New Year Resolutions for 2014......with a completely NEW slant !!!

As Michael has supplied us with his Resolution for 2014 thought would get this thread underway and Michael's Resolution is.............. 

"My 2014 resolution is to spend more time in a state of gratitude for every moment I have and to especially show it for my family, friends & fans. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! LET'S MAKE IT GREAT!!"


........along with, I believe, a selfie which think has been taken whilst Michael has been out sightseeing in Galati, Romania.



Please feel free to pop in whenever you like to share with us your New Year Resolutions or, as Sylvie and I like to do, which is to set ourselves goals per month to try and achieve rather than the one for the whole year......a little bit of a variation on the theme and we have had fun doing it for over the past couple of years and hope 2014 proves to be as much fun and as they always say, the more the merrier, so please consider coming in and joining us.......everyone is more than welcome !!!! :)    BTW Sylvie and I also try to make it every Monday when we come in and compare notes but absolutely no restriction on when anyone prefers to come in....none whatsoever !!! :)

Believe the following, which Sylvie was sent, is more than appropriate to be placed on here and hope you all enjoy it !! :) 

The New Year       will suddenly appear on the horizon

The       Boarding on Flight 2014  Has been       announced.....
Your luggage       should only contain the best souvenirs from 2013
The bad and       sad moments should be left in the garbage....
The duration of       the flight will be 12 months.
The next       stop-overs will be :
Health,       Love, Joy, Harmony, Well-being and Peace
The Captain       offers you the following menu  Which will be served during       the flight :
A Cocktail of Friendship
A       Supreme of Health
A gratin of       prosperity
A Bowl of Excellent News
A Salad of Success
A Cake of       Happiness
All accompanied  By       burst of laughter
Wishing You and Yours  An enjoyable trip  On boardFlight       2014
May This Be Your Best Year Ever!!




Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia from Scotland.

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Glad to see you back on here Sylvie and sorry to say have no hints how to get you motivated to do your reading except to come over to Montreal and give you a kick up the you know what.......I am such a skilled artiste at motivation.......NOT !!!! LOL.  I can't even motivate myself and have basically done nothing with no results whatsoever although did go for a long walk today and thoroughly enjoyed but will admit those last few steps were killers and truly wondered if I was going to make it.....definitely a little bitty out of condition !!! lol   Far too much Winter Olympics but I just don't understand it for I have been doing the skiing halfpipe, the downhill giant slalom, the ice skating and even the curling and I had a game of ice hockey this would think I would be toned right up after all of that and a two mile walk would just be like a walk in the park.....don't understand what has gone wrong......LMBO.   Will say that I have noticed dents in my carpet from my chair feet are getting deeper;  funnily enough !!!! LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well, I must agree that your motivational skills could use a bit of tweeking... :D I know that for myself, as far as the walking goes, I got into the habit of doing it every day,  while either on the phone or watching TV. My sister and opera buddy also exercize while watching TV. I know it’s hard getting into a good habit Sylvia, you just have to figure out what works for you and what time of the day you feel more inclined to do it. Just a suggestion. Hey, I know what can motivate you: try on the clothes you bought for your concerts! XD All I can say is break a leg sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

I was doing not too badly before Christmas but just haven't been able to get back in any swing whatsoever and I must because I believe there is a good chance that some of the clothes earmarked for concerts won't be getting tried on because they won't go on......LOL     Over next couple of days I will go for a dress rehearsal which hopefully may more than motivate is hoping !!!!! LOL  

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


That's the idea Sylvia, break a leg! :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi again and another Monday has arrived.....worst luck because I am in exactly the same position as I was last Monday;   stuck, for use of a better word !!! LOL

Although, because no Olympics now, I felt as though I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms so I got stuck into serious house cleaning which I am sure is going to lead to the possibility of eventually getting that paintwork painted in the hall that was supposed to get done last year....LOL   Definitely the serious spring clean is underway and I will not slack until it is done.   Was also pleased because I did a bit of home gardening and tidied up all pot plants and also I repotted a climbing rose I had bought a little while ago and so it is all ready to be placed outside once winter weather has definitely gone.   It is a beautiful shade of red and is supposed to be perfumed so, when I place it where I want it, which is by my shed which is painted a pale green, it should look quite striking....I hope !!!! LOL.

Tomorrow I am going along to the gym and visiting my cousin......I am getting this withdrawal schedule drawn up so that I am kept busy for the next few days at least until I can stand not seeing snow and snowboarders and skiiers and curlers and ice hockey players, especially great ones for Canada named Doughty, that is definitely going to take some time to get over for I was following him round the ice all the time and didn't I just let out a cheer when they won the gold....yeah !!!! LOL.

Talking about cleaning I am away to get on with other things.....boy, at this rate, I will be meeting myself coming back......hahahahahaha !!!! LOL

Hope everyone else feeling as injected with energy as I long it will last;  well, that definitely is another question !!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Nice history Sylvia! As always! I love your humor!!

I have not planned a lot! This picture fits to it!     "Can you already see Friday?"

I wish you and Sylvie a successful week!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Hey Sylvia, well you were so energized that you beat me here! Lol Oops, I hope you’re not “stuck” in the tops you’ve tried on! ;D  Oh wow, I had forgotten about that hallway, I only remembered the railings that needed painting. I guess the hallway will get you moving until it’s warm enough to start on the railings. I love when you talk about your garden Sylvia. I didn’t know there was such a thing as a climbing rose: it does sound pretty! Good luck sticking to your plan. Well on my side, it’s pretty much copy-paste from last week. Thankfully, the home project moved into the final phase and my son moved into his new room: I was moving furniture up and down the stairs on the weekend. I’ve been shuffling furniture in my head too, lol trying to figure out what’s more practical, then I can move on to finishing touches in the new guest bedroom. My art project and computer organizing are coming along too. The darn reading is still moving too slow, but at least some is getting done, slowly but surely, so I guess I should be thankful. :D My goal for the next few weeks is simply to keep the forward motion going in everything. So good luck to you Sylvia and to everyone else with their resolutions/goals to keep in that spirit. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

So glad to hear things going well with you Sylvie and if maybe not at the speed you would wish at least they are getting is when you start to see that little light at the end of the road for that definitely spurs you on to get there and I think that was what happened to me yesterday and had me thinking about the paint pot and that hallway and somehow I do believe within the next week, or two, that will be either done, or getting done !!    Have a funny feeling with those railing that they will be after MB but maybe if we have a super April I may just get stuck in but I don't want to exhaust myself before May .......LOL

Petra I laughed out loud at your photo ..... it is super and how anyone managed to make that one up I do not know for that is certainly photoshopping at its absolute best !!! :)

Sylvie what the photo shows which Petra has put in is of a giraffe standing in a field looking out toward a horizon somewhere in the distance but what makes the photo so much fun and quite spectacular is that clinging round the giraffe's neck and looking way above his head toward that horizon is a zebra and of course the giraffe is supposed to be saying to the zebra; "can you see Friday yet ??" really is fun !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I really hope my contributions give to You pleasure! I love humor! And I love the laughter! If I may continue here, I make this very much with pleasure!!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Hey Sylvia, good luck on getting started on that paint. Well obviously, the railings are a big job, so might as well start when you’re ready to take it on as a continuous project. Heehee, love the picture: it should be on a T-shirt, thanks for the description! :D Thanks for the picture and the good wishes Petra. Take care and hugs to both of you, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Keep the fun pictures coming Petra because I certainly like a good laugh !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I did not want to forget only Michael's birthday!!!! Now I have a problem!

Petra Christine (Germany)


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