A friend in Southampton, NY saw a commercial for Optimum Cablevision on TV tonight, featuring Michael.  She said it was hysterical with Michael bathing a dog in a backyard (his?) on a trampoline and on the phone in a home (his?) She said the commercial kept saying call us at xxx-xxxx, not Michael Bolton at xxx-xxxx to sign up for Optimum Cablevision.  She said it was a lengthy commercial and assumed I knew about it.  I've searched high and low and can't find it anywhere.  Does anyone know anything more about this commercial?  She said Michael looked great (naturally!) and was very comical.  Hopefully, it will pop up in the forum or on youtube soon!  I can't wait t see it!

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Maybe it is another video he has done for the pet people......need to seriously look for that !!! :)   Thanks for heads up Jackie !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Found it Jackie on youtube !!  :)    Thanks for giving us the heads up about this one for it is hysterical....thanks !!! :)



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


This is hysterical!! Thanks for the link!


Anna (in MO)

Another link into another advert along the same lines and just as funny ....enjoy !! :)



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I saw some pictures from this video a while ago but didn't know what it was from. These are hilarious!!  Nice find! 


Just went back to check them out and they have both been removed!!!

Same here Gail!! OMG this is a hoot!! MB is hilarious!!! Thanks for finding these cool things ladies!!!!!!

Robin in MD:)

You getting the videos?  It is telling me they have been removed by the user...

Yeah they have gone.....maybe Optimum saw and got taken off of youtube for they are tv adverts and it was someone had taped it and put on youtube, not Optimum !!!   I think they will crop up again somewhere !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Shoot, glad I caught them once!!  I hope they pop back up soon also.

Robin in MD :)

No optimum put them on there...I saw the name of who uploaded. Checked and they will go back up...they hadn't finished what they posted so took them down til they could I'm told???

Thanks Gail...Glad they will be back up.

Robin in MD:)


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