"SONGS OF CINEMA" ... all discussions and REVIEWS welcome !!!

Following is part of old description for thread when concept for album was first mentioned, by Michael, in 2015 and this thread was started. Decided to leave as little bit of history and insight for those interested and might not have seen all our "discussions" leading up to this wonderful day.  Pages 1 - 27 contain old material so please head to page 28 for all the new stuff and also check out new description, contained below starting at "Please go to ......."

 "Here is Michael's announcement about his new album concept and I warn you it is more than UNIQUE.   Michael has recorded a video which I hope everyone can see and hear okay on this link and then after looking and listening to it I believe there will be plenty of discussion so I am not going to elaborate too much right now.......  


Here is what Michael has posted below video and it gives you link into second page which contains information about all the "packages" you can purchase to become a part of this new concept and partake in the making of the album.


"Hi everyone!!! You’ve been asking and the time has finally come to announce plans for my brand new studio album via smarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM. I’m inviting you in on the journey from concept to completion. Hopefully it will challenge and inspire you as much as it does me, and I can’t wait to see what we all come up with! Here's how it works! When you pre-order the album, you automatically get access to all kinds of behind the scenes pics, videos and other updates from me during the recording sessions. I've also created some new merch and will offer a few select personal experiences – everything from personalized lyric sheets and live birthday greetings, to in-studio visits and concert VIP packages. Go check it out!! smarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM"


Please go to page 28 for start of UPDATED version of thread and where you can leave review and join in discussion

 As it is now 10th FEBRUARY and Michael's new CD "SONGS OF CINEMA" has been released am updating this page/thread so that everyone can come together and join in discussion and leave review of CD.   

Please remember rules of website .... anything distasteful or vulgar will be removed.

Now let's have some FUN and share our thoughts on this, to me, OUTSTANDING, BEAUTIFUL, FANTASTIC, work of art which is heading straight to #1 !!!

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


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Here is my post from the other thread:

 I'm sorry for your and other fans frustration in receiving the CDs and merchandise from Pledgemusic.  I did ask if anyone could give me an update on the items.  All of the unsigned CDs are being sent out now.  The tshirts are being printed and should be finished today and then they are sent to a fullfilment house who sends them out.  For some reason it took longer to get the items ordered from manufacturers and to the fullfilment house and out to you than anticipated.  They are out of the signed CDs due to more being ordered than they thought and so Michael will have to sign more before those can be sent out.

 Also if you need to write to get an exact answer here is the email address they gave me: help@pledgemusic.com

Hope this helps some.Gail

PledgeMusic finally got my issue resolved and now I have all my information again.  I contacted them through Facebook and it was faster and I have my instant download so I'm content on waiting for my autographed CD :)

I'm glad that going through them via FB Messenger worked for you Joy. That is faster I think than emailing them with the question about your pledge on the site.  I hope we don't have too long to wait for the signed CD's but you at least have the download now too.

I'm glad for you.

Robin in MD :)

Yes it was so much faster that way.  They sent me my receipt, my pledge order number and everything.I had used an old email that was compromised and don't use anymore so they changed it to what I use now but I still can't figure out where the tracking or anything is but I haven't received an e-mail saying it was shipped so that might be the case.  Like I said, I'm very content with the download.  I'm driving my boss nuts because I listen to it at work all the time LOL!  When it comes to my house, I'll be driving my family crazy *except my son because he loves Michael too* HAHA!

So, so glad you got everything sorted out Joy for that is great news .... pleased for you !!! :)

Count down time is sure on for you .... 4 days to go !!!!!!! lol

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


4 days WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm prepping for my one special night.  Bought my boots to go with my outfit last Sunday, getting my eyebrows done Tuesday, and hair fixed Wednesday before I go to the concert!!!  I'm so excited, I may faint walking through the doors LOL!  The local paper here in town is going to do an article about my experience and how I've waited so long *she came in at work the other day and told me she wanted to do one* so I'm hoping I can get a picture with Michael to put in there where I can send him a copy of our local paper and the article!  Going to take my IPad because my friends want to see my reaction when he comes on stage so I'll pre-record that as it happens and then it goes off and my camera comes out or I fall out first LOL!

OMG Joy, how did the article come about? Also, are you sure you won't be overwhelmed by all this? I don't know you very well, but aside from the excitement of your first concert, if you add the focus of an article, plus a picture with the man himself seems a lot for a nervous system... XD I wish you to be able to enjoy it, whatever happens: we know you'll get a great show sweetie, so enjoy the ride! :D Take good care. Big bear hugs to you, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

This is hilarious how the article came about.  The editor of the paper here in town follows me on Twitter and has seen Michael liking my posts, the countdowns, the excitement of my first Bolton experience, how long I've waited, the list is endless *plus I've talked about him when she was in there, I over excitedly told her I was going and it's been going ever since).  When I was off work, Melissa (the editor) and my boss was standing and talking about it and my boss said, "Joy is so excited about this.  You ought to do an article about it so all of Dawson will hear about it at once." *in a joking manner of course* and Melissa said, "Yeah I've been seeing the countdown, Michael responding......I think I will do an article on it." and she wasn't kidding either.  She came in and said she's going to use my concert experience and get the whole story behind it as a focal point for the paper.  I was like "OMG, seriously?" and she said "Yep." so we're doing an article when I come down from Cloud 9 LOL!  I don't know if I'll be getting a picture but it'd sure be nice not only for my own personal keepsake but to be able to share with my hometown.  I am highly nervous!  I'm like you, I guess we'll see what happens but I know I'm going to enjoy it.  I've waited way too long for this and worked double hard at both jobs just to buy the ticket.  This is going to be the best EVER!  Hugs right back at ya Sylvie!  Keep your fingers crossed!

Hi again Joy, wow! Seriously, wow! So, I was wondering, will you tell the paper reporter about you wanting to try out for the “Dream job”? Joy, if you don’t mind me saying so: if we wait for you to come down from Cloud 9 from the concert, we might still be here at Christmas! lol I hadn’t waited for 15 years, but I did have 3 missed opportunities in the 90s to attend concerts and a CD signing in my town, so when I did go: I  was ready!  Even without a picture, this would certainly be shaping up to be a Bolton adventure, so I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you: have a wonderful time! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

He's doing another Dream Job?  If he is, I'm definitely trying out!  And I must agree, yall will be waiting until Christmas before my cloud floats back down and releases me LOL!  I missed a book signing in Bowling Green after I ordered it and he was going around signing copies so that made me mad--my cousin was going to go with me because she knows more about around that location than me, and she ditched me for a date to Logan's Roadhouse UGH!  Then I missed 2 shows, I wasn't going to miss this.  My boss was hoping I wouldn't get the money for the ticket because I didn't know her and her husband was going to buy me a ticket for taking care of our job while she was gone on maternity leave so I spoiled that for her *oops* but still, you couldn't get a better seat than what I have.  Hard work, consistency, and missed shows apparently paid off for me to be in the front row just 4 seats away from being direct center.  I'm going to have a terrific time to say the least!

Hi again Joy, no, Michael isn't doing another "Dream job", I just meant that this missed opportunity you had could be part of your backstory, if the reporter doing the article needs one.  Yeah, I get your meaning: it does make us more determined if we miss concerts... :D Take care sweetie and take it easy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

WoooooooooHooooooooo ....... look what my postie delivered this morning ....... yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!! LOL  Think he got a shock for have never opened door so quick when he rang bell......was up ready and waiting !!!! LOL

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend



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