To all of you who care for michael not only as an artist but as a human being...

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Thank you Dianna!! It was tough watching it a few times in a row trying to figure out what she meant! LOL I exercise to the video everyday and I never noticed him paying attention to one side or the other.

Love Eileen xoxo
Hello ladies,

thank you Dianna!! Of course: sb. = somebody (stg. means something) :-)))

Please watch the DVD carefully again !! He was definitely paying attention to somebody sitting in the first or second gallery on his right side (it means if you were sitting in the audience on the left side). His eyes were looking for somebody concrete, he looked up at somebody concrete many times while singing. And I am not speaking about the people who shook his hand on the level of the stage or the old cute woman kissing his hand !!!

I am going to watch the DVD once more and will write you the concrete songs/moments I am speaking about.

Love xxx Ivana
Ok I watched it again still don't see him concentrating on the one side!

Love Eileen xoxo

so.... I watched the DVD last night again with a pen in my hand and a piece of paper to make notes and would like to let you know pretty concrete what I mean with Michael´s concentration on his right side looking up at the right gallery:

1) "Hope it´s too late" - at the 15:07 min.
2) "To love somebody" - at the 20:13 min.
3) "Summertime" - at the 32:05 and 35:00 min.
4) "Fly me to the moon" - at 38:08 min.

Just let me know what you think about it or if I am crazy :-)).
I am sorry Silvana from Malta is not on the forum any more, she noticed it as well just after the concert in London. We both felt the same !!

On the other hand I have no idea if an artist (in this case Michael) is able to see the faces of the audience while performing on the stage because of the stage lighting. I have never stayed on the stage yet..... Maybe Michael let me do it.

Best regards,
I noticed it mainly later on when he looked to HIS Stage Right and went over and the camera showed him giving attention, shaking hands to people up on the side, not down on the floor. It was his right, sitting the seats it would be the left side facing the stage. One other time I noticed it but the folks were down on the floor the next time I noticed it. I have to watch it again when I get time too I guess!!LOL He probably knew a few people that night, there were folks down on the floor in the second half he welcomed to the show once he spotted them and he shook hands with them also before he introduced a song in the 2nd half. The people he knew were down by the stage at that point in the crowd.

Just my two cents, have to watch some more! (tough job). LOL
Robin :)
Hi Robin,
Most of the time on stage you can only see a few feet in front of you, because of the lighting. If you know where someone is seated generallly, you can't see them, even then, concentration is on the performance. Looking over the crowd is better for both Camera and less distraction...
Allthough at the stage, when the lights are low you can recoginize some faces.

Oh no, this means I'm going to have to watch the dvd all over again!! Bother!!!

I'll report back later.

Love Jennifer XX
Guess I'll be watching it again tonight!!!! I'll get back to you! Kellie and Robin are right you can't see far into the audience . The las concert I went to Michael made a comment about not being able to see into the crowd with all the lights! Just saying!!

Love Eileen xoxo
He can see a few rows back depending on lights.. He's seen us in the first few rows quite a few times over the depends on the venue/lights, etc.. but in this DVD he did say hello to those folks down front, by then there was a good bit of light as the audience was shown too. Anyway on the DVD I noticed what I posted above. MB is good at acknowledging folks when he can.
Thats correct Robin, Michael said Hello and waved to Carol and I in the first row and on the first night, he saw us iin the second row too and gave us a wave.

Wel, I've watched it again (the things I do and have to suffer eh?) and I genuinly didnt notice Michael looking over at or paying more attention to anyone on his right.

We must not forget that this DVD is edited footage of the concert and it may just be coincidental that in it he looks over to the right more and that the times he looked over to the left may have been cut out of the filming all together.

It may even be that there was something attracting his attention up there light a coloured light thing?

If there was a 'somebody special' in the audience, I feel certain that they would have had better seats than those right up in the stalls.

Love Jennifer XXX
I agree Jennifer! I just watched it again and I really don't think he was looking for someone special. He looks like he scans t around the venue but thats all. If it was someone special why were they not up in a better seat.

Love Eileen xoxo
I watched the DVD through again yesterday and Michael seems to look in many directions.
He does look up to the right but many more times to the left, centre and front of stage.
Was good fun watching it again!! :)

Deb xx


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