"SONGS OF CINEMA" ... all discussions and REVIEWS welcome !!!

Following is part of old description for thread when concept for album was first mentioned, by Michael, in 2015 and this thread was started. Decided to leave as little bit of history and insight for those interested and might not have seen all our "discussions" leading up to this wonderful day.  Pages 1 - 27 contain old material so please head to page 28 for all the new stuff and also check out new description, contained below starting at "Please go to ......."

 "Here is Michael's announcement about his new album concept and I warn you it is more than UNIQUE.   Michael has recorded a video which I hope everyone can see and hear okay on this link and then after looking and listening to it I believe there will be plenty of discussion so I am not going to elaborate too much right now.......  


Here is what Michael has posted below video and it gives you link into second page which contains information about all the "packages" you can purchase to become a part of this new concept and partake in the making of the album.


"Hi everyone!!! You’ve been asking and the time has finally come to announce plans for my brand new studio album via smarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM. I’m inviting you in on the journey from concept to completion. Hopefully it will challenge and inspire you as much as it does me, and I can’t wait to see what we all come up with! Here's how it works! When you pre-order the album, you automatically get access to all kinds of behind the scenes pics, videos and other updates from me during the recording sessions. I've also created some new merch and will offer a few select personal experiences – everything from personalized lyric sheets and live birthday greetings, to in-studio visits and concert VIP packages. Go check it out!! smarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM"


Please go to page 28 for start of UPDATED version of thread and where you can leave review and join in discussion

 As it is now 10th FEBRUARY and Michael's new CD "SONGS OF CINEMA" has been released am updating this page/thread so that everyone can come together and join in discussion and leave review of CD.   

Please remember rules of website .... anything distasteful or vulgar will be removed.

Now let's have some FUN and share our thoughts on this, to me, OUTSTANDING, BEAUTIFUL, FANTASTIC, work of art which is heading straight to #1 !!!

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


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Michael has sent a further tweet on his new album and here it is and looking more and more like movie theme songs......terrific !!! :)

Here's another big hint as to what I'm thinking about for my new record -

Sylvia  Your wee Scottish friend


LOL!  At first I got all excited because for a CD title I had said something like "Captain Jack Sparrow:  A Treasure of Gold." and then when hints starting going out, I figured out it was movie soundtracks.  Should be interesting.  Still wonder if he's considering doing a contest where a lucky fan gets to sing a duet with him since it is fan based.  I'm all in for that one definitely!  ;)

Hi Joy and it sure is fun all round and can feel anticipation starting to build again thinking and hoping Michael will be on soon with next part he wants us to give him feedback on......hopefully might happen in next few days, hopefully !!! :)

On a lucky fan getting to sing duet Joy, Michael did a contest through Dream Jobbing for that and in fact there were two winners and those girls have still to appear on stage with Michael and duet with him.  Believe logistically carrying out another competition along same lines wouldn't be feasible for the CD.....not enough time because too many other things still to be done for it:  but that is JMO and you never know what Mr. Bolton will come up with !!!! lol

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


For information Michael has posted a further update, in the form of a video, on the Pledge Music site asking for our contributions.  

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


There is something I would like to bring to your attention.  I know everyone is excited about Michael's new album and Pledgemusic updates but be sure if you go and see one is posted, please do not bring that update over to this forum or your facebook page, etc.  Ok to say there is one but if you start bringing them over to other media then there is no point in doing the all access thing to be a part of what is  going on.  You should be a member to get the update. There will be times when you will find part of the update on one of Michael's other media sites and whatever is posted on twitter or his facebook you are welcome to repost but if there is a video or update on Pledgemusic only, please just send fans there...don't copy anything.  Thanks!

I am rechecking on this because I now see where it has a share on facebook and twitter button there on the update when you are signed in. Let you know. Gail

Thanks for update Gail and I believe videos should stay on Pledge Music unless Michael gives out a link and even then a slight mute point on that because when you pre-order his CD who buy an "AccessPass" and that gives you: Shipping & Handling; Digital Download and Access To This Artist's Updates, therefore, if they are out to the public would say part of agreement you have bought is broken.

Should like to say about something I've spotted and it is to do with the periscope videos.  Those were available to anyone when first broadcast for Michael himself tweeted the links but you can only view them now on Pledge Music updates.  The original links have been discontinued and they were given new ones.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend


I agree and why my first post but since they have the l share links there I'm checking. I did watch the video that shows up on facebook when shared and it isn't the whole video...it stops and says to see the rest go to Pledgemusic.com so that may be how they are handling it.

Thanks Gail!!

Robin in MD :)

Feel have to say, in knowing some people are not for Michael being involved in this pre-order set up and have, therefore, not pre-ordered his CD I feel why should they be allowed access to all that is going on when I have paid my money up front for the privilege of being part of this but they can sit back, not put up any money, and yet are privy to everything that is going on because links go out on media outlets.  Also want to say I believe Michael has to say, comments to be taken into account, must be placed on Pledge Music now not as he said at beginning that any placed on Twitter or FB would also be taken into account because it is becoming apparent that some, who have not placed pre-orders i.e. have not signed up to Pledge Music, are asking others what is going on because they are not getting notified of the updates but then are putting out tweets to Michael or adding posts on FB telling him what they would like included in the CD ....I have seen a few, I know have not pre-ordered, placing posts but will Michael or his team check if those on Twitter or FB have pre-ordered if those suggestions are taken into account.   I believe Michael said about comments on Twitter and FB were okay and put out the various links because he had faith his fans following him on Twitter and FB would pre-order his CD but that is not the case.  Call me petty and that it hardly really matters and in some respects I would totally agree, but I just feel, on principle, something unfair about it is developing. 

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks Gail!

I agree with you, I singed up there using only my email, but if you do it with your FB account, not sure about the instant publishing after every update. And please, let me know if I had to change something publish @ Michael's News FB page. Thanks!!!!

I'm signed into the site through Facebook account Pilar and there is nothing instantly published.  In fact there is nothing instantly published from the site at all, people have to publish to Twitter or Facebook as per usual either through links or buttons to share....nothing instant !!! Unless I am misinterpreting what you mean by "instant"  and you are meaning buttons to share which give you a tweet or FB post already written but it still takes an individual person to decide to send it and then to click and accept before it is published.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend



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