I will post new concerts in this thread. Hopefully I have set it correctly to be at the top.




We've gotta find a way to trust

The very best in all of us

Let there be love, let there be love


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Dear Kathy!

Do you speak Russian?!!

My sister lives in England,and her son (he was born in England),speaks very well in Russian and in English.My sister wants her son was not divorced from its roots.He's half Russian.:))

I forgot to attach another link!!This is an interview with Michael for Russian radio,November 25, 2011


Dear Olga, I want to thank you for being so nice and sharing all these links. I will need help with the radio interview but wanted to make sure I thanked you for sharing this with us, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

P.S.: Sorry for the late response, I'm catching up. :D

Dear Sylvie!

I'm glad to help you find information about Michael!

Unfortunately, my knowledge of English is not enough to make a translation of the interview :(((

Sorry ..Interviews are very nice.

Hey Olga, I didn't know this was a print interview, since it was on a radio site, but Sylvia was kind enough to get it translated and posted it on another thread so it's all good! Thanks for the link. My goodness, I wouldn't have expected you to translate all that! :D BTW, Michael's interviews are always nice and sometimes fantastic! :D Take care Olga. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

New Date added:

December 16th

Belcher Center

Longview, TX


More to come soon!!

Thanks Gail...Exciting to see the shows coming up!

Robin in MD :)

Thanks Gail....hope more dates follow :)))))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks Gail, hopefully, this is one Kerie will be able to make it to. Good news that more dates are coming up! Take care Gail and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks Gail, looks like he may be working the south, yeah!!!  Ahhh Sylvie, MAYBE, but it is a bit far, KY much closer!!  I will keep watching!!! Looks like I need  to find me a tour buddy  for Dec!!! LOL!!!


Break a leg Kerie, at least you have a few months to plan! :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

New date...waiting for the venue to post info before it officially goes on the main site...but for you guys:


December 1

Philharmonic Cernter for the Arts

Naples, FL


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