how can I attached a file where you can see michael and his italian girlfriend spotting rome on december?

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LOL LOL LOL!!! That is great!

Also the perfect expression on his face for what you have him saying!

Joy from the Jersey Shore

Hi all! Joy , silvy Silvia and my BB's, Have been reading and watching this thread! I just want to say we have all (or most of us) have become great friends thanks to our love of our Michael the man and his music! We have come together to share our love and. In the process have made wonderful friends who care for each other. We talk and yes kid each other but all with love. I have been a huge fan of Michael for well over 25 years way back before he was on! I was thrilled. To find this site and I don't like hearing people come on the say we have to much time. On our hands when the don't know us! We have all seen Michael in concert I've been to so many through the many years and his music and his words are something that we love his songs have so much meaning and touch our soul. We all love that he shares with us his family his life. But we all have our lives too, husbands, grandchildren ,chidren and loved ones.I just don't feel that someone who does not know all of us should make judgement that we don't have that or we don't spend time with them. Cause we all know our loved ones come first and most important thing in our lives!We all share that here too . Its sometimes brings back great memories when we were teenagers! Joy when we met at that concert it was wonderful and that what we said that night at the concert its so exciting and you feel like a teenager and sometimes a song he sings. Makes you cry cause the meaning just its you that way! Now I'll shut up! Love you all here and love the fact that we have become like a family and your alway here to talk and listen!. SorryI went on!
Love Eileen

By the way all we all want is for Michael to be happy and healthy! If he has a special person its none of our business till he wants to tell us!


You ramble on all you want!  I think you said it all very well and how most of us feel.


Love, Joy

You said it all Eileen, love ya girl!!


Love, Shannon xoxo

Ditto Eileen...well said!!!! Michael is "our" treasure and WE don't judge others :) Many Bolton adventures to all of us!!!! 
Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Eileen,


Loved your comments and I don't think you went on - think you told it like it is for the majority of us.  I, for one, as I have said before, never in my wildest dreams, thought when I purchased my laptop that I was going to meet such a bunch of people; be made so welcome onto this site and become, in such a short time, FRIENDS with so many of you.  I feel too that whilst we have all come together, through Michael's music; our admiration of the man and the laughter we share together we are maybe forgetting that we don't know each other.; some do more than others because they have met, because they have been on this site for so long; because of natural vibes that  humankind get toward each other - but we do not know each other ..... we don't even know Michael......we don't know all our backgrounds, all our histories nor all our little foibles but, the one constant thing we do know is that, we are all different, we are all unique...we all have our different goals in life... our different dreams we want to achieve and we all have our different points of view on every matter that involves life on this planet but maybe what should remember to do is to respect and attempt to tolerate all our individual differences ....I know that is what I have always attempted to do in life but I know too I'm still learning how to do it and I hope too, that by meeting all of you such beautiful individual characters and by allowing myself to get to know all of you, I will enrich my life.   Maybe we should remember too that if we were all the same.......OMG, imagine even two of me on this planet.....oh no, one is enough - please, all stay different - PLEASE !!!!!!   lol.    


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

As only the one of a kind...the Wee One.... could say!!! delightful reading my friend and oh so true :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks Kathy !   Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Thanks everyone!  I just really had to say how I felt! We are one big family!  Time to go to bed now! My husband is having a heart procedure tomorrow morning at 6am we have to leave the house by 5am .  Its going to be a long day but I will have my phone on and reading everyones comments!  Love you guys!  Say a prayer that all goes well tomorrow! Thanks!


Love Eileen 

Oh my goodness Eileen....just as I said before....we are all going through some sort of a mini-crisis or another. Your husband is definitely in my prayers!!! My husband is having an EEG tomorrow after a skull fracture caused when fighting a car fire and it exploded. He is a firefighter. I know what you are going through....big hug to you!!!! We are all here for support :)

KAthy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy and Bob,


You KNOW I send you both every best wish I can - thinking of you always and especially for today - Bob, you remember,  do as your told!!!!!!!!!  :D.


Sylvia.    YOUR wee Scottish FRIEND.

Thank you Wee One :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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