Here's something new I thought we could try

As many of you know I love music of all sorts and have a wide variety of different types I enjoy

Usually if I am on the computer I am also listening to my music as well

It just so happens that right now Ready for you- Michael playing

It doesn't have to be Michael Bolton it can be anybody by the time I finish typing Anne Murray and Kenny Rogers are singing If I ever

fall in Love again

Happy new year


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Hi everyone, while doddling on YouTube and searching for songs by this group I recently discovered, I came across this video of said group Neon Trees, who are singing Justin Beeber’s song “Baby” and I thought they did a cute version of it and thought I’d share.

I’m not a Justin fan (although I know he’s Canadian eh) but I really enjoy Neon Trees. Hope you like it. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi and thank you Sylvie for this.   I liked the way they incorporated 'Stand By Me' into it ... made all the difference to the song!  

By the way, I know nothing about Neon Trees but they seem incredibly talented.    No comment on Justin Bieber! lol

hugs, di xxx

Hey Diane, good to read you here sweetie. :D I like groups like Neon Trees and the Fratellis: they have an early 80's punk feel to their music and fun beats to bop to. It helps a lot when you're dusting or cleaning the bathroom... :DTo be honest, I'm sure Justin is talented, but his sound doesn't interest me enough to want to engage in a deep psychological study of his artistry... :))) I was doing research on YouTube as I've said and found that Neon Trees  had been on the "Live from Daryl's house" show also. It generally takes me a bit more time to discover young artists and groups, so I'm really glad the performances are on-line to be seen again. Well thanks for checking my suggestion sweetie. Take care and have a great week! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi everyone, today I want to share a French song from the only contemporary francophone artist I buy. I was able to listen to his latest album this week and it’s justout of this world! He’s a young soul artist named Corneille and he has done an English album, in case you’d like to know. I personally love his style to begin with, but some of the songs on his album are “Bruno Mars good”, vocally and musically, plus he has great lyrics too. My favourite song from the album “Les inseparables” is called “Dis-moi que tu m’aimes” which means: tell me you love me, kind of a cute make-up song:

Other great tracks are the title song, “Le bar des sentimentalistes” and the gorgeous song he sings for his new son “Tout ce que tu pourras”, which is a ballad. He’s a very underrated and under-appreciated artist, although I hear there was an article about him in "O" magazine a while back. Hope you like it. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Lady Berlin, not a bad song and the guy has a decent voice. Is he an American singer? I thought it was interesting that he sings perfect English but all the comments on YouTube are in German. You really enjoy your piano music, don't you? :D Thanks for sharing Lady Berlin, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Right now I'm listening to Soul Provider, by Michael Bolton :D


I'm following the 2012 reviews and threads as best I can, but 'life' prevents me from being online too long at the moment.   Afraid that makes me a lurker, but lovely to read everyone's experiences.     In the meantime, I'm still enjoying Michael's Music ... Dock of the Bay has just started playing so will relax and enjoy while I can.

hugs to you all or anyone who reads this,

di xxx



Hey Diane, good to know you're still around sweetie! I was just listening to Robin Gibb's "Boys do fall in love" a friend sent, can you guess which friend? :D Sorry to hear life is so hectic, but I'm glad you're not missing anything. BTW, you might want to keep an eye on the "Someone is recording a new album" thread in "The music" section. . Everyone is putting there all the bits of info we can gather up about Michael's upcoming Motown album. Take care sweetie pie and hope we talk soon. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

You are so beautiful

Thank you Joshua,

I'm not too sure if it was MB's version you were listening to, I didn't realise just how many people had sung it until I did a search!   Here's the link for anyone who'd like to hear it ...

hugs, di xxx



Hi all, today I want to share this fabulous memory I heard last night on one of those “My music” specials on PBS, one of those 60’s specials, but after a little research, apparently this version was released in 1970. It’s called « Hey there lonely girl » by Eddie Holman :

It’s been recorded by a lot of people, but was apparently a remake of this 1963 song called “Hey there lonely boy” by Ruby & the Romantics, useless bit of trivia there. :D It’s one of those gorgeous soul songs that were so popular in the early 70’s from groups like the Stylistics and Chi-lites etc, hope you enjoy it. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi girl, ooh, I have loved this song for years. New site discovered today as you see.
Hugs, Kathy in Tulsa

Hey Kathy in Tulsa, glad you made it here and do feel free to share! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D


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