Have decided to start this thread to give Marie somewhere to place the collages that she designs and produces of Michael and generally only displays over in FB so that all those on here have opportunity to see her absolutely beautiful work as well as giving her a place where she can come into and place her collages herself without having to wonder if she is putting them in the right place.

From 12th June, 2014, combined a thread called "Bolton Art" with this one in order that forms of artistic licence with photos of Michael could be displayed in one place so people know where to come to to see the pictures and also where they can feel free to put their own and please, everyone, do feel free to post your very own "works of art".  



Sylvia on behalf of Marie.    Your wee Scottish friend and your, No.1 fan of Michael's, Czech friend.


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                                   Hallelujah Michael  


                                   Marie from Prague

Hello Marie, thanks a lot. Your pictures are very, very nice.

Best regards from Berlin


Oh Katrin thanks so very much for all your beautiful pictures for they are gorgeous especially the one with the little cat that has fallen for the "sexy man" pose just the same as the rest of us......love it !!!! :)    Please Katrin do not start thinking about Christmas, oh please don't for it will be here soon enough and isn't it amazing to think we are now half way through the year......where has it gone !!!!! :)

Thanks Marie for your lovely pictures and for the wonderful videos and especially first one for love the pictures the girl has used in "Not Made Of Steel" for that picture along with the one where he is sitting by his boat, "Soul Provider", are the two I have framed where picture of my mother sits between them and she looks at and cares for "our boy" !!!! :)    Diky Marie !!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, I just wanted to remind Santa that he must soon take care of the right gifts. I also want to just enjoy the summer - when he comes.

Best regards from Berlin


        for hot your summer




Coucou My Marie,

I love it :) <3


Michael, where you are? We have all withdrawal symptom!

Petra (Germany)

    Yes, missing You now



Beautiful pictures girls and don't know which one to choose from they are all so gorgeous.....thanks !!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Was just on FB where earlier today I changed the cover picture I have on my Michael Bolton page because the other was slightly ruined because of changes FB made in putting some of their wording over cover pictures which hid part of mine so I decided to make another one and have changed over and so far quite a few people have come in and said they like new cover picture and as I know a few here not on FB thought would share my latest "MB creation" !!!! lol

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


      Sylvia, so wonderful pic about beloved Michael

      thanks Marie


                                          ♛ ♫ ♛ ♪ ♛ ♫ ♛ immense beauty  ♛ ♫ ♛ ♪ ♛ ♫ ♛





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