New Year Resolutions for 2012....with a completely NEW slant !!!

Following a request and suggestion from a very dear friend of all of ours on this forum, Sylvie from Canada, I’ve agreed to set up this thread on behalf of both of us and hope that you’ll join in the fun .

Sylvie's idea came from the age old New Year resolution pledges that we’ve all made and have often all broken, throughout the years, and hoped that by trying a "new sauce" on that "old turkey"  it could feel easier for us all and give us a chance to be able to "pat ourselves on the back" and proudly say we achieved our goal of following to the end our... "New Month"... resolution instead........ what do you think?

We both agreed that the month of January would be a "freeby" so we can share suggestions if any of our usual active forum members are interested in this project which, we both hope, will turn into something worthwhile and a lot of fun too.  So guys, if you’d like to take part, please feel free to share your ideas of what you think would be useful and fun resolutions for all of us to follow each month. 

Obviously this January is, apart from a "freeby" month, a trial month too so that Sylvie and I can see your interest in this and figure out what the majority think so that we can start February with a very firm idea of what our 1st Resolution will be.  Each one, thereafter, will be clearly displayed before the month begins and will be advertised with an MB calendar as is shown below for our "freeby" month of January.  We hope that each month we can all share stories, tips and cheer each other on.



If you’re interested please join in and give us your thoughts and let’s make this great forum even more of a fun place to visit where we can all come together as friends, thanks to our love and admiration for our Michael.


Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia, your wee Scottish friend.

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Hey Sylvia, your resolution was to do stuff outside: you can’t do that every day, no problem. I know quite a few people here are novel readers but find myself clueless in that department so more power to you Sylvia: really I wasn’t teasing... :D OMG, are you serious about the Schwarzkopf album? I never know with you! Lol Well Sylvia, about technology, I don’t have any more room for any devices so I guess I’ll have to stop!lol But seriously, my son was really impressed at how much care I took with my records because the majority of them sound just about perfect. Many songs we’ve recorded are old 70’s Quebec songs you can’t find anywhere including this cute little song called “Sylvie”, I should send it to you! lol The first thing my son recorded was my “The blue lagoon” soundtrack I’ve sent you the link too. It got me teary-eyed to listen to it again: you don’t know how much I love that soundtrack! Next, we’re attacking my Olivia Newton-John pile                                            and it’s frankly the biggest one... :D Well anyway, enjoy your patio girl. We’ve had a scorcher on Saturday and a hot but windy Sunday but it’s rainy today so I’ll catch up more. Have a great day sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from                       Canada

Hey Sylvie, Schwarzkopf to me are a firm that make glass ornaments.....little bears etc I don't know anything about an album .....honest and this time I ain't kidding you !!!! lol.    The CD I was referring to was that one, you know, called homemade compilation or the vault where I forgotten the other day where I had heard a song which was referred to in a thread but knew I had heard it.....remember !!! LOL.

We still have glorious weather and yesterday over in Edinburgh it was two degrees off of breaking the record for the warmest day in Scotland ever in May....don't know about today for it has been scorching here.....I had gone to garden centre to get compost and different little things so that I could make up my hanging baskets .....I was shattered when I got home and I had left early in the morning before the heat really got going and when I was making up the baskets I took myself and my table into the shade and I was still roasting and I didn't get to finish everything I wanted to do.....still got little plants for pots but I had had enough.....oh boy was starting to go dizzy and had to leave the clearing up for about another hour till I had a shower and cooled off !!    I am sitting in my kitchen right now listen to AI and that wonderful, wonderful Phillip Phillips and the sun is streaming in and the heat is still terrific and it is going on for 9.00 is fantastic and so is Phillip.....OMG I hope he wins but it hasn't half been a job trying to miss everything about it for even Hollywood News have about the winner and I nearly started reading that.....I am going into little things feeling fearful that I am going to read something because our final, final show isn't on till tomorrow night and talking about reading things......remember how I said about the next book I was going to read was one of John Connolly's and he sets his stories mainly in the east coast well have a guess what; his private detective headed to Brighton Beach.....I expected Jack Sparrow to jump up at any moment.....couldn't believe it when that was mentioned as I said just waiting for Westport to pop up too !!! LOL.

Before I go or more like before I run away......"The Blue Lagoon" soundtrack and a LINK.....haven't found it yet Sylvie......what do you mean I've probably deleted it......I never delete anything....deliberately.....probably just misplaced somewhere yeah, like in the bin !!!!!! LOL. LOL LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Hey Sylvia, I’ve re-read your message and finally caught on what you meant about the CD: I catch on quick but you have to explain a while... ;D Well, I know nothing about Schwarzkopf being a company that makes glass ornaments etc, wouldn’t that be Schwarovsky? :D Again, I know nothing... :D As I’ve said, I caught on to which CD you were referring too: “Songs from the vault”. My compilation, once I have it worked out will be pretty cool, if I do say so myself... It’ll be corny as heck, but fuzzy memories are priceless, which makes it cool... It went up to 29 degrees or about 34 with humidity factor. You can hear the wind outside but it won’t come in! At least some stuff got done on my side and my son recorded 3 more Olivia LP’s so we’re doing well. Oh and I’ve just started on my last box set of operetta records and I recognized quite a few I already have, sung by Mario Lanza. Sylvia, your outside sounds so pretty! Are you making it colourful or just keeping everything green? Nothing wrong with green though. Maybe you’re not drinking enough and that’s why you got dizzy. Gee, are you sick of me mothering you? Lol I’ve re-sent the “Blue lagoon” link. The soundtrack is really wonderful because it mixes orchestral music with big string arrangements, then slows it down with harpsichord passages, then he throws in some woodwinds and a bit of percussions for watery/island effects: it’s truly gorgeous. All right, that’s the report for now. I have to go and finish up my doll so might be able to post a pic soon. Take care sweetie and keep me posted. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thought I would go back to beginning as we have run out of replies and aren't I glad you can eventually follow me because OMG I don't half have trouble doing that myself.....if I would just shut my mouth long enough to think sometimes I might actually get somewhere !!!!! LOL.

You of course are totally right about Schwarzkopf and Swarovski......och well.....they do both begin with an "S" so I suppose I was partly right.....NO.....worth a have got to give me that one !!!!!!!!!! LOL.      Schwarzkopf is of course the hair products that was where I knew I had heard it from and too, old "Stormin' Norman" ....yeah he knew what he was talking about like Colin Powell...both should have been presidents.....the world certainly would be a different place if they had been and I believe a better one and from that arises another trait......digressing......what was I talking about ??????? ROFL.

My wee garden, front and back, is a mixture for all my shrubs flower at different times in the year like my rhoddy's and azelea's and then my mock orange and hydrangea's and of course then too my climbers like clematis and honeysuckle and my bushy plants like all types of lilies which were in the garden when I came here and montbretia which grows like a weed and I thin out each year  and I have quite a few annual border plants such as "Nancy Pretty" (don't know it's real name) salvias, forget-me-knots, californian poppies and big red poppies, lupins, peonies and lavendar and then, out in back, what I do is put little colourful plants in pots in between them all so that the pots are hidden but the little flowers all bloom and last year I had all pansies and this year I have chosen trailing mixed lobellia out my front I don't do that for I have nastursiums that come up as I let the seeds propogate naturally each year, so when the forget-me-knots finish along come the nasturiums and cover in all the little spaces .....I also have fir trees in pots doted on my patio along with fuschias and ivy and a couple of acers they stand either side of my water feature in big tubs and then little yearly plants get put in little pots and dotted here and there and of course, I think you will not be in the least bit surprised to hear that I also have little stone animals everywhere, mainly squirrels and rabbits although I have one large ornament of badgers and they are like the Mona Lisa, their eyes follow you everywhere and I also have a wishing well that is a planter along with a little wooden tricycle and little open scrolled metal pram  that has its two little handles and two straight open wire trays on top of each other for holding pots and its four ornate little wheels and I love them all and I also have a couple of cranes standing in beds out back in between shrubs but they get swamped by everything in the summer and it is really winter and spring when they look their best and create a little is that for a story about "my little garden" ???????????? LOL.    To finish on, got to give you a laugh, when I moved here it was winter so first spring bought myself first ornament and it was a tortoise and I had him sitting down in lower part of patio and my brother was visiting and looking out at garden and he asked me what the bleep, bleep, bleep I had bought a tortoise have guessed......for the next five minutes we talked at cross purposes for he thought it was real and I thought he realized it wasn't.......that certainly was one of those conversations you never forget and makes me smile every time I think of and every time I look at that little tortoise and the other day, I just couldn't resist, and I bought myself a little hedgehog at the garden centre and it does look real, little spines even sticking up, and I have placed it on my middle step out on patio so I will and see what big brother says about that when he sees it for the cats certainly had to investigate and I have a couple of blackbirds that use the water feature as their bath and they stopped on step and looked at....oh, how I wish I had my camera ready when I saw them do that for the female she went over and touched it with her beak as if to say is this some more food for us or does it bite !!! LOL.   Talking about outside the sun is still splitting the sky here so I am away to get ready and join it !!!!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well I try to follow you my dear but have to admit that sometimes it feels like a rollercoaster ride in a labyrinth and it’s a new world of wonder every day! :D Oh my, I so wish I had a clue about what all your garden flowers look like and the colors but I can almost smell it! It seems like you do have the soul of a gardener sweetie because that sounds like a lot of work and a lot of pleasure, good for you! I think I know what forget-me-nots and poppies look like and a handful of others but that’s about it. My neighbourhood has lilac growing everywhere and I loved it when my kids would take walks with me in the spring: the smell is  intoxicating... Heehee, nope, not surprised you have stone animals... :D We have natural animals in my area: rabbits, groundhogs, raccoons, squirrels  and skunks. If I had a lawn ornament, I’d have a Winnie the Pooh with a rake... ;D Oh Sylvia, lol thanks for sharing your lawn ornaments stories! That’s adorable, thanks for the smile! Now on my side, just as my audio-visual pile was going down, we went to a thrift shop and I picked up more tapes and more CD’s! Lol I did listen to my buddy Luciano’s 2 CD’s I’ve picked up so I can at least file them away. Hey, 10 bucks for 5 CD’s and 6 tapes, that’s pretty good! All right girl, I’m out. Thanks again for sharing your garden with me, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

You have brought me back to the garden Sylvie for I have no idea how I forgot because it is the largest thing in it, apart from the shed, for I have a white lilac was in garden when I came and all I have done with it is cut it back to a manageable size and let it grow freely for a few years and then cut it back again but, unfortunately, unlike the purple lilac its scent is nowhere near as pungent for you have to be right up at it before you get the scent but it is still beautiful !! :)   You have certainly got me sussed out.....I wonder how.....for the earth is what I love to be "mucking" about in.....ironing, dusting = torture : soil, plants = heaven !! LOL.    Wonder if there really is something in YOUR name.....hmmmm.....Sylvan to Sylvia.....let's go and play in them there woods  !!! LOL.

Lucky you getting a bargain like that for your tapes and CD's.....our charity shops here ask far too much and I have paid for certain items that I have really wanted like "Snow Dogs" ....wonder why that one.....but considering you get far cheaper on eBay you would have to be disconnected from the Internet, as I was way back then, to spend the money they ask and you do see the same CD's sitting there week after week e.g in one "Time, Love & Tenderness" is sitting but they are asking £3.99 for it.....when I saw it I was going to rescue it but not at that price !! lol.   The saying of mean, stingy Scots comes to mind, yeah, moths fly out your purse when you open it !!!!! LOL.

Sun splitting the sky again here and washing just about finished to go out on the line and get burnt and I have a thermometer outside on a shaded wall and it is sitting at 21 and it is only 10 in the morning.....May in Scotland....if I wasn't here I wouldn't believe !! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, so you forgot about your lilacs and they’re the biggest thing in your garden? Talk about not seeing the forrest for the trees! Lol Hubby said that they have special days for bargains at some thrift stores and we got lucky. Once, I found a CD rack that can hold about 300 CD’s, it was marked $10 but it was half price day so got it for $5! It depends on the items also. It’s not worth getting a comforter there for instance because you can get a cheaper, brand new one at regular stores. Funny you should mention rescuing MB audio because last weekend, we found a “Soul provider” tape box but it was empty, otherwise I would have rescued it, my third one I think... ;D Sweetie, that’s not stingy, that’s sensible. Hopefully, someone who really “needs” it will get it... :D I like the moths out of the purse picture! Well it’s not like we have tons to spend on that but I’m very fortunate that my husband is the kind of guy who can squeeze a buck out of a nickel so can’t complain! Take care Sylvia. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi you 2 Syls!!!! lol Yes I read here :)))))) I HAVE to comment on your comment Sylvia about preferring to dig in the dirt over cleaning house...AMEN to that girl!!!!! I sooooooo agree with you!!!! I laugh because I wonder if people think....Gee her house must look great inside because her garden is beautiful!!!  Who cares :) I love digging in my garden.

But of late my walking routine is taking lots of time and energy away from my yard :(  Back to the resolutions....I added walking to mine. Started with a couple of miles which include a super hill on a street named Escollera. In spanish that word means stairs so you get the idea of what kind of hill it is. The first month I only looked at that street and passed by day :) Well the day came and I started with a short distance up and increasing each week or so. Now I walk to the top! Oh is a hill!! So then I thought what goal do I have now? No worries....added 2 more miles with more hills!!! LOL Not as bad as Escollera.....but this old lady is a walking fanatic after four months. That brings me to 4 1/2 miles in about 2 hours almost every day :) Which do I prefer???...walking or my yard....oh my yard  hands down :))))) But the walking has helped my back a lot and firming up with some weight loss is hard to pass up!! New goal is to figure out how to make time for both :)

Just my two cents

Kathy and LAFD Bob

OMG Kathy that is fantastic to hear how far you have come on with those "walks".....oh that is brilliant and as you say it does help with the weight loss and the firming don't think it at the time and it takes a little while to show but it does for I know I found that when I moved here to Largs because in Glasgow I literally only walked the length of myself; not quite but just about and I know after just about a couple of months when I retired and started really "trying" to walk distances it didn't take long to notice the difference and too as you say with your back because you change your posture when you walk.   Good luck with your perserverance and I hope you do find a way to combine both the walking and the gardening or maybe plan it out on an alternate day basis or buy yourself one of those walking machines and then you could skip between the two....have the walking machine out in the yard !!!!!!! LOL. 

On the garden; my front one, especially four beds I have that border my path and they have shrubs which are surrounded in the spring by forget-me-knots and of course they are basically all finished now and they look a mess when they are at that stage but of course it has been too warm during day for me to do anything out there as the sun just beats down in the front from morning till early evening so today our forecast was that it was to be cloudy so when I got up in morning it is cloudy ......I thought, oh thank goodness so I got out early and did things I had to do at bank and bits and pieces and went shopping gets home just about lunchtime ......thought will have a little bite of lunch and spend afternoon in garden.....sitting having lunch damn sun came streaming out again and we have had crystal blue skies once more so tonight I thought I am getting out when the sun has left there .....out I goes back of 7.00 8.00 I was getting bitten alive by midges.....I thought I cannot win.....I kept on going but they were everywhere and eventually when I felt them biting my legs and little too far up for comfort, I just thought that is it and they have beaten me the little sods and I have got lumps and bumps all over !! LOL   Will just have to hope that forecast for tomorrow is correct and it is cloudy but only trouble is that they say we could have one or two showers but, as today was all wrong, we will wait and see and maybe, just maybe I may get it finished !! LOL.


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hiya Kathy, well good to read you here missy! I'm so proud of you girl, as I'm sure you are of yourself! That's pretty good for an old lady! lol But seriously, that's fantastic sweetie, assuming you didn't walk that much before! :D  I usually walk about an hour to 1 1/2 hours but just in my driveway since my gang is busy but that's okay. On rainy days, I go on the stationary bike anywhere from 25 to 60 minutes depending on my available time. I honestly don't do it every day, but it's more than I used to do. I'm really happy to hear your walks have helped your back Kathy: less cortizone shots, yay! Are you counting what you're losing or just happy to be feeling better? Don't worry, I don't need a number, lol I was just wondering if you were keeping track. The important thing is that you're doing something good for yourself. Thanks for coming in and sharing sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

A number Sylvie?....omg...NO!!!! lol  I use an old pair of jeans as a measurement!!! I am weight scale psychotic!!!!!! Pants are slowly buttoning up with me in them...LOL  I suppose once I get over my "mental hump" on what weight I think I should be.....I might be able to type out a number....maybe next sooner...ROFL!! But my back has definitely gotten stronger :) That was the reason actually for starting walking because the pain was getting too great and I was seriously ready to schedule another set of shots. I decided to try walking first and I am glad I did :)))))

I had to laugh Sylvia about trying to plan when the sun will be less daunting. I do the same thing or try to figure out which part of my yard will be in shade so I can weed. And yes we have mosquitos that will eat you up at dusk but at that time it is so nice and cool :/ Oh well....everything will be there tomorrow for another day of work!!! 

goodnight 2 Syls :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Kathy, the old pair of jeans is the best measure anyway! I don’t own a scale and most likely never will. As I’ve said sweetie, keep your number to yourself, because we never feel they go down fast enough anyway... :D I’m really so happy for you that you’re feeling better Kathy. BTW, don’t you people believe in insect repellent? Lol Please girls, keep telling me about your gardens so I can enjoy them without the work and the bugs! :D Take care and hugs to both of you, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D


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