Following a request and suggestion from a very dear friend of all of ours on this forum, Sylvie from Canada, I’ve agreed to set up this thread on behalf of both of us and hope that you’ll join in the fun .
Sylvie's idea came from the age old New Year resolution pledges that we’ve all made and have often all broken, throughout the years, and hoped that by trying a "new sauce" on that "old turkey" it could feel easier for us all and give us a chance to be able to "pat ourselves on the back" and proudly say we achieved our goal of following to the end our... "New Month"... resolution instead........ what do you think?
We both agreed that the month of January would be a "freeby" so we can share suggestions if any of our usual active forum members are interested in this project which, we both hope, will turn into something worthwhile and a lot of fun too. So guys, if you’d like to take part, please feel free to share your ideas of what you think would be useful and fun resolutions for all of us to follow each month.
Obviously this January is, apart from a "freeby" month, a trial month too so that Sylvie and I can see your interest in this and figure out what the majority think so that we can start February with a very firm idea of what our 1st Resolution will be. Each one, thereafter, will be clearly displayed before the month begins and will be advertised with an MB calendar as is shown below for our "freeby" month of January. We hope that each month we can all share stories, tips and cheer each other on.
If you’re interested please join in and give us your thoughts and let’s make this great forum even more of a fun place to visit where we can all come together as friends, thanks to our love and admiration for our Michael.
Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia, your wee Scottish friend.
OMG I cannot believe so much time has elapsed since last on have the days gone and now we find ourselves standing at 1st July...half the year away BUT the other half to look forward too and considering the weather we have had in June I am sure looking forward to next half for I believe the autumn and winter can't be any worse than what we have had and if before they arrive we get a little bit of summer....oh, what a bonus that will be !!! LOL. I haven't managed to get any more of the jobs I had set myself for June done as our weather has been rain, rain and more rain in Scotland there has been substantial flooding with roads flooded and rail lines virtually cut off between England and Scotland because of landslides and in one place it actually took half the track away ...just as well no train on when it happened and in northern England the other day they had hailstones which were so large and heavy that they smashed windows in cars .....the whole of the UK has been affected but some areas worse than others with flash flooding and one day here it wasn't bouncing, it was BOUNCING, so much so that my patio area turned into a paddling pool and I do have a water feature where the birds all come to splash about in but that day they were splashing about in their own little pool and thoroughly enjoying themselves too.... just wish I had taken a video of them but I was that busy watching and enjoying that I forgot all about !! :) Hopefully this month I might just get that storm door varnished but of course, no matter what, have to wait till end of next week as Wimbledon on now and I can't miss that and it is absolutely great this year for they have used the roof they put on in Centre Court to full advantage and last night it was closed again and match went on until just after 11 o'clock and that is heaven for me being able to sit and watch a tennis match for just over three hours AND as it was Andy Murray, icing on the cake and he WON and pretty certain my neighbours would have heard me for I jumped up punching the air same as Judy, his mum, and tonight it is the final of the European Football Competition against Germany and Italy and as I haven't got a favourite, I'll be shouting for you are all glad you don't live anywhere near me for I must admit I do go a bit crazy on sport.....the only reason I have my telly to watch sport, sport and more sport and wait till the Olympics start ......... LOL.
Although I have gone on about sport picture for July is of one of my little clowns sitting holding calendar page and picture of Michael is one of him performing on stage and blasting out some song for as we say here in west of Scotland and in particular Glasgow....he sure is "giving it some welly" !! lol
Do you spot my "Michael Bolton" badge on his little hat....yeah, he is a fan too !!! LOL
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
The will be a miracle if I ever get everything right......wasn't Germany playing last night but Spain and Italy.....must have been something to do with all those Pink Ladies and thinking about the majority of them heading back to Germany because no other reason why I typed that....except could be.....yeah ......LOL In any case Spain won.....knocked Italy off the park and so back to tennis today and wee Andy Murray is on this afternoon....what better way to spend an old dreek day in Scotland just hoping sun shining in London or else maybe it will turn into just a good book and me !!!! LOL
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hey Sylvia, I'm catching up since my 2 day vacation, but my E-mail notices are selective again so I only got the second one you sent today. My friends must be crushed because they were hoping for Italy to win. Oh well, guess they'll get them next year... Tackling a good book sounds good Sylvia. I finally got one I had reserved eons ago from the library. It's "La dame aux camélias" from Alexandre Dumas, they finally have it on audio. Priorities have shifted since my boys are home so it'll be an accomplishment if I can read it! lol Have you already tackled a book or planning on one and do you want to make a goal of it? I was just wondering if this was the direction we wanted to go in. Let me know. Well, we've certainly failed to get organized earlier for a July resolution, haven't we? XD Let me know what you think Sylvia, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Glad you got your book and I always remember reading the "Black Tulip" when I was a little girl ....oh, how I loved that story and read it again in my thirties when I was studying economics and still loved it.....maybe that has something to do with my love of flowers and it has stood me in good stead, to this day, to understand a little of what economists go on about but on books Sylvie, I am never without a book......the only time in my life that I can remember not having my "nose" in a book was when my father died and it took me about four to five years after that to pick up a book and to this day I do not know the reason why and have stopped trying to figure it out !! :(( I am reading the latest James Patterson book and it is to do with murder and intrigue at the Olympic Games in London..... nice subject he picked just before them...... and if at some point during the day I don't read a little chapter I always read in bed at night, maybe for an hour or two unless I have had an exceptionally busy day and I conk out first but I can assure you, that doesn't happen very often now !!!! LOL. I have about twenty to thirty authors that I follow avidly so I think you can well appreciate I am never really stuck for something to read apart from at times too if I see in the Library or hear about an autobiography by someone I like I will get stuck into that too and a good one on that theme, if you like him, is Andre Agassi's is fabulous and he was on the telly talking a little bit about on the Wimbledon programme and interviewer mentioned and it has almost made me feel like picking it up again and rereading and I do at times read other non-fiction books especially ones to do with the arts and religions but as I have got to be in an academic frame of mind for those instead of the usual fun and frivolity think you will understand, when I say, one of them only gets read maybe once or twice a YEAR !!! LOL.
Good luck with reading your book and I hope you enjoy !! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hey Sylvia, like anything for me, it’s all about making the time to read. As a child, I read avidly, as if it would suddenly be declared illegal. Once I start reading a book, I’m on a mission. :D I remember when I started reading “Phantom of the opera”, it was 7 tapes long and I read it in 2 days. You know what? My hubby picked up the book from the library and I thought it was on a DVD with several chapters, but I checked it yesterday and it’s only one CD so I’m sure it’s abridged, darn. Oh I’m sure I’ll enjoy it. If you don’t know, it’s the original story “La traviata” was based on. However, there is this technical book “Opera 101” by Fred Plotkin that I had put aside for a while because my Victor reader is tempermental so I can only listen to it on the computer. I will resolve to finish it this month. It’s a very long book: 2 DVD’s with 40+ tracks on each. I’m about ¾ done the first one. Thanks for helping me find my resolution Sylvia! I’ll check my library if they have Andre Agassi’s book. BTW, I’m really sorry your summer’s been so horrid so far. Ours had been a bit wet for a couple of weeks but now, we’re certainly in the hot and sticky end of it. That’s what summer is all about! May I ask how much work left needs to be done in your garden? In any case, break a leg on getting a real summer soon! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hope you are managing to get through that book and the Andre book has been out for a couple of years so think library should have.....hope you can get !! :)
On the garden front it is just a never ending job.....there is always grass to be cut, deflowering to be done and weeds to be pulled and of course just now with this awful weather the deflowering is WAY behind and the trouble is it is making the new flowers that come out in July look quite shabby with their dead little "cousins" standing beside them and there is so much to do of that that it takes time away for doing other things as I generally go out every day and do a little, even if only for five minutes but for over the past week haven't had chance to do a thing except cut back dead flowers on clematis and honeysuckle to make it look smart with all its new flowers coming out but even just doing that and I was soaking wet the other day for one dead flower was hiding in the clematis and I had to stretch up and I moved some leaves out the road and the water all ran down my arm and soaked the side of my t-side shirt....needless to say I thought, is it worth it but I have got to keep on trailing them along their trellises because if I don't they grow straight up and then along comes a wind and batters them and some aren't as strong as others and easily get broken. I did manage before the "rains" came to remove a shrub and cut right back one that was standing beside it and only had a front on it, there was no growth back or either sides as they had been shielded from light by other shrubs so decided to cut right back and let it start again and I will continue to shape it as it grows and not let it have its own way and I moved my Californian Lilac I had in another part because it was getting shielded from light because of other shrubs and have moved it into place where I took away the one and it is standing proud in its new home and has even started to form little flowers and I love the Californian Lilac so can't wait for it to bloom. I do have one Mock Orange that I am going to get rid of for it is really too large a plant for my garden and because I have to cut it back each year I am constantly taking away its new growth for flowers so all I ever get are a few little ones around the middle and it doesn't look anything let alone it does look kind of stupid.....I love the Mock Orange flower and the scent but it does nothing to enhance the garden and is not pretty to look at so in the next couple of months will need to think and decide what I am going to get to fill that space......OMG these decisions, decisions and problems, problems and aren't I darn lucky they are the only ones in my life.....oh boy, I have never had it so good !!! LOL. Talking about problems for I have one today for as I say it is pretty dull here and it has been pouring of rain and more showers are forecast for this afternoon but I have to go out to my garden centre to get my bird food as I am slowly running out and the little ones are walking about on the patio and just about coming in the door looking for stuff and I spotted yesterday that some of my little sparrows have been up to "dirty" little things for they have another brood for there is all the little ones that have obviously just fledged .....I love to see them and all their antics about kids at play BUT apart from all of that the Queen is in Greenock this afternoon and as my garden centre is half way between here and there I was going to continue on up the road and hopefully get parked somewhere from where I could walk and possibly see her.....she is visiting there to open their refurbished Town Hall and it is as part of her UK Tour to celebrate her Golden Jubilee too and as I say .....oh boy.....this is a major I go or don't I......will continue the saga tonight when you will know one way or the other ......I bet you can't wait !!!!!! ROFL. To be honest think I will drive up and see how near I can get parked and that will be the deciding factor if I stay or not !!!! LOL. OMG I have just about spoiled the ending by telling you that bit first !!!! ROFL.
Sylvia. Your definitely "nutty" wee Scottish friend.
Hey Sylvia, I thought I’d check up on you to see if you’ve been productive at all this month... :D For my part, my resolution got done early because on July 10, I sprained my ankle just walking in the driveway. I couldn’t have picked a better time to sit with my feet up though because it’s been in the 90’s and 100’s Farenheit here. “La dame aux camellias” was more of a radio drama than an actual book and it was interesting to find out how closely Verdi followed the story for his opera. As far as “Opera 101” it was quite informative and interesting. I wish Mr Plotkin had an encyclopedia I could thumb through. I checked my library and they do have “Open” by Andre Agassi but only in print. Well anyway, I hope you’ll get some work done, even when the Olympics have started: just remember that summer (if you finally got it) doesn’t last that long! You know it seems it was only yesterday when you were talking about getting your garden organized and here we are in the 3rd part of July... Well anyway, it might be a good idea to start thinking of a doable resolution for next month before this one’s up too. :D Take care Sylvia and let me know what you’ve been up to and if you have indeed seen the Queen. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
OMG didn't realize how long it had been since I had been in here.....oh boy.....I'm certainly enjoying myself toooooooooooooo much......that has got to be the answer OR am I just getting forgetful and we will say that one in a stage whisper !!! LOL. Haven't a lot of time right now so will be back in probably tomorrow.....busy over last couple of days gardening as really best two days we have had for a while so plenty was needing doing, apart from a little bit of sun bathing too - got to get that in - and visitors today so cleaning house and preparing meal....tidying up in here before I start!! :) Trouble is right now .....okay Wimbledon is over and Olympics still to come but we have The Open here just now so I am trying to follow that as well....I have got to stop being fascinated by these little balls, I really have !!!! LOL.
Right I am out of here just now as I will be starting to play catch up soon and not that I am using this to ward of the time to start doing the doing housework.....oh God forgive me for saying that and my pants are well and truly on fire !! lol.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Back in here today, eventually and I will give you a laugh as to what I have been doing most of day......looking for a mouse !!! LOL Both cats love to bring me in presents but Jack is the worst of all and last night, still had patio door open, and in he comes.....never saw a thing in his mouth.....saw his head go down and then he took off and just about knocked me off my seat and started trying to push a couple of large books I have sitting on the floor at the side of my bookcase out the road......certainly didn't take twenty questions to guess what he was looking for and I guessed right for I just moved one of the books slightly out from wall and there is little mouse looking up at me. Managed to get Jack and Jill out the room, eventually.....that was a fight.....and then slowly moved book but little one was too close to wall and I couldn't grab to pick up and he just jumped over my hand and disappeared behind furniture and as it was nearly, by this time, 12.30 I was kind of shattered so I just closed door and headed for bed but this morning no sign of mouse and two cats not interested in looking for.....I have moved stuff I can easily sign of so tonight I have two pieces of heavyish furniture or certainly furniture that has got plenty in and on and I will have to take everything out and off of and move them and hopefully then I will find a mouse and if I don't well ..................... LOL.
On the day of the Queen's visit I did go up to Greenock as the rain stopped and suddenly in parts the sun came through.....couldn't get anywhere near the centre of the town so headed back out towards park where I new she was leaving from and joined people there and eventually her helicopter came in and landed and we waited about another three hours....OMG....thank goodness it stayed dry and everybody was in a good humour including the police on duty for there was one policewoman who was on a bike with her partner and they had to keep on patrolling the whole area up and down and every so often she started waving to everyone as though she was the Queen and some photographers were taking pictures of her and she was acting more....she was just one fun girl and I couldn't imagine her ever being serious enough to arrest someone...she was just full of fun and even had the bobbies that were standing lining the route laughing at her but I did think if your boss sees you you will get your head in your hands to play with but we all certainly needed a diversion like that to make the time pass but eventually the Queen's car arrived with her and Prince Philip and went away down to helicopter and off they flew with everybody waving and cheering and the little kids with their flags and balloons all thoroughly enjoying themselves; just the sort of thing I like to see and be a part of really was quite a good little afternoon and especially that the weather held up for that night the rain started and I couldn't tell you when it stopped for since then we have only had the very occasional day when it has been dry if in fact we have had one complete dry day....July, putting it mildly, has been a washout.....wonder what August will bring ????? LOL As for my great ideas of wanting to do the rest of the jobs outside....still waiting to do them and I have got to get my storm door varnished before winter comes in or it will be a mess by next is not looking that great right now so as for what resolutions I will set myself for August .....those most assuredly have to come first as well as making a promise to myself to not sit in front of the telly for the first three weeks of August watching the Olympics without getting up out of my chair and doing some exercises myself or I will be getting corns where you should not have corns !!!! LOL.
Away now to do dishes, tidy up kitchen and then start moving furniture and hopefully find a mouse is just so exciting and I wouldn't change it for the world ......yeah.......back to porkie pies again !!!!! LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Ok Sylvia you have made my day :) You have my mouse!!!!! A couple of days after 4th of July we discovered a mouse running through our family room!!! He must have snuck in while the screen door was left open many times through out the day :/ So we got busy setting out traps full of yummy peanut butter!!! lol That was weeks ago and still NO mouse!!!! No droppings....nothing. He must have left the way he came. No foul odors either of a starving mouse anywhere. lol I thought that would be the next thing to discover. I am relieved he has found a new home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are the odds girl???? Too funny!! Thanks for the distraction :)
Kathy and LAFD Bob...and no mouse :)
Yeah funnily enough Kathy I could have sworn I saw a 27 stamped on him and the latest update is I haven't found THE mouse....nowhere in sight but at least all my books, ornaments, CD's and lamps are dusted and cleaned and the skirting has all been washed and carpet vacuumed and the guilt I felt ....don't know how I am going to recover from it....killing all those house dust mites and it is a wonder the girl up the stairs didn't send for a doctor hearing so much cleaning activity going on in my house which looks now as though it is a bit like yours turned out.....the house without a mouse !!! LOL. Only thing I can think is that he managed to get out the patio door when I was busy trying to see into a corner where I have a palour palm sitting because although Jill worried a little bit this afternoon toward that corner Jack hasn't bothered at all today so I really do think he must have escaped......I'll keep my eyes open and my nose twitching but it is looking good for the little one that he lived to fight another day !!! LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hey Sylvia, thanks for sharing about your alternative forms of entertainment during summer! lol Ah come on, you didn't kill those dust mites, you just moved the party to a much smaller hall... ;D So next, you'll have to let us know what are your tangible resolutions to keep moving during the Olympics! :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from canada
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