Have decided to start this thread to give Marie somewhere to place the collages that she designs and produces of Michael and generally only displays over in FB so that all those on here have opportunity to see her absolutely beautiful work as well as giving her a place where she can come into and place her collages herself without having to wonder if she is putting them in the right place.

From 12th June, 2014, combined a thread called "Bolton Art" with this one in order that forms of artistic licence with photos of Michael could be displayed in one place so people know where to come to to see the pictures and also where they can feel free to put their own and please, everyone, do feel free to post your very own "works of art".  



Sylvia on behalf of Marie.    Your wee Scottish friend and your, No.1 fan of Michael's, Czech friend.


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That is beautiful Marie and love the ring...looks like black diamonds and I love black diamonds !!! :)  Thanks too for video....beautiful !!! :)

Diky Marie !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Sylvia

Hello! Marie,

wow, this is beautiful and so sweet and very romantic as always, thanks for all your pictures my sweet Marie, they are always wonderful to see. Take care of yourself, my Marie Bisous

       Michael ...best over all time


They are beautiful Marie and I especially like the No. 1 picture......diky !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


      Michael best SINGER ....NOBLE MAN

      around the World


Beautiful Marie !!! :)  

I wonder if we should rename this thread and include the words "Bolton Art" in it and open it up for others to place pictures in and possibly transfer over what is already in the new thread "Bolton Art" and then delete that thread keeping this one as the current one......what do you think Marie ????? :)   Will also put a post in the "Bolton Art" thread asking specifically those that have contributed to it what they feel but I personally think makes more sense than having numerous threads on same subject.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



decide as You think about it .... I think that other can adding here if want.... You can change name ... joy for me

with love Marie

 Reply by Petra on May 31, 2014 at 1:19pm

May I be so bold and begin to first?

Petra (Germany)

I adore this photo Katrin designed....thanks Sylvia. I am no artist but I love what you ladies do with your collages :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)
LOL Petra.....cute one :)). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Hi Sylvia,
a very good idea. Thank you very much that you like my photo. It was once only a sample. Here come further experiments.

Dear Petra, the idea of ​​the "Wanted" I had too. Super.

Greetings from Berlin



LOL at yours Petra for that is good and would say cheap at the price !!!!!1 lol

Love your last one Katrin for that is beautiful and talk about a paper rose.....oh wow, I love it !!! :)

It is good fun to sit and do especially if weather is rotten and not much to do for helps pass time as well as making you feel quite proud of yourself being able to achieve lovely pictures !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Free admission!

Petra (Germany)

Petra (Germany)

Love them Petra and first one reminds of April Fool's pic and MB got a hoot out of that one but love your second one with little Amelia....beautiful !!!! :)   I must get this "catch up" up-to-date so that I can start playing around with some but just ain't got any time right now....need to definitely make some no matter what !!!! :)

Danke Petra !!! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Super Petra, hast Du ganz toll gemacht. Verrätst Du mir bei obigem Bild die Öffnungszeiten? :):):)

Das untere ist einfach nur süß.

Vielen lieben Dank fürs Teilen.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin


Super Petra, you have done great. Can you tell me in the picture above the opening times? :) :) :)

The lower is just simply sweet. Thank you so much for sharing.

Many greetings from Berlin


Hi Katrin and not 100% but have a feeling that picture was taken at the National Television Awards event here in London on 22nd January, 2014.  Following is link into album in Gallery where there is a similar picture and believe others are in the Miscellany thread, somewhere !!! LOL  http://michaelbolton.com/photo/albums/michael-in-the-uk-and-ireland...

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hello Sylvia, thanks a lot for your tipp and the Link.  I think that makes Michael well in a Gallery.

Best regards from Berlin



Thought would put on here picture I spoke about of Michael in an "Art Gallery" which was used as an April Fool this year and it has been floating about for quite a while although when used as April Fool sent to MB and his response was "Hillarious !!"  The caption with picture read that it was at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and it was a special exhibit that was on show for the one day.....I thought pretty funny too and well thought out !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


 Reply by Katrin from Berlin on Monday

Best regards from Berlin



Oh Katrin how absolutely wonderful are both those pictures and especially the giff for that is super !!! :)   Did you make it or did you find that one ???   The second picture is wonderful .....I just love it and am sending you a PM about !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Katrin! I like your art very much! I will probably soon need to be active again.

Petra (Germany)


Hope you all enjoy this one and danke again Katrin for link.......many, many thanks !!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, Michael is admittedly hot :)
But his picture burn the same? I am happy if I have any.Best regards from Berlin



They are such fun to do and I could not resist that one from the official video with all those flames....more than appropriate !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Now I'm back on the list!
On the first image, the shape of the lips is like.
On the second image the shape of the eyes!
Do you like it?

Petra (Germany)

Hi Petra, how do you like this?




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