Hey Gang,


I was wondering about a few things.....


Michael mentioned about his mom and daughters on DWTS that they live in Connecticut, was he born and raised there?  Does he also live there?  Does he have brothers and/or sisters?  Besides the Guitar, does he play any other instrument?






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Hi girls,

the result is, our Michael looks always better "without", that means:

without long hair, without eyeglasses, without three-days stubble, without clothes, without female company.....

Or maybe he would like to let me know, "Ivana, leave me alone. You drive me crazy" :-)))

Your funny

Ivana :-)))

P.S. I hope he has a sense of humor...... it´s very important on here.

Looks like Michael needed a vacation in this picture....poor guy!!!  Wonder what he was upset about?



Does someone have an electric shaver I can borrow....someone here needs a shave!!!  Don't care for Michael looking like that...prefer seeing his handsome face...thank you very much!!  LOL!!



Thanks for sharing this Juliet....another treasure I never saw!!!



Hi Sylvia,

.... "she doesn´t need much encouragement...", yes !!!, you know me well !!! I don´t :-))) Please stop my fantasy before Gail stops my membership on here :-)))

Ivana :-))

Hi Ivana,


You go ahead and have your fantasy - but, PLEASE, PLEASE don't put it into words or pictures here - just might encourage us all,  hahahahahahahaha - don't believe any of us need much encouragement to fantasize about our dear boy.


Sylvia    Wee Scottish friend.

Is it getting warm in here or what!!!!   Don't know if I can finish eating my lunch!!!  :)



LOL Sylvia!!  Of course Michael is a great looking guy!!  At least I didn't say, draw the Harry Potter lightning bolt on his forehead instead!!!  Oopps...did I say that!!  :)




Hi Helena,    Thought picture would come up larger - unlike Ivana I don't know how to do that, yet!!!! - hope you have finished your lunch as I was going to suggest that we just push him into that water and then follow - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Sylvia.   Wee Scottish friend with a vivid imagination.

Oh Sylvia....LOL!!!!  I have seen this one in the Gallery section of this site.  Love the idea of pusing him in and joining him!!   However, I don't know how to swim....do you think Michael will save me?   :)


Helena.....your friend that loves your wild imagination....xxx...

Hi Helena,


Yeh, little pic. was from the gallery, as are most, interesting pics. over there.......love the ones of him round pool but from the very start when I spotted that one - I just wanted to push - always think too .......just imagine those denims shrunk in the water........did you say something about it getting warm......I'm in a sauna.......need to go outside and cool off - just about freezing here again - what is it like with you......any snow melted yet......inland here and over east coast got it more at weekend - we only saw about a smattering............talking about snow...............how about a snow ball fight, in really deep snow, with you know who.............Ivana thinks she can fantasize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Better away before Gail does throw me off this site!


You say about not being able to swim - question - does anyone know if Michael can swim ???????  To, my knowledge, never been sent any pictures showing that .........I wonder why not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Is it "skinny dippin' time" - we wouldn't object - would we ?????   -   okay, okay, I'm going !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sylvia.   Wee Scottish friend with a definite over-active imagination - no it is not, just shows, at least I'm still alive !!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure I've seen photos of Michael in the sea playing ball.

I cant remember where I saw them though, but I am pretty certain that Michael can swim though.


Can anyone else remember seeing them? I have a funny feeeling that they were in with the photos of Michael on holiday with Nicolette?


This is a quote that I found that is reported to have come direct from Michael. ( I found this quote on severasl different sites so I'm guessing it must actually be from Michael)


Michael On singing in the swimming pool: "If I can move the water, I can move the people." - Michael Bolton


Love Jennifer XX


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