I wanted to know the best way to contact mr Bolton or his agent. I have a very interesting story concerning a huge fan of his who is also my mother in law.....just a few days ago my mother in law ( Madelyn ) suffered a hemorrhagic stroke on the left side of her brain, before I go on she is recovering nicely so far, but it has effected her ability to speak well, remember certain everyday words and the coordination of her limbs on her right side. Yesterday we down-loaded an album from Michael Bolton on my wifes phone for her to listen  to while in ICU. Her response to this was amazing!  She started dancing in her bed, snapping her fingers, including the ones on her right side, to the beat, and singing word for word with the songs even before the vocals started. She even followed some of the songs with a "whoooop! Isn't he great!". This had us and the nurses amazed and busting out in laughter. This came from a women who just failed to count to 5. We now have to limit her Michael Bolton intake to only a couple of songs at a time since it also raised her blood pressure. Anyway I was hoping I could some how get her an autographed photo addressed to her from mr Bolton to put by her bed. If anyone knows the best avenue to contact him please let me know. I can be reached by email at bbradley@klbradley.com. Thanks in advance. 

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Hi there Boo and welcome to the forum. What a fantastic story! OMG, I'd be curious to find out what album you downloaded, but I'm happy that someone is sharing about the true power of music... The best way to get a message to Michael is through this forum's moderator Gail at boltoninfo@aol.com. Gail is a doll and she knows that this is the kind of story Michael loves to hear about. You know, this is no surprise though... All kidding aside about anyone's special healing powers, I've read this book called "Musicofelia" by Oliver Sacks who describes how music can make neurological connections through memory, even in Alzheimer patients. It's very nice to hear another proof of that, thanks so much for sharing with us!  Take care and best wishes of recovery to your mother-in-law and please keep us posted!  Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks for your concern, we downloaded the best hits album 85-95. She continues to do better and I am still trying to reach Mr. Bolton. At the very lest she still can listen to that album. Thanks also for the book suggestion i will need to look into that.
Hi Boo and thanks for the positive update! Have you at least reached Gail at the adress I've given you? Gail can not garantee you'll hear from Michael but she can garantee that the request will get to him. FYI, the author of the book I've mentionned is the same author as "Awakenings". I've never read the book but have seen the movie and loved it. Good luck to you and your mother-in-law. If something comes of your request and you feel like sharing, do come back and let us know. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

What a lovely story and one that I can relate to totally.


Ten years ago, I was in a similar situation and my eldest son contacted Michael who then sent me a personally signed photograph wishing me to get well soon. I still treasure that photo today and believe that between the photo and Michaels music, I would not be alive today.


Go for it, you have nothing to lose.


Love Jennifer XX


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