Did any one else receive a text mail on the newMichaelBolton.com????  What does this mean?  Help! Please?This is not going away!!! !RIGHT!

Love Eileen xoxo

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Eileen, did you get an email or an actual text message on your phone? What did it say so I can check on it...haven't heard about this myself. Gail
Gail, I think it came up as an E-mail?! It comes up from Mickeyful@freemail.hu. ! It was on my e-mail!!! They aren't messing with us are they!!!!! I just found all this again!

Love Eileen xoxo
Juliet I was just checking my mail and found this on my phone!! Didn't know quite what to do with it!

Love Eileen xoxo
This isn't goint away that I know of...let me check. Anyone else get one? Gail
Thank you Gail!!! Your the best! Recieved it at 1:09pm July 26,2010

Love Eileen xoxo
No news on this I guess!!RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Love Eileen xoxo
I'm trying to be clear...this was in your email and a text message on your phone? The email was from Mickeyful@freemail.hu?

I have a question...do you get emails when someone posts to threads or comments you have also posted to? This person seems to have put this type message in the comments under Michael's last post..could that be why you got an email? I'm checking with the web people and management and they don't know anything about it so are asking for a clarification on what your email said..

Hi Gail, I emailed you what I got and it was an email like we get when someone does post to a thread we've been active on. I don't do texting, mine was a regular email like the rest I get on threads here. I hope this helps some too.
Robin :)
Thanks, Robin...just opened your email. I'm thinking this is what Eileen got. Robin's email was from Mikey...as well. I'm thinking that's what happend. It was a reponse to a post she did on the News item about this site when it first started.

Ok, That's probably what happened. So many new people coming over to the site, it's great!!!
Robin :)
Hi Gail! Yes I do get e-mails when someone posts to threads and comments! Yup the e-mail came from the above e-mail address. I just wanted to know what the e-mail meant. I love it here and I love the amazing friends i've met and it kinda upset me when I got it! Thanks so much for going out of you way to try to find out for me! Your so sweet!

Love Eileen xoxo
Robin, Thanks to you too!! Love you guys!

Love Eileen xoxo


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