Has any one heard if Sheffield is cancelled for Friday 3rd. I would not be surprised with the weather but I so hope not.If anyone hears anything please let me know I don;t want to travel if the show is not happening, fingers crossed it will all be ok. (Well I can dream)










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no its not cancelled even though its dangerous to travel , there are no buses from rotherham to sheffield , we cannot get out in the car as there is 4 feet snow, taxis are not running off main roads , there is more heavy snow forecast tonight at 21.00 hrs. so good luck some people whom live in Sheffield have said they not risking it as police are advising people not to travel. all other shows are cancelled and there is only skeleton staff at city hall . from a very disappointed fan. contacted promoters who were rude and said concert still taking place come what may.
See other thread on Sheffield concert


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