Have decided to start this thread to give Marie somewhere to place the collages that she designs and produces of Michael and generally only displays over in FB so that all those on here have opportunity to see her absolutely beautiful work as well as giving her a place where she can come into and place her collages herself without having to wonder if she is putting them in the right place.

From 12th June, 2014, combined a thread called "Bolton Art" with this one in order that forms of artistic licence with photos of Michael could be displayed in one place so people know where to come to to see the pictures and also where they can feel free to put their own and please, everyone, do feel free to post your very own "works of art".  



Sylvia on behalf of Marie.    Your wee Scottish friend and your, No.1 fan of Michael's, Czech friend.


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Thanks Marie and thanks a million for the video and wonder why that has been hidden since 1998 for it is superb.   I am going to put it on the New Video thread.   Diky Marie !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


 and whole scene with Nessun Dorma 


OH Marie that is wonderful and thanks so much for finding and sharing.....absolutely wonderful and so glad it has finally been published !!! :)   Diky Marie !!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Now you've made ​​me cry, Marie! Thanks for the video! I loooooooooove "Nessun Dorma" from Michael!

Petra (Germany)

    Petra, through this aria I found Michaela ........for me, a sacred song

Wonder if this is what Michael is doing right now ???????????????????????? LOL   Place cursor on picture and watch what happens to it for I think it is so funny what you can do or what you can get Michael to do !!!!!!! LOL
Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

That's funny, Sylvia!

Once is Michael spindly, then a real fat guy (ha, ha)!

Great that you have found this!

Petra (Germany)

Hi Sylvia, that's realy funny.

But, poor Michael.

Best regards from Berlin


Thanks girls and glad you got a laugh !!! :)    Here is my contribution to 4th July celebration that is going on page on FB and just thought would share as know some not on FB....hope you like this one !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia, this pic pleases me very much! Thank you so much!

Petra (Germany)

      Happy 4th July ... Day of Independence


      Marie fro Prague

Diky Marie and danke Katrin !!!! :)     Love all the 4th July celebrations and to think there is not one of us an American and we are having a great time creating these pictures....it is all good fun !!!! :)    Have to admit Katrin that picture of Michael with the hoodie is not one of my favourites and I wonder if he was having a bad hair day then and didn't want anyone to see !!!!! LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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