How disappointed to see the concert still taking place despite the adverse weather and police advising you not to travel. I suppose there will be a lot of out of pocket disappointed fans like me out there.....................

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Oh my goodness !!! Helen that is some very serious snow!!

I do hope you werent driving and taking the photos at the same time? I'm sure you werent.

Those roads look really dangerous and that blizzard photo looks very scary.

I love the photo of your garden and the peak district looks really amazing.

Thank you for the photos Helen, but please dont take anymore if it means you have to take one hand off of the steering wheel and your eyes off the road ahead.

Love Jennifer XX
I also travelled down to Brighton for Tuesday's show, and when we left home I wasn't aware of any warnings advising people not to travel. I was so very disappointed that it was cancelled but I wasn't angry with Michael at all. I just wish it hadn't taken me 27 hours to get home!!! All the delays and the cold would have been worth it if we had at least seen the show, it didn't happen and that's just one of those things. Michael was ill and there is nothing that could be done about it and I would be angry if he had pushed himself and then risked his voice and health for the future. As you say Helen he will be back again and I will get tickets then, it's not the end of the world.

However, in the recent extreme weather conditions it isn't always possible for some people to travel (even if you are a massive fan). Many of the main roads, although were covered in snow and very slippy were passable with care, but the majority of side roads were not. For people living out in villages and off the beaten track it was almost impossible. When the trains and buses stop running and you can't get a taxi, you really are stuck (which is what happend to us). It's not about wanting something so bad its about being sensible and only travelling if you know it's safe and obviously heeding the advice of the police .

I really admire your bravery Helen, travelling on your own all over then country but it isn't possible for everyone. I'm sure the majority of people on here were not angry at Michael for being sick or not cancelling the Sheffield show, it was more about the attitude of the promotors to their situation. This is no way an attack on anyone it is just my point of view.

Thanks for posting Carol, I see your point of view and MB is doing all he can to assist the fans due to the bad weather.. I live off a main road too and we have to get ourselves out to the main road in bad weather. We have equipment here to do it but it takes time...I understand.

Take care,
Robin in MD USA :)
Carol, I wish I could give each and every one of the Sheffield and Manchester fans who's travel was halted by the snow and huge cuddle because you must be feeling so frustrated and really sad.

I know I would be beside myself in tears and frustration not knowing who was to blame if anyone was, but wanting to blame someone and anyone for spoiling everything that we had planned for and dreamt about for a year now.

I hope that in time over the next few days the feeling of frustration will subside and you'll all start feeling better.

It is a sorry situation and as daft as it sounds, really quite traumatic for you all and I really do genuinly truly sympathise and empathise with you all.

Love Jennifer XXX


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