked to you, dear friends of the impact Michael has had in my life.
Thank you dear.
Take care of yourself always.


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