Hi everyone,


I’ve been meaning to start this thread for a while now. I’ve been reading since the beginning of this forum, many discussions started by fans who simply wanted to share their joy of being a Michael Bolton fan. We have threads to share concert reviews, some to share news, videos etc, but not exactly what I have in mind. I would like for this thread not to be about meeting Michael, but about MB related moments in our daily lives, that anyone can take part in. I’m sure we all have tons of fun stories about how the existence of our Michael made us smile today.


For example: I remember once working on the computer and being stressed out to finish a job, then I took a break and turned on the radio, SILYBIL was on and I felt like I’d been given a big hug! Also, I remember once reading on one of the old message boards, someone had gone to a thrift shop and found an MB T-shirt and it made her day! Another story of mine has to do with my husband driving with “The one thing” on, stopping at a light and the guy in the next car asked him who that was and said this was great music! Your anecdotes can also be about how you've converted a "non believer" or your child’s discovery of Michael and sometimes we have as many stories as we have kids! Anyway, I guess I’d like this thread to be kind of a Michael Bolton  “Vegetable soup for the soul”. :D I have a few stories in my own life like these and even started my own personal document  a while back and I thought: why not share our stories together? So there you go MB fans: share away! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

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Hi all, the reason that prompted me to start this thread today is because I couldn’t be with my daughter on her birthday. Somehow, I had a flashback that made me smile and I felt better. I remembered back in 2009, a couple of months before “One world one love” was released in the U.K., the song”The best” was leaked on YouTube. I couldn’t believe my luck when I heard it, so I recorded it right away with my outside mike and saved it on the computer. It only came out in onespeaker but that was okay. Anyway, I just loved this song so much that I played it a few times daily, just before I’d turn off the computer, so my kids got to know it early on. I have this memory of my daughter just walking in the room and started to dance with me to the song! Lol I listened to OWOL today and it made me smile. That’s it for now, thanks for reading. Hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Thanks for your story, Sylvie. I love OWOL too. Sweet memory for you. Hugs,

Kathy T. :-)

Thanks Sylvie for starting this thread and I love your story about Olivia and what a lovely memory to have !! :)

I have got a little story I can put in here and it is something that happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I was going to put in the Miscellany thread and then got caught up doing things and eventually getting round too and then thought people wouldn't really be interested in it that much because, in many ways it is just such a personal little story and whilst fun for me and something that made me smile for a few days not any real news about Michael but would say this thread is more than appropriate to share it on so here goes..................

..............and as I  said it happened a couple of weeks ago when I was driving down our Main Street in the town (that is what it is called and funnily enough it is the one "main" street in the centre of the town) and I got stopped at a pedestrian crossing:  it was a beautiful day and I had my windows down and of course, as always, Michael just happened to be singing his little heart out.....I don't have it blaring but let's just say that with windows down it is certainly loud enough if you are anywhere near car that you will hear quite distinctly.....and a few people were crossing the road and I suddenly became aware of this man staring at me through windscreen as he crossed with, who I presumed was his wife, and he was saying to her: "listen, Michael Bolton !!":  he was smiling away and came round to my passenger door (please remember when thinking about that we drive on the "wrong" side of the road....yeah, I am a diplomat !!! lol)  and he asked me if I was a MB fan and said that they had just got off the train and it was great to be greeted with Michael's voice !! :)   I asked him if they were on holiday or just down for day and he said for the day and that they had come from Glasgow and added it was about time Michael was back in Glasgow......so, of course.....I had to pass on the "good news" and told them that it looks like he might be quite soon at which, not only him but his wife too, became really enthusiastic and I told them Michael had hoped to do a tour of the UK this year but that it was looking as though it would be into 2014 before he would be able to but he hoped a full tour of, at least, about 15 to 16 shows......during my telling them the traffic lights changed and as I still wasn't moving I started getting honked at so I had to take off but called back to them to get on to his website but I do not know if they heard, or not, because they were themselves having to get off the road as there was a rather large lorry starting to loom down on them.   As I say made me smile and it has made me smile just about everytime I have got to that crossing and I have a little look around waiting to see and hear if another Michael Bolton fan passing by !!! lol   Have got to say that over the years I have been more than aware of quite a few people passing the car and looking and smiling in approval at what they hear so believe we do have either residents, day trippers or holiday makers, walking our streets here who are definitely Michael Bolton fans......so, hey Michael, remember our little theatre here.....the Vikingar !!!! lol.

As I said at beginning just a wee story that made me smile and I hope you enjoyed too and hope that was the type of content you intended for this thread Sylvie ??? :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, this is absolutely the kind of story I wanted, thank you so much! As I've said, I wanted stories related to Michael that make us smile and it did the job, thank you so much! Have a great day Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

I love doing exactly this very thing, Sylvia, amazing the reactions we get isn't it? Thanks for your story and keep us posted on your next MB encounters in this area!! I was driving down the busiest street in Tulsa and got the attention of teenagers in the car next to me to ANMHE!!! Too bad we did not have time to talk about this cd, LOL....maybe next time...Hugs,

Kathy T. :-)

Hey Kathy, heehee, please feel free to share those moments  here too! :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

How funny that I pop into this thread after you put the link to it Sylvie in a comment to Kathy T AND the second story is about Sylvia talking about the POSSIBILITY of Michael coming to Scotland in 2014!! Of all stories to be on the first page. Now THAT is a MB moment which took me back in time to the several times...when I had a chance...to ask Michael if/when he was going to Scotland?? And well.....the rest is history as they say!! Awwww....full circle my friends. And now I know about this thread...a year later...better late than never!! I have many stories to add and will do so eventually. Thanks for the opportunity Sylvie :)))

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hey Kathy R, good to read you on here sweetie. I'll look forward to your many comments... ;D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi again Kathy and funny when and where you have entered and found this thread and I had practically forgotten that little story and if you can picture the Main Street it happened up at the pedestrian crossing by the Blue Lagoon fish & chip diner/carryout shop....Bob would have loved fish and chips out of there for they are good !!!! lol.   Just a BTW and you can note it down for next time !!!!! lol  

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I have been a fan of Michael Bolton since I was a little girl.  I was 8 and How am I supposed to live without you was on this music clip show, it had only just come out and my mum and I where sitting in bed on this cold winters morning watching Michael for the first time.  My mother thought he was so handsome and we both loved the song, so she bought me the single.  Years later we had a few of his tapes, one in particular I used to play when I got my drivers licence.  When I met my darling husband David, we were playing that tape in his lounge room and we had our first kiss to Soul Provider.  So that is a very special memory for both of us.  David now says Michael is our love guru, lol.  As most of his songs one way or another are our songs for each other.

Most recently though, my relationship with my father sadly came to an end, the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  My grandfather (my dad's dad) passed away soon after and I was told not to go to his funeral for my own safety.  So, I stayed away, but I loved my grandfather and was now grieving for him as well as the relationship with my father.  I stayed in my pjs for 3 days and just cried in my bed. 

My husband went to this music store and found The Essential Michael Bolton DVD and brought it home.  He said that even though all this wrong had been done and I had the right to be sad, I should never forget how much the people in this house love me.  He put it on and I watched Michael Bolton.  All I can say, is his music gave me the strength to get up off that bed and pull myself together.  I still hurt for my dad, for what is lost, but I can move on and accept it for what it is now.  Most of Michael Bolton's songs, whether its about falling in love, fighting, or even Soul of my soul...mean something to the relationship I have with my husband or children.  Even Fools game and You wouldn't know love....my husband says I should use to vent my hurt about my dad, to empower me to not let years of emotional and verbal abuse destroy the life I have been blessed with, with this amazing family I have.

So that is what Michael has done for me.  I am very grateful for his music and his influence on my life.  It really means the world.  

Karina - Australia

Karina, such a beautiful and painful story at the same time. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your feelings here with us.
Love Sandy in MS

Hi Karina, wow, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story... :D Michael often says that fans feel his music is the soundtrack of their lives and you’ve just proven his point right there! Your husband is a very sweet and wise man Karina: you’re very lucky to have each other. I completely agree with him about venting the hurt because I read somewhere that “If you harbour bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere”. You sound like someone who has risen above the negative  in the past, though it might have been hard, so I have confidence in you that you'll keep it up, thank you so much for sharing! Take care Karina. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada


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