Hey Gang,


I was wondering about a few things.....


Michael mentioned about his mom and daughters on DWTS that they live in Connecticut, was he born and raised there?  Does he also live there?  Does he have brothers and/or sisters?  Besides the Guitar, does he play any other instrument?






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Here's another question....


What happened to Orrin?  I thought we would be hearing from him on his web site and so far nothing!!  Thought he was going to answer our questions or pop in the forum once in a while....so where is he?  Is he hibernating with the polar bears?  LOL!!   So Anna, Sylvie, Sylvia....you girls know anything?!?!?



Hi Helena,


On previous question about Taryn - how about "partner" - his name is Robbie Guimond.....and he is just about the spit of her old man!


Don't know a thing about Orrin - was in site couple of days ago - nothing as yet - just the thanks to those who attended!


Speak to you soon.  Ordered anymore CD's ???  -  only joking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Helena, Please see reply in the topic about Orrin.. :o)

Thanks Anna.....I forgot to look over there.....the wee one is driving me batty!!!   LOL!!!!  No, I'm only kidding!! 


No, my dear Sylvia, did not order any CD's, but I did get the message from Amazon that they have shipped and the book too.....Yipee!!!!  :) 


I was looking at the web site for that Baseball team I mentioned out in Coney Island, The Booklyn Cyclones.  It seems that the stadium holds 12,000.00 people and they have had some concerts there including acts like Def Leppard, Bryan Adams, some Oldies and Reggae groups.....I live in Brooklyn and didn't know that!!!!  Boy have I been out of touch!!  I'm putting my name on their mailing list to be updated on future events.  Anyway, they play against a team sometimes called the Conneticut Tigers.  Does Michael have any connection with this team?  The season starts in June and I would like to go to at least one game this summer.  Thought it would be nice for Michael to have a concert at this stadium!!  Maybe dress him up in his old Bolton Uniform too..... Nice idea, huh?  :) 



Hi Helena,


Don't know about any connection to baseball teams Michael might still have.....his team were called the BOLTON BOMBERS....nice idea for him to dress in "old uniform" - wonder if it would still fit him !!!!!!!!!!!    lol.   He sure looked good in it!!!!!!


Sylvia.   Wee Scottish friend.

Hi Ya,


I was wondering about the same thing...if his uniform will still fit him and yes he did look good in it!!!  :)



Hey there,


My first CD arrived today, OAWLY.....so will be listening to it on the weekend!!!



Hi Helena,


How come then, I'm getting all these phone calls from Michael ????????   Go and listen to that CD, girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was going to come in, in anycase, but into music.....och well, I'll put here - a CD we should have told you to have bought is "Till The End of Forever".....it's got recordings on it that I don't believe are on any other CD - plus it has 11 songs recorded at a concert from "Go The Distance : "Nessum Dorma" to "Steel Bars" (just typed in bras there - hey, just a thought for his next rendition!) .....because "Till the end of Forever" and "Hear Me"  are BEAUTIFUL and I mean BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.    I had better go back and see if Michael has phoned again !!!!!!!

Hey Sylvia, give poor Helena a break girl! To sum it up, Helena should buy them all, but as I've said before, give her time to get to know the ones she's buying or she won't make heads or tails of it all! lol She bought TLT a little over a month ago... I wouldn't be surprised if OAWLY was one of her favorites because she loves to dance... Maybe you  should make a list and PM it to Helena? It's a thought. Well, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,


I know....totally unfair of me....hahahahhehehehe - well, she bombards me with all these great pics. of Michael making telephone calls...yeh, they have even now appeared over in Facebook, would you believe!!!!!!!!  lol - phoning me about his dinner, indeed !!! - just wish to God he was - boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo - fat chance....oh, wait a minute, there is a blue moon in the sky and twenty little pigs just flew past my window - yeh Sylvie, it is that ouzo again!!!!!!!   lol.     You know reading over that - I feel as though Helena and I are the two kids, getting at each other and, you Sylvie, are the mum in the middle.....oh bye the way, here is another tale.....she keeps "poking" me over in Facebook....I poke her back for sure.....BUT - I don't know how to poke her first, boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo - yeh, I'm telling tales out of school!!!!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia, I loved your mental picture of the blue moon and the little pigs flying by the window! Maybe it means Michael will come to Montreal this year? :D Woops, I forgot, it's every other blue moon... dang! Oh boy, what a multi-facetted role I have on this forum now: the mum in between, I like that! Oh Sylvia, I guess I just don't want Helena to feel overwhelmed and give up on us because we're giving her too much to ingest at the same time. I really can't wait to hear what she thinks of OAWLY... So, take it easy you too or I'm gonna have to separate you! :D Thank you for the smile sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey Girls,


LOL...sorry if I poked you too many times Sylvia....I love having some laughs with you!!!  Well, I listened to the CD last night, but I was looking over the book at the same time (got that in the mail too) and didn't really pay attention to what I was listening too...LOL!!!  It's kinda of hard to read and listen to music at the same time!!!  Then for some strange reason, I was in the mood for Engelbert Humberdinck and listen to one of those CD's.  So will listen to OAWLY again over the weekend.  Good thing I'm home from work tomorrow...LOL!!!  Today like a good girl I washed my floor, so tomorrow I want to go for a manicure!  Want to treat myself to that..... I should be getting the other CD later this week "The One Thing"....so I have enough for now.  I want to save some money for other things, like future day trips with my mom, concerts, Broadway shows and other things to do when the spring comes.  So don't worry Sylvie, I appreciate all the idea's and imput from Sylvia, you and everyone else.....I don't feel like I'm being pushed into anything....LOL!  Hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying the weekend!!  Now let me see what that naugty Sylvia is up too on Facebook...LOL!!!


Hugs, Helena...xx...


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