I wanted to start a new thread here to keep any promotional tv or other appearances for Michael new book or CD.  So far this is what I have.  They will also be listed on the main page but I will try to remember to bring them over here.  As always, check your local listings for times and stations but most will be NBC.  Times will vary:


Monday, January 28th
-Good Day NY 9:20am

WednesdayJanuary 30th 
-Today Show and performance



Thursday, January 31st (this is actually at 12:30 a.m. EST so definitely check listings on this one)
-Jimmy Fallon 

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This picture has just been retweeted by Michael from Glen Hunt form Real Radio where Michael has, by the looks of things, been doing an interview and also with them is Lorna Bancroft who is from the radio station also.



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Francoise and Sylvia for all the links and pics!

Robin in MD :)

Hallo Sylvia,


I found this:




Interview MB with Real Radio (20 minutes)!!!!


Petra Christine (Germany)

Danke Petra for bringing this over here.....you beat me !!!! LOL    It is a great interview and so glad Real Radio recorded it as they have in video format too for not often you get that from a radio station.    Have been trying to find because of photo already published but thought we were not going to get anything so thank you very much again for finding on Twitter and bringing over....they have certainly gone to town on their tweets about it and think they thoroughly enjoyed having Michael for interview.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Nice to be here in this forum!!!!

Even if I still have problems with the english language! 

But all say: Learning by doing!!! RIGHT???

Petra Christine (Germany)

Hallo Petra and thanks so much for bringing this over here, it's wonderful! Thanks for the warning it was 20 minutes long too: wish I'd read that before clicking on it though! XD Take care Petra and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thank you Petra for this wonderful interview. It was awesome.
Sandy in MS

Michael on Wright Stuff....advert time right now....looking terrific .....has on black suit, black tie (not thin) and pale blue shirt and he looks wonderful !! :)  Already joking and laughing and has said to stay tuned about his sit-coms and when asked about "love" has said he is looking for "love" in May in the UK.....yeah !!!!!! LOL.   Joan Burnett is there and has a good front seat....seen her a few times.

Just been talking about our energy crisis here in the UK.....which is BIG....and Michael has said he can't understand why collectively we are not all doing something about it and getting enraged and making ourselves being heard.   BTW this programme is the one where there are the three panellists and Michael, today, is one and Matthew Wright is the host who poses the different topics under discussion and throws in questions and at times plays a good "devil's advocate" (something I like very much about him) and gets the panellists "going" too.  This has just been another advert time....now back to programme !!!!! LOL

Third advert session arrived............and they have just taken phone calls on the energy crisis with different view points but a lot of people darn angry at our huge price hikes.   Just quickly to say and then get off of it.....things are really getting bad along with situation being bad for government and may just see them being pushed to the wire if not thrown out.

They are now going on to review the daily newspaper headlines and Michael has first off just done a short rap about energy crisis....real funny !!   Michael has gone on to talk about headlines concerning our elderly people that are being ignored and he has talked about his mum and said about how sad it is as people get older and he notices things with his mum and he is glad she has family around but she has recently needed rehab therapy and more, or less, that things have come home to him that she is getting old.    He next moved onto a headline that "breathing air is bad for you" and when they went back to Michael he is sitting with a face mask on and he kept it on and talked and laughed for a little while through it.  The rest of his newspaper  headlines as you can imagine were all filled with jokey bits about what he was discussing from Gordon Ramsay snooping on his daughter with a camera in her bedroom to corn fructose glucose or whatever it is called being allowed here in the UK by the EU and no one here can understand that one and neither can Michael .....everybody should go vegetarian  !!!!     Real, real funny bit happened for one of the other panellists had a serious headline on FB privacy changes and Michael and Matthew were joking away between themselves as Michael seemingly passed a fly that had landed on one of his papers over to Matthew and he whacked it with another newspaper, you should have heard the nosie, but the fellow wasn't happy about the two of them joking away when he was trying to be serious and he even said to them, have you pair finished yet and they were still kind of giggling....obviously Michael doesn't take FB seriously and nothing about it either.....very apparent !!! lol.

They have now started talking about kids smoking for we had a school here that allowed them to do it and they have been barred from doing it now ....quite a serious conversation evolving....think Michael was going to start joking but he has stopped.    It is to do with kids that have behavioural problems and was considered a way to keep them at school but Michael has just said well they have problems but in trying to help them do you give them cancer or heart problems...which is worse ????   Trying to lead you through programme as it happens...as you may have worked out....but the rest on that one, can't, for far to heated and serious conversation with telephone calls from public coming in with views too.....Michael didn't say a lot.

Next subject is "Is it sexist to offer your seat to a pregnant woman" because one member of our parliament does believe it is sexist and she is 7 months pregnant and said if anyone had offered her a seat she wouldn't have taken it.....she was seen in parliament yesterday having to stand.   Michael has just said he would offer any woman his seat ....he couldn't not and whether she was pregnant or not.   A little bit of joke from him for he said obviously you have to watch out if you offer a woman a seat because you THINK she is pregnant but she is NOT....a good eye roll and laugh from him and laughter from others too.   A lot of further discussion on it and I cannot believe it is now 11.00 and programme has just come to an end.....oh boy where did the time go !!!!!! LOL.  Matthew ended it by saying about Michael's tour next year and that he would be in London on 22nd May.

Great, great programme and hope you don't mind me sharing a little of it with you as best as I have been able to do !!!! lol.  


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.




Thanks for the full report Sylvia, sounded like fun and hope we can all catch it. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Here is a picture of Michael from this morning's Wright Stuff show and he is with the other two panellists he was on with and it is Dr. David Bull,  on the right, who has tweeted the picture and in the middle is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown who is a journalist and author.



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Here is a question Michael was tweeted with and his reply and it came from our Michael Howarth and Michael actually got one answered on the programme for he asked if he had ever thought or considered going back into and forming a band but Michael said, no.....too many people and arguments when trying to reach a democratic decision on what to do next....he is staying solo !!! LOL 

"Michael Bolton     @mbsings                26m       

: pls ask Michael, if giving up on a solo career had ever crossed his mind? Giving up is not in my vocabulary!"

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, thanks for posting this here. I heard Michael say in an interview once that he also didn't like for people to tamper with his songs, because one member would hear it this way or that way, which I guess is counter-productive when you're a songwriter... Anyway, thanks Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D


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