I am sure most of you have allready heart this song but I would just like to say that his Italian pronunciantion sounds sooo good in my ears:-))). I guess he loves Italy and Italian fashion, he looks like a charming Italian :-))).

How do our Italian fans on here find this video?



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hi girls

as you know I teach Italian, so I'm a bit critical in general about Italian pronunciation, but it would be fantastic to hear Michael sing this song live in a concert! it would be the first time for me! ahhhhhhhh che bello sarebbe!!

good or bad accent, he is always our tender, cute boy!!


ciao Silvy XX

Hi Silvy, good to read you posting! I thought of you when we were discussing Michael's pronunciation, but I didn't dare ask you since we hadn't heard from you for so long! I didn't mean to sound critical about Michael's pronunciation and I frankly commend him for attempting so many languages. All we want is to hear his voice anyway... :D Take care sweetie and hope all is well with you. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Ciao Sylvie

I'm ok, I'd like to post more, but this forum is crazy, there are so many discussions, news and it  goes fast, fast that I cannot read everything! and you know English is not my first language and I need more time to read and write than you all!

I suppose that it's difficult for Michael to read everything as well!

tanti baci


Hi Sylvie,

I absolutely agree with you, there are so many discussions and news and fans who appologize for something I do not understand for what....:-))) But this forum is like a drug for me, I am used to opening my lap top every day...

Best regards to Switzerland,

Ivana from Prague

Hey Syvlie,


I was watching this italian show last night called I Raccomandati.  They use famous italian singers and have them sing with a new artists, and they compete kinda of like American Idol.  The guy who won last night is named Giuseppe Gambi.....this guy sounds like the next Pavarotti.  This is not from the show, but listen to what he sounds like.......       






PS  Loredana Berte was on too last night....boy is she a riot!!!!   LOL!!!!!  I don't know how my friend puts up with her.....she is great though!!

Hi Helena, I'm afraid we have very different taste in Italian voices sweetie... I'm sorry, I think I'm a snob... lol I did listen to the video link and checked out another one. I think this one is more suited to his voice:
Girl, you don't know how I love this song "Non ti scordar di me". I was just showing it to the wee one a couple of days ago. Now, aside from my buddy Luciano's renditions I'll always prefer, listen to this guy:
He's not Italian, he's Peruvian but has one hell of a voice! You know Helena, the show you're talking about sounds kind of like the duets show Michael did in 2006, did you ever see it?Michael was paired with both Lea Thompson and Lucy Lawless. This is his duet with Lucy: 
If I remember correctly, that was during the writers strike. Well anyway, thanks for sharing Helena, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Ciao Helena

I have seen i Raccomandati  and of course Loredana Bertè, yes she is a riot! bravo il tenore but I love NERI PER CASO, they're my Italian favourite group:



ciao baci

Silvy from CH

Ciao Silvy,


I also like Neri per Caso.....they are a great group!!!


Sylvie....I can't click on your links for some reason.  Will try later.....



his italian is perfect, sure...and very, very sexy, even if this isn't my favorite song. 

Bello, bravo, simpatico e pure intelligente...è perfetto!!!!!Baci dall'Italia