I apologize if this come up twice..blame in on the technical difficulties I have been experiencing with my computer..I saw an item on Yahoo Trending that Michael is in negotiations to be on Dancing With The Stars! Can anyone confirm this? I hadn't seen that before, so if it is old stuff, I am sorry...its news to me, and I only hope it is true! How awesome that would be!

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Kerie I hear ya!! I watched it then too when Apollo was on there. It amazes me how the celebs on there that are singers can manage a tour and that program too, lots of quick flights back and forth I guess? Wow, I guess next Tues we will know for sure if Michael will be on there or not.. If so, I'll be setting the DVR and watching and voting for him. I love the idea of it, what a wonderful opportunity if he does end up being on there!
Robin :)
Hey Robin so what channel and what time do we set the DVR for!!! Please let me know! I would really love to see him on it! Just think every week we'd get to see him on the TV!!!!

Love Eileen xoxo
Hi, All
Its really true does Michael go
to the next season of DWTS ?
I read that is confirmed 1 hour ago. I wonder how
if he has a busy schedule between September and Octuber
I wish overseas fans can to watch the show.
Take care
wow really where did you find that? I will be waiting & watching! oh wow I LOVE IT soooooo cool!!!!!!! ;-)
I did a search for "Michael Bolton on Dancing With The Stars" on Google..there are rumors from different sources, and they all pretty much list the same potential contestants...Troy Aikman, David Hasslehoff, Brandy..and a few others that I have never really heard of. At the end, when I scrolled down, it said you can sign up for e-mail alerts for the search I did; meaning when there is any news, you will get an e-mail. However, until it is confirmed here by Gail or posted officially, I will be cautiously hopeful!
I think if he does appear on the show it will probably be to do a live performance. They have guest artists to appear on their result shows.
I think that would be outstanding!! I hope it is true too. I watch DWTS already, and if Michael's on, I'm tuned in, and rooting for him all the way baby!! And who knows maybe he'll take his dance moves from Dancing With The Stars, and incorpirate them on his own stage in the future.

Love, MaryLynn
do we know yet, do we know yet man this 
waiting is killing me lol
Hi Nichole, someone said we were supposed to know on Monday. I'm supposing that the line-up will be announced on morning shows and entertainment shows, stay tuned! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Thanks Sylvie!!! Cant wait!! Hope all is going well with you!! Hugs

Love Eileen xoxo
Hi All
On our TV, Extra said something about Michael, sorry I was not in the room to hear but, my Son and his Friend, said to me later that Michael was talked about by Nicolette on the show. Go to ExtraTV.com maybe you can see what she had to say too? Let me know me later, I have to take care of other bussiness right now, but they said Michael had a chance at the spot,

Hi, Kellie,

I couldn't find anything on Nicolette at Extra TV.com, but I did go to the ABC website for Dancing Wth The Stars ,they had a little video promo that said that they with be annoucing the new cast on monday, night during The Bachlor. So I guess we have wait till then, I'm hoping Michael will be included in that annoucment. I would love to see him on DWTS.

Bye for now,


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