Thank you Michael for a terrific concert.  This was my first time to see you. This was better than i thought it would be.  I loved it when you came out in the audience to sing.  Your voice is still terrific.  Thanks again I had the time of my life.  I enjoyed Michael Lington also glad that he was with you on tour.


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Hya Tina,,

Fantastic photographs, and thank you for sharing them.

The first concert is always a special one isnt it? This night will hold such special memories for you.

Michael Lington is amazing isnt he? What did you think of the rest of Michaels band? Brian on piano, Nelson on bass etc.etc..

If you have any other photos, we'd all love to see them.

Love Jennifer XXXX
Thanks i have around 200pics yes i took lots i am trying to lighten them up since they are so dark. Michael Lington was great i got his cd. The rest of his band was great also. I like the big band sound. I will post more pics not for sure where to post them at if i can send a link i will
Hya Tina,

not sure if you have any 'extra' photo editing software like adobe or paintshop etc, but if you open the photos in 'paint' there is a fix option there.

Apologies if Im telling you something you already know.

Cant wait to see the rest or atleast a few more of your photos.

Love Jennifer XX
Oh, any help is appreciated. I found an editing on my kodak program that let me lighten the pics put thanks for the hints.
Hi Tina, we have a concert review thread on here too, do you mind posting there as well?.We have a running thread for all the concert reviews. THANKS SO MUCH for sharing your experience and your photos!!!!!!

Also, there is the Photo Gallery tab at the top of the forum sections. You can make an album and post your photos there for everyone on here to's not hard to do and a lot of fun!!!

Robin :)
Thanks i will do that. I didn't know we could do that great. I would be happy to post my pics for everyone to see.
Hi Tina and welcome to the forum. If you’d like to share your thoughts on your concert, the thread is right here:
A couple of fans have already posted their review of the show, but since this was your first concert, you might have a different perspective. Hope to read you there! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Nice pictures! Thanks for sharing!

Your quite welcome thanks for enjoying them. I had so much fun taking them.
Hi, Tina
Thank you so much !!!!
Wondeful pics.
Take care
I am glad you enjoyed the pictures.


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