My friend in PA just emailed me she saw MB in a Honda tv commercial. Anyone else see it? Gail do you know if it will run everywhere or just certain market areas? I hope to catch it too. She said at the end he did his stance with arms out wide.

Robin in MD :)

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Thanks for the article Gail, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

Thanks Gail, I love the one where he skis in and starts singing!!!!!!

xoxo Sandy in MS

p.s. I was already using xoxo with my name before this came out LOL

I had to do this photo here putting.

Especially for Sylvia, our Scottish friend.

All the other fans also look at it!
I find it wonderful!



Petra Christine (Germany)

Oh THANK YOU Petra for it is wonderful, isn't it ???? LOL   To see that tartan displayed on such a beautiful body......wonder when the kilt will be worn !!!!!!! LOL.   I actually tweeted Michael after I saw that commercial and asked him to lie to me and tell me he wore that scarf just for me.....funnily enough, he never replied....LOL

Thanks again Petra !!!! :)

Must just say on here the commercial I LOVE him in and at one point in particular in the commercial ....OH, is the skiing one and when the skier has drawn to a halt and it switches to Michael and he pulls his hat off and the way his hair falls .....I ADORE it and think he should take a good look at that and consider wearing it that way, if possible;  love it, love it, love it !!!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I LOVE the tartan scarf one also!! Go figure ;) I say it is a wonderful thing before his Scotland concert!!! Enjoy Wee One :))) I am of course partial to the tartan because my maternal grandmother was born and raised in Scotland. More on that later.....

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Michael has sent below tweet in connection with his "special holiday cards" and he has also placed a message on the FB #XOXOBOLTON page with a similar message but advising that when putting message on Honda's wall to not only include hashtag, #XOXOBOLTON, but to also TAG the person or persons you are sending message to.


"Michael Bolton @mbsings  46m 
Only two more days before I record some special holiday cards with my friends at @Honda. #XOXOBolton #ad"

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I'm not totally sure how these messages are going to work but found this explanation..hopefully it helps:

On 11/22 will link to a special Honda Tumblr tab that will aggregate all the video responses coming from
Honda. So be sure to check it out on 11/22 so you can see all the Bolton cards in real time as they’re made and posted!

Og course I have NO clue but I am trying!!! LOL Michael's commercials are wonderful!!! I hope they stay on throughout the holiday season!!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I just read on the Honda site that Michael's commercials will continue through the first week of January. Yippee :)))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

THEY HAVE STARTED FOLKS !!!!      Going out on YouTube and here is the first to a Michael Bolton !!!!!! :)



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Isn't that great!!

Anna (in MO)

COOL!!!! what do you search for on youtube?

XOXO Sandy in MS


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