Just saw your recent performance in Greeley, Colorado ... great time, great night, great performance ...

Not sure if you're as annal as I am but I read your biography in the handout and there was a sentence in there that just didn't compute.  Not sure if you send it to the venues and they copy/paste/print or what ... but, thought someone in the know should take a look at this and get it corrected.

So, like a third of the way through the bio we have:

"One big idea I grew up with was this: remain open to all genres and means of musical expression ... it's about excepting any type of music as the artist's right or freedom of exposition."

Okay, ... 'excepting' ?? ... not sure that's even a word but I'm thinkin' the writer meant 'accepting' ... ya think?

I know in the internet age there are so many folks posting so many bad grammar/spelling things ... just wanted to help clean up a mistake.

Take care.

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Hello Bob,

I'm a bit of a stickler for grammatical errors too. My typing on here is atrocious and I have what I call 'dyslexic fingers' with all my typos, but with something that is supposed to be a professional production, I agree that proof readers ought to have picked up on that mistake. It must be hard enough for fans in Foreign countries to read these articles without grammatical or spelling errors to contend with.

I wonder if there a name of a printing company in the back of the tour book that you could send this mistake to? That would probably be the best option although, I suspect that the tour books have probably already been printed for the entire tour and will travel the whole world with the stage crew etc.. I dont know for certain and I might be wrong here, but thats how I imagine it. I wonder if it is just that the tour crew hire people at each venue to set up the stalls and just sell the items or whether the venue have their own staff to sell them?

Michael probably wont get to read this post and really grammatical errors in his tour book would probably be the very last thing you would want to worry him about so alerting the attention of the printing company would probably be the best option for you.

Good luck and do let us know if you hear anything.


I think part of the problem is that people rely completely on software to spellcheck a document. Sometimes proofreading the old fashion way is the best.

It's funny, but the spell check/grammar software should have picked up on this shouldnt it?

There really is no excuse nowadays is there with all the computer software available, it should be word perfect really shouldnt it? Especially as we the customer are paying for these tour books and they arent cheap are they?

I guess that whoever typed it, either didnt bother to check it or didnt know it existed or it wasnt working proplery? Ha Ha!!

Love Jennifer XX
You would think a spellchecker would catch it. I just typed 2 different sentences in MS Word 2010 and in one instance it highlighted "excepting" and offered the correct word. In the other instance, it didn't catch it at all. Really strange.....

Yes, at my job we still have to re-check things ourselves, as our spell check program definitely does NOT catch all mistakes..

I agree!
Robin :)


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